建设用地审批,examine and approve of constructive land
1)examine and approve of constructive land建设用地审批
1.Research on Examine and Approve of Constructive Land Management System Based on GIS;基于GIS的建设用地审批管理系统研究

1.Research on Examine and Approve of Constructive Land Management System Based on GIS;基于GIS的建设用地审批管理系统研究
2.The Research of Some Technology in the Examination and Approving of Constructive Land of City-level or Country-level;市、县级建设用地审批的若干技术研究
3.The examination and approval system for the use of land for construction must be implemented strictly and the development scale of cities controlled so as to efficiently use the available land and increase the land utilization rate.严格执行建设用地审批制度,控制城市发展规模,盘活存量土地,提高土地使用效率;
4.Technical Claims for the Necessary Maps in the Examination and Approval of the Construction of Projects;浅谈建设项目用地审批所需图件的技术要求
5.Elementary discussion on the pre-checking and approbation application means of construction project land using for the large sized WR-hydropower project;浅谈大型水利水电工程建设项目用地预审报批办法——百色水利枢纽工程建设用地预审
6.Article 44 Whereas occupation of land for construction purposes involves the conversion of agricultural land into land for construction purposes, the examination and approval procedures in this regard shall be required.第四十四条 建设占用土地,涉及农用地转为建设用地的,应当办理农用地转用审批手续。
7.The CPLD is responsible for considering and endorsing land use plans and major development proposals.规划及土地发展委员会负责审批土地用途图则及主要发展建议。
8.Computer aided censoring system for construction land-occupation;建设用地计算机辅助审查系统的研究
9.The Application of Workflow Technology in Constructing Approval System Based on B/S Framework;基于B/S架构的工作流技术在建设审批系统中的应用
10.The architect submitted the plans for approval.建 师将设计图表交付审批.
11.Surveying "Behavioral Finance",from "Critic" to "Builder";审视“行为财务学”:由“批判者”到“建设者”
13.In building e-goverment,online approving system is a key link.电子政务建设中,网上审批系统的建设尤为重要。
14.Research on the Mechanism and Principles of Prequalification for Land Use of Construction Projects;建设项目用地预审的作用机制与原则研究
15.Research and Implementation of Approved Construction Land Using Supervision on Information Technology建设用地批后实施监管业务的信息化实现研究
16.Research on reforms of administrative examination regulations of earthquake fortification of building project建设项目抗震设防行政审批制度改革研究
17.Image Aided Construction Land Examination System Based on Raster Image基于栅格图片的建设用地图形辅助审查系统
18.The specific projects within the scope of land approved for conversion shall be approved by the people's governments of cities or counties.在已批准的农用地转用范围内,具体建设项目用地可以由市、县人民政府批准。

examine and approve of constructive lands建设用地审地
3)constructive land electro-offer建设用地报批
1.The system can be connected with constructive land electro-offer system,land changing investigation system and land exchange system and so on.介绍了土地勘测定界系统的功能设计,阐述了成果制作过程,实现了与建设用地报批、土地变更、土地市场交易等的无缝衔接。
4)land permission用地审批
5)Approved Construction Land Using Supervision建设用地批后实施监管
1.Research and Implementation of Approved Construction Land Using Supervision on Information Technology建设用地批后实施监管业务的信息化实现研究
6)Constructing approval system建设审批系统

城镇居民住宅建设用地审批程序城镇居民住宅建设用地审批程序 【城镇居民住宅建设用地审批程序】城镇非农业户口居民因建筑住宅而需要使用集体所有土地的审批程序。一般审批程序为:1.城镇非农业户口居民建住宅需要使用集体所有土地的,应当经其所在单位或居民委员会同意后,向土地所在的农村集体经济组织或者村民委员会或者乡镇农民集体经济组织提出用地申请。2.用地审批。所要使用土地属于村民集体所有的,由村民代表会或者村民大会讨论通过,经乡镇人民政府审查同意后,报县人民政府批准;使用的土地属于乡镇农民集体所有的,由乡镇居民集体经济组织讨论通过,经乡镇人民政府审查同意后,报县级人民政府批准。3.用地申请批准后,用户应参照国家建设征用土地的标准向土地所有者支付土地补偿费和安置补助费。4.由乡土地管理人员划拨土地。住宅峻工验收后,颁发集体土地建设用地使用证。