1.High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang, Dongfang and Ledong, Hainan海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告

1.High-tech Agricultural Development in Changjiang, Dongfang and Ledong, Hainan海南昌江、东方、乐东三县市高新农业调查报告
2.Musical Culture of Southeast Asia: Instruments and their Functions in Instrumental Ensemble;东南亚音乐文化:器乐重奏中的乐器和乐器功能
3.He has great enthusiasm for Eastern music.他特别钟情于东方音乐。
4.The Comparision of Music Styles of Cantonese Dulcimer and Northeastern Dulcimer;广东音乐扬琴、东北扬琴音乐风格特征之比较
5.Acoustic design of the chamber music hall of Xing Hai Concert Hall of Guangdong province广东星海音乐厅室内乐厅的声学设计
6.Kim Chongjik s Opinion of Yuefu and Features of Yuefu in Dongdu;浅谈金宗直乐府观和《东都乐府》的特点
7.Shaman music--The original of the national and folk music of Northeast China;萨满音乐——东北民族民间音乐之源
8.Wish the scientific undertakings of Shandong and China more prosperous every day!请欣赏山东民族乐团演奏的鼓乐:《龙腾虎跃》!
9.Guangdong Music composed in the Guangzhou dialect area,广东音乐产生于广州方言区的器乐品种,
10.A Study of the Features of Music in Anthony Burgess s Musicalized Novels;安东尼·伯杰斯音乐化小说的音乐特征研究
11.Looking at the Change of Musical Instrumental Suspension System of Zhou Dynasty from Musical Archeology Discoveries in Shandong Province;从山东音乐考古发现看周代乐悬制度的演变
12.An Initial Probe into the Local Music Culture of the Eastern Guizhou Province Introduced into the Music Classroom of Universities对黔东本土音乐文化走进高师音乐课堂的初探
13.Baile Records was set up together by Baile International Records (Hong Kong) Company Limited and Guangdong Baile Movie and TV Cultural Communications Co., Ltd.佰乐唱片由佰乐国际唱片(香港)公司与广东佰乐联手打造。
14.Chindonya are performers who use drums, instruments and dance to publicize businesses.使用大鼓、乐器及舞蹈的东西屋乐队,是个为广告商表演的乐团。
15.How Ancient Chinese Music Came to Japan, A Study of the Formation of the Japanese Music Institution Gagakuryo;中国古代音乐文化东流日本的研究——日本雅乐寮音乐制度的形成
16.Primary Analysis about the Difference of Yangqin Performance between Guangdong and Dongbei;简析广东音乐扬琴与东北扬琴演奏技法的差异
17.ASEAN Chambers of Commerce and Industry "Regional Industry Club"东盟工商协会地区工业俱乐部
18.I'd love to. Should I bring anything?我很乐意参加。要带些什么东西吗?

Ledong gas field乐东气田
1.Geochemical behaviors and reservoiring history of natural gas in Ledong gas field in Yinggehai basin;莺歌海盆地乐东气田天然气地化特征和成藏史
1.Study on HPLC Fingerprint of Donglegao;东乐膏HPLC指纹图谱研究
4)Ledong County乐东县
1.787 soil samples of 5 soil types were taken from 11 towns in Ledong county of Hainan province and their available sulfur contents were analyzed.结果表明:乐东县土壤有效硫含量平均为45。
5)Hainan Ledong海南乐东
6)Lechang of Guangdong广东乐昌
1.An assemblage of Quaternary fossil mammals is collected from Lechang of Guangdong Province, China.广东乐昌第四纪大熊猫—剑齿象动物群计有5目15属16种,主要属种有大熊猫洞穴亚种、东方剑齿象、中国犀、中国黑熊、水鹿和水牛等,这些都是南方大熊猫-剑齿象动物群的典型分子,与曲江马坝动物群、封开黄岩洞动物群比较接近,时代为中更新世末期或晚更新世早期。
