农地租赁,farmland leasing
1)farmland leasing农地租赁
1.Research into farmland leasing in agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业合作中的农地租赁问题探究
2.The unstable relationship between Taiwanese and peasants in farmland leasing,and the difficulty in leasing farmland of Taiwanese firm,are key factors hindering the agricultural cooperation from furtherly developing between Fujian and Taiwan.台商与农户之间不稳定的农地租赁关系,以及台商租地难等问题,成为影响当前闽台农业进一步合作的关键问题。
3.In order to defend the peasant′s legitimate farmland rights,we should perfect the contracting and operating right to farmland,complete the farmland leasing market,strengthen the organi.为此,应当通过完善农地承包经营权、健全农地租赁市场、创新农地合作模式以及提高农民组织化程度等方式,来维护合作中农民正当的土地权益。

1.On the Law Thinking of Land Tenancy System of Countryside in China --Additionally Building and Perfecting the Leasehold of Countryside Land;关于农地租赁制度的法律思考——兼谈我国农地租赁权的构建与完善
2.Research into farmland leasing in agricultural cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业合作中的农地租赁问题探究
3.Problems of Taiwanese Leasing Farmland in Agricultural Cooperation between Fujian and Taiwan;闽台农业合作中的台商农地租赁问题探析
4.An Experimental Economic Research about Trust and Agricultural Land Leasing Institution;信任与农地租赁制度实施的实验经济研究
5.The Formation and Development Trend of the Balanced Price of Renting Arable Land;农地租赁均衡价格形成及演变的实证研究
6.Investigation and Analysis of Land Tenancy under the Policy of Benefiting Peasants in Central-south Area in Hubei Province;惠农政策下鄂中南地区农地租赁问题的调查与分析
7.An Analysis of Influence of Agricultural Subsidy Policy on Decision-making in Farmland Market;农业补贴政策对农地租赁市场中供给和需求决策的影响分析
8.Leasing Market and the Scale of Farm Land;农地租赁市场与农业规模经营——基于江、浙、鲁地区农业经营大户的调查
9.Jiangsu Agricultuere and Reclamation Land Tenancy System and Two-Tier Management Pattern Research;江苏农垦土地租赁制度与双层经营模式研究
10.System of farmland contracted and rented by family: an effective way to depeen the reform of the system of the rent, tax, and fees on the rural land;家庭承包租赁制:深化农村土地租税费制度改革的有效途径
11.allow the foreign business people to lease land;允许对外商划地租赁;
12.The place where the leased property is used shall be deemed to be the place of the performance of the contract for financial leasing.租赁物的使用地为融资租赁合同的履行地。
13.Developing Motivation Of Chinese Agriculture: Biological Technology Development,Market And Land Let/Rent;中国农业的发展动力:生物技术进步、市场化和土地租赁
14.an owner or tenant of a small farm in Great Britain.在英国拥有或租赁小块农田的人。
15.(British) a person owning or renting a smallholding.(英国)拥有或租赁小块农田的人。
16.On the Connotation,Rights Structure and Measure of Land Rent of Land-lease in China s Cities;我国城市土地租赁的内涵、权利构造与地租量化
17.Research on Land Leasehold for Land Asset Disposal in State-owned Enterprises;国企土地资产处置中土地租赁的研究
18.Financing lease has been the dominant mode of civil aircraft lease in china.在我国民用飞机租赁方式中,融资租赁方式始终居于主导地位。

leasehold of countryside land农地租赁权
3)agricultural tenancy农地租赁;农地租约
4)land leasing institution农地租赁制度
5)farming machinery lease农机租赁
1.With characteristics of present rural economy ,the paper analyzed the agricultural machinery’s funtion to agriculture and rural economy, explored a new type of agricultural machinery service—farming machinery lease and made a discussion on its feasibility and specific running model.结合当前农村经济的特点,分析了农业机械化对农业和农村经济的作用,探索一种新型的农机服务形式—农机租赁。
6)rural land leasehold market农村土地租赁市场

农业用地租赁农业用地租赁 【农业用地租赁】农户使用农业用地要支付地租。支付地租的形式可以是货币形式或实物形式或劳动形式。农业用地租赁包括两个层次:第一层次为集体土地的权属代表将土地出租给农户或者其他农业用地使用者,第二层次为已获土地使用权者出租或转包土地。农业用地租赁是农用地由无偿使用制到有偿使用制的重大变革,农业用地租赁主要有以下几种形式:1.招标租赁:确定不同土地的标底,公开招标,中标者承租经营土地,且交纳地租。2.土地有偿转包:转包土地的经济补偿由双方协商解决。3.人股分红:土地使用权折价入股,联合经营土地,按股分红。4.定租制:根据土地收益、等级确定固定租金。以中国的实际情况看,农业用地租赁制实行起来难度较大,这是因为:农业产品价格未理顺,农村中存在着大量剩余劳动力,农业用地权属主体代表不明确,所以农业用地由无偿使用变为有偿使用要经过一个较长的过程,随着非农产业的发展,农村剩余劳动力的转移,农产品价格渐渐理顺,农业用地租赁制将逐步实现。农业用地租赁强化了农民集体土地所有权,使之既得到法律上承认,又得到经济上承认。农业用地租赁也强化了农户使用土地的权力,农户取得了土地的使用权、收益权和部分占有权。土地租约受到国家法律保护,使承租人消除了使用土地的疑虑,专心致志地生产。农业用地租赁使农用地得到合理调整,为农业规模经营创造了物资条件。农业用地租凭是调节农业生产结构合理化的重要经济手段,不同土地有不同的地租,这就引导农户作出合理的经营决策,从而使农、林、牧、副、渔得到全面发展。农业用地租赁制是扩大土地经营规模与实行集体化经营的重要手段,对促进农村进一步深化改革具有重大意义。