家庭经营,family management
1)family management家庭经营
1.There are three kinds of operation in form including family management,enterprise operation and cooperative organization operation,family management still be the major style which scale is too small.我国私有林的经营形式包括家庭经营、企业经营、合作组织经营三种。
2.With the theory of institutional changes of new institutional economics, this article analyses the causes of new agricultural machinery working organization generation, under the condition of family management in china.文章运用新制度经济学的制度变迁理论,分析了现阶段,在家庭经营的条件下,我国新型农机作业组织产生的原因,并运用交易成本理论对各种农机作业组织形式进行分析比较,指出各种组织形式的优缺点及适用范围,为各地选择适合的农机作业组织形式提供帮助,为在家庭经营条件下实现农业机械化提供道路选择。
3.There exists a series of theoretical or practical mistakes if the industrialization of agriculture in China,such as particularly stressing on the leading enterprise;making light of farmers organization,unilaterally pursuing scale management, weakening family management,and excessive specialization,etc.我国在推进农业产业化的过程中,存在过于偏重大型龙头企业,轻视农户组织,片面追求规模经营,弱化家庭经营,过度专业化等一系列的理论或实践误区,影响了农业产业化的健康发展。

1.mom and pop store [ stand ][美]夫妻店, 家庭经营的小零售店[小摊]
2.On the Basic Status of Household Business in Rural Co-operatives Development;论家庭经营在农村合作经济发展中的基础地位
3.Agricultural Management System & Division of Labour on The Basis of Specialization--concurrently discusses household management and large-scale production;农业经营体制和专业化分工——兼论家庭经营与规模经济之争
4.Cost Analysis and Managerial Decision Making in the Household Industry :the Plastic Industry in Baiyangdian as an Example家庭经营的成本核算与经营决策 以白洋淀塑料加工户为例
5.Study on the Management Status Quo of Herding Households in the Anthropology Vision;从人类学的视角分析牧区家庭经营方式现状
6.The Tendency Towards Farmers Concurrent Business and Its Influence on Family Management System;农民兼业化及其对家庭经营制度的影响
7.Studies on Farmers income from Household Business of Main Grain-producing Area;粮食主产区农民家庭经营收入问题研究
8.On the Two Administrative Structures of Domestic Contract Management: Domestic Individual Management & Domestic Farm Management;论家庭承包经营的二个层次:家庭独劳经营和家庭农场经营
9.They deal in household stores.他们经营家庭用品。
10.I have a well-to-do family in the middle class. My father owns an old Japanese restaurant.家庭小康,父亲经营一家日本餐馆。
11.current income and outlay of households and nonprofit institutions家庭和非营利机构经常收支
12.Reexamination of the Performance of Family Responsibility System;农业家庭承包经营责任制绩效再检验
13.The Research of Yanbian Modern Agricultural Development Question延边地区农户家庭生产经营特征分析
14.Institutional Change: from Household Contract Management to Cooperatives制度变迁:从家庭承包经营到合作社
15.Analysis of Effective Factors on Agricultural Machinery Scale Management in Typical Farm家庭农场农机规模经营影响因素分析
16.The family owns a franchise chain of restaurants .这个家庭拥有一个特许经营的联营餐馆公司。
17.The relationship between domestic stucture and the permanent managenment of family enterprises in China;中国家庭结构变迁与家族企业的永续经营
18.Enlarging the Scale of Household Business to Stabilize Rural Household Contract System;扩大家庭土地经营规模 保持农村家庭承包制的稳定

Household operation家庭经营
1.Some people suggest that the essential cause is the contradiction between household operation and uniform market, so they have doult about household operation.近几年,“三农”问题日益成为人们关注的焦点,很多人认为,家庭分散经营与统一市场之间的矛盾是产生“三农”问题的根本原因,因此对家庭经营这种形式产生质疑。
3)household management家庭经营
1.An Empirical Analysis on the Technical Efficiencies and the Decomposition of TFP of Farmer s Household Management;农户家庭经营技术效率与全要素生产率增长分解(1999~2003年)——基于随机前沿生产函数与来自湖北省农户的微观证据
2.The necessity of strengthening household management and its new approaches was discussed in this paper.本文论述了加强农户家庭经营管理的必要性,探讨了农户家庭经营管理的新途径。
4)family operation家庭经营
1.This paper discusses five problems including family operation, appropriate scale management of agriculture, agriclultural industrialzation, transfer of surplus agricultural labor, and stitutions of agricultural land.本文从家庭经营、规模经营、农业产业化、农村剩余劳动力、农地制度创新等5个方面总结了理论界对小农经济改造的争议与研究,并认为改造小农经济应以邓小平“两个飞跃”理论作为理论基础。
5)domestic management家庭经营
1.With the full development of rural economy,the household economy within the system of domestic management has changed fundamentally,and played an important role in the rural development,but its development is radically restricted at the present.随着我国农村经济的全面发展,家庭经营制度下的农户经济发生了根本性变化。
6)family management system家庭经营制
1.This paper analyzes two types of agricultural economic organizations, namely, the family management system and enterprise plus farmer from the perspective of system economics, and points out the proof that the long-time existence of family economic organization and its low efficiency lies in different characteristics, one-purpose use of the capitals and the uncertainty of the agricultural economy.对家庭经营制和“企业+农户”两种农业经济组织形式进行了制度经济学分析。

电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度  电信业务经营许可证制度和经营申报制度中国通信主管部门根据国家规定,对放开经营的电信业务实行经营许可证制度和经营申报制度实行经营许可证制度的电信业务有:无线电寻呼;80OMHZ集群电话;45OMHz无线电移动通信;国内VSAT(甚小天线地球站)通信;邮电部批准实行经营许可证制度的其他电信业务。实行经营申报制度的电信业务有:电话信息服务;计算机信息眼务;电子信箱;电子数据交换;可视图文;邮电部批准实行申报制度的其他电信业务。 申办经营许可证和申报批文的程序是:通信主管部门在收到全部申请材料后,按照经营电信业务的基本条件进行审核,对符合基本条件的单位进行综合评述,择优确定经营单位,核发经营许可证和申报批文,并分批向社会公布。电信业务经营许可证由邮电部统一印制。申办经营无线电通信业务的单位,须按照规定的审批权限到邮电部或当地邮电管理局申请办理经营许可证,并凭经营许可证到无线电管理部门申请使用频率,再到工商行政管理部门办理工商注册登记或经营范围变更手续。对实行经营许可证制度的电信业务,通信主管部门可根据通信资源及市场情况,确定发放经营许可证的数量或作出暂停审批的决定。