土地补偿费,Land compensation
1)Land compensation土地补偿费
1.There is a striking real contradiction of land compensation in our country s requisition of rural land.我国农地征用中有关土地补偿费的现实矛盾十分突出。

1.Compensation fees for land requisitioned include land compensation fees, resettlement fees and compensation for attachments to or green crops on the land.征用耕地的补偿费用包括土地补偿费、安置补助费以及地上附着物和青苗的补偿费。
2.Where it is necessary to requisition land, the enterprise shall, according to law, pay compensation for the land and for the evacuees and help the evacuees to settle down.征用土地的,应当依法支付土地补偿费和安置补偿费,做好迁移居民的安置工作。
3.But the combined total of land compensation fees and resettlement fees shall not exceed 30 times the average output value of the three years prior to the requisition.但是,土地补偿费和安置补助费的总和不得超过土地被征用前三年平均年产值的三十倍。
4.The land compensation fees shall be 6-10 times the average output value of the three years preceding the requisition of the cultivated land.征用耕地的土地补偿费,为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的六至十倍。
5.On the Standard of Compensation for Requisition of Land and Its Quantitative Method in Our Country;论我国土地征用补偿费标准及其定量方法
6.Old Age Security Should be Included in the Compensation of Land Requisition;土地征用补偿费中应包含养老保障因素
7.It is forbidden to embezzle or divert the land compensation fees and other related expenses.禁止侵占、挪用被征用土地单位的征地补偿费用和其他有关费用。
8.New Territories ex-gratia compensation rate新界土地特惠补偿率
9.On Whether the Unplanned Born Child Has the Qualification to Acquire Compensation for Collecting Countryside's Land论超生子女是否享有农村土地征收补偿费用资格
10.Research on Acceptance Subject of Land-requisition Compensation and Rights to Agricultural Land Development;征地补偿费受偿主体及农地发展权归属探究
11.On the Right of Land Development Farm Land Expropriation and Compensation System;土地发展权、农地征用及征地补偿制度
12.The Land Expropriation Compensation to the Same Price with the Rational Analysis土地征收补偿之同地同价的理性分析
13.The Study of Land Collection and Compensation System in China;我国土地征收补偿制度若干问题研究
14.Researching on the Long-term Compensation System of Land-collection and Land-purchasing;征、购集体土地长期补偿制度的研究
15.Just Compensation for Land Expropriation:Dream or Reality?;土地征收:公平补偿离我们有多远?
16.Reflections on Land Acquisition System and Land Acquisition Compensation System;关于土地征收及补偿制度的若干思考
17.Defects and Suggestion in China s Land Collection Compensation System;我国土地征收补偿制度的缺陷与反思
18.Meditation on the Land Imposition and Compensation System of Our Country;我国土地征收补偿制度的缺陷与完善

compensation for collecting countryside's land农村土地征收补偿费
3)land compensation土地补偿
1.One of the most important issues is the land compensation and laborreallocation for farmers, caused by public land requisition for new projectdevelopment.汹涌如潮的城市化和工业化,已成为我国全面加速发展的催化剂,但由此也带来一系列的社会问题,特别是为了项目建设用地征用农民集体土地而引发的土地补偿和劳动力安置问题,多次造成各地农民上访事件,从某种角度上讲,形成了社会不安定因素,成为我国“三农”问题中仅次于税费改革的第二个焦点。
4)land requisition compensation cost征地补偿费
1.The purpose of the paper is to confirm and distribute land requisition compensation cost, harmonize the benefits of government, village and present,presents, the rights and interests of the presents.征地补偿费的确定和分配一直是征地制度改革中重要的组成部分。
5)Land Compensation土地补偿款
1.Legal Cases of Land Compensation for Married Women from the Perspectives of Folk Laws and National Laws;民间法与国家法视野下的出嫁女土地补偿款案
6)land compensates土地补偿金

土地补偿费土地补偿费 用前年产值的3一6倍计。年产值按被征地前三年的平均产量及国家规定的价格计算。2.征用园地、鱼塘、藕塘、养殖场及其他多年生经济作物的土地,按邻近耕地补偿标准计算。3.其他土地征用补偿标准,由省、自治区、直辖市参照征用耕地补偿费标准确定;属于有收益的非耕地的土地补偿费,按该地征用前三年平均年产值的3一6倍计;征用无收益土地,不予补偿。4.被征土地的青苗补偿费标准,由省、自治区、直辖市规定。一般情况下,对于多年生经济林木,要尽量移植,由用地单位支付移植费,不能移植的,按实际价补偿;对于刚播种的农作物,按季产值的1/3补偿;对于成长农作物,按季产值补偿。5.被征用土地上的房屋、水井、树木等附着物的补偿标准,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制定。6.征用城市郊区的菜地,按国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。标准为:百万人口城市,每征一亩菜地,缴纳7《XX)一1仪众)元;城市人口在50万以上,不足百万人口的城市,每征用一亩菜地,缴纳5(X刀一7(拟)元;在京、津、沪所辖县征用为供应直辖市居民吃菜的菜地,也按该标准缴纳;在城市人口不足50万的市,每征用一亩莱地,缴纳30汉)一50以)元。各省、自治区、直辖市根据以上标准,做出自己的标准,但不得超出以上标准限额。【土地补偿费】亦称“征地补偿费”。国家建设依法征用集体土地,由用地单位支付给被征地单位的一定费用,作为对土地投人的经济补偿费用。它包括耕地及其他土地补偿费;地上附着物补偿费,其中包括各建筑物或构筑物拆迁补偿费、青苗补偿费、多年生林补偿费、新菜地开发建设基金等。各项费用的计算标准是:1.征用耕地的补偿费标准为该耕地被征