乡村工业化,Rural industrialization
1)Rural industrialization乡村工业化
1.The Modern Rural Industrialization and Local Transition of Society and Economy in the Yangloudong Tea Area;羊楼洞茶区近代乡村工业化与地方社会经济变迁
2.Against this background, Fei Xiaotong thank that alone depends of the development of agriculture and city industry, far enough to solve the crisis in the rural areas of China, China must manage to achieve rural industrialization.面对这种形势,费孝通论证了单靠发展农业和都市工业,远不足以解决中国农村的危机,旗帜鲜明地提出中国要实现乡村工业化
3.He thought that agriculture played a vital role;the natioanal economic development had no choice but to depend on agriculture;the Chinese agricultural modernization should stick to socialism;the agricultural collectivization should follow mechanization;science and technology should be depended upon;and the diversified management,rural commodity economy,rural industrialization should be develope他认为农业在中国具有举足轻重的作用,经济建设必须以农业为基础;中国的农业现代化必须坚持社会主义方向,走先机械化再集体化的道路;主张依靠科技,通过开展多种经营,发展农村商品经济和乡村工业化等途径来实现农业现代化。

1.On the China s Country Industrialization from the View of the Relation Harmony in the Urban and Rural;城乡关系协调视角下的中国乡村工业化
2.Fei Xiaotong's View on the Necessity of Rural Industrialization in the Republic of China and Its Enlightenment费孝通论民国乡村工业化的必要性及启示
3.People s Livelihood and Country Industrialization--Also on choice ofdevelopment road to the elimination ofurban-rural dual structure;论民生问题与乡村工业化——兼论消除城乡二元结构的发展道路选择
4.An Analysis on Land Use Change and Driving Forces in Rural Industrialized Areas--A Case Study of Jinjiang City, Fujian;乡村工业化地区土地利用变化及驱动力分析——以福建省晋江市为例
5.The patterns of the industrialization and urbanization of China’s rural areas;我国乡村工业化城市化发展模式辨析——兼论西部地区工业化城市化道路选择
6.The Modern Rural Industrialization and Local Transition of Society and Economy in the Yangloudong Tea Area;羊楼洞茶区近代乡村工业化与地方社会经济变迁
7.Improvement and Revolution--The Choices for the Village Industrialization Made by the Sociologists in the 1930 s;改良与革命——20世纪30年代社会学家对乡村工业化道路的选择
8.On the Rising and Declining of Village s Semi-industrialization of Modern China;论近代中国乡村“半工业化”的兴衰——以华北乡村手工织布业为例
9.The Efforts on Industrialization in Post WW II: the Birth and Development of Industry Demonstrating Project (1946-1949);战后工业化的努力:乡村工业示范的兴起和发展
10.Semi-Industrialization:An Analysis of the Developing Course of Village-Handicraft in Modern China;半工业化:近代乡村手工业发展进程的一种描述
11.Development of the Useful and Discarding of the Useless in Countryside Tourism and the Design of Post Industrialization Theme Products;乡村旅游的扬弃与后工业化主题产品设计
12.The Western European Rural Industry and the Rise of Rural Textile Industry in the Later Middle Age;中世纪晚期西欧乡村工业及乡村纺织业的兴起
14.The Significance of the Population Pressure for the Rural Industry during the British Proto-Industrialization Period;英国原工业化时期人口压力对乡村工业兴起的意义
15.Town and township enterprises develop very fast.乡镇企业异军突起,蓬勃发展,基本实现农村工业化、业现代化、民奔小康和城乡一体化。
16.The Development of Agriculture and Rural Industry in Pre Industrial East Anglia, England前工业化时期英国东盎哥利亚农业和乡村毛纺业的发展
17.Reform and Opening-up and the Advancement of Rural Industrialization--A Case Study of Township Enterprises in Guangdong改革开放与农村工业化的推进——以广东乡镇企业发展为例
18.From the Industrialization of the Rural Areas to the Integration of Urban and Rural Areas:The Innovative Evolution and Significance of the Zhejiang Model;从农村工业化到城乡一体化:浙江模式的创新演进及意义

country industrialization乡村工业化
1.Realizing the new style country industrialization rapidly is the basic power and the core way to realize the strategy of the harmony development of the rural and urban in China.在城乡关系协调的过程中推进乡村工业化,必须重视乡镇企业在新时期的转型与发展,创新农业产业化经营与运作模式,不断培育壮大农业企业家的人力资本支撑,最终实现城乡协调互动基础上的共同繁荣与进步。
2.This paper starts with the Export-oriented country industrialization of The Pearl River Delta that begins from the application of China s openning up and reforming policy.从改革开放后珠江三角洲外向型乡村工业化入手,分析其对区域空间的影响,并从区域增长与制度供给层面、华南宗族聚居特征与重商传统等角度探讨其与城中村建设的关系,从而搭建一个对珠江三角洲大都市地区高密集城中村形成的大致分析框架。
3)rural industrialized area乡村工业化地区
4)rural industrialization in the republic of China民国乡村工业化
5)rural industry乡村工业
1.Based on extensive fieldwork in Nanzhuang Village, the article analyses the essential factors that influence spatial networks of rural industry.以南庄村的实际调查为基础 ,分析了乡村工业的空间网络要素及其网络特征 ,指出 :乡村工业网络结构日趋复杂完善 ,网络特性看好 ,钢卷尺生产和经营的网络格局以南庄村为中心向四周扩散
2.Since 1840, The rural industry in the Northeast of Jiangxi have suffered a severe shift from prosperity to ruin and groped for a road to rise unexpectedly in the trouble.近代以来,赣东北地区的乡村工业经历了一个由盛而衰及在困境中摸索崛起的过程。
3.The Western European rural industry became flourishing in the Later Mi ddle Age.中世纪晚期西欧乡村工业的发展蔚为壮观,其时乡村工业主要有家庭副业、家庭作坊和分散的手工工场等形式。
6)village industry乡村工业
1.Fei Xiao-tong s Economy of Jiang Village,which puts forward a plan of the "industry going into the countryside",and,taking the countryside as the foundation,by way of a lot of links such as the resolving of food problem,the necessity of sidelines and their practical predicament,the technological improvement of the village industry,the.社会主义新农村建设热潮的兴起表明中国农村发展和乡村城市的重新定位,费孝通先生在《江村经济》中探讨的“工业下乡”的构想,以农村为本位,通过饥饿问题、副业的必要性和实际困境、乡村工业的技术改进、以合作为原则的乡村小型企业的发展以及外界变革力量的引入等多个环节,揭示了“乡村内生城市化”的机理,为思索中国农村发展道路问题提供了启发和参考。

公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)公理化方法(见公理化和形式化)axiomatical method  gongllbuafangfa公理化方法化和形式化。(axiomatieal method)见公理