孟州市,Mengzhou City
1)Mengzhou City孟州市
1.The field engineering geological prospecting for the integral moving of the Mengzhou City official building is divided into two parts including moving route and permanent foundation.孟州市政府办公大楼整体搬迁的场地工程地质勘察,分部进行,即划分成搬迁路径和永久性地基两个单元。

1.Tailijie Co., Ltd. Mengzhou Henan河南孟州市泰利杰有限责任公司
2.Henan Mengzhou City Xinyuan Limited-Liability Co.河南孟州市鑫源有限责任公司
3.Characteristics and potential of oil source rocks in Shizhuang,Mengzhou city,Henan province河南省孟州市石庄生油岩特点及潜力分析
4.On the Land Use/Cover Change in Mengzhou City Based on GIS Spatial Analysis基于GIS空间分析的孟州市土地利用/覆盖变化研究
5.State Assemblyman Jimmy Meng and City Councilman John Liu attended the meeting.州众议员孟广瑞和市议员刘醇逸皆出席了会议。
6.Every August, people who love the music of Elvis Presley gather in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee for a celebration called @Elvis Week@.每年8月,喜欢猫王音乐的人聚集在他的家乡田纳西州孟菲斯市庆祝“猫王纪念周”。
7.Simulation on Regional Spatial Land Use Patterns Using Geographically Weighted Regression:A Case Study of Menghe Town,Changzhou地理加权回归在区域土地利用格局模拟中的应用——以常州市孟河镇为例
8.Exploration of the Composing Years of Letter to Han Jingzhou and To Meng Haoran by Li Bai;李白《与韩荆州书》《赠孟浩然》著年考论
9.The Exi River in Taizhou and the Route Taken by Men Haoran to Mount Tantai;台州恶溪与孟浩然来天台山路径新说
10.On Zhao Mengfu's Heritage and Development to the Huzhou Bamboo Art School论赵孟頫对湖州竹派艺术的传承和发扬
11.Nrutya Lok( The Folk World) comes from the city of Bombay, India` s commercial and financial center.孟买民间舞蹈团来自印度商业和金融中心孟买市。
12.the capital and largest city of Bangladesh.孟加拉国首都和最大城市。
13.Working in Bombay The City As Generator of Practice在孟买做建筑 城市作为实践的发生器
14.C:King Meng-fu of 2F 16 Chin Shan South Road, Taipei.台北市金山南路16号2楼的金孟芙。
15.On the Origin of "The Country besieges he City" by He Mengxiong;何孟雄“农村包围城市”思想的渊源
16.a city of southeastern India on the Bay of Bengal.印度东南部的一个城市,位于孟加拉湾沿岸。
17.Modern Propulsion Equipment for New Bombay Suburban Trains孟买新型市郊电动车组用现代化牵引设备
18.Markets in Mumbai, Singapore, Seoul and Tokyo rose by more than 3 per cent.孟买、新加坡、首尔和东京股市涨幅均超过3%。

1.However, until now,there has not been a systematic reseach on the phonology of the Mengzhou dialact.孟州位于河南省西北部,东临温县,北连沁阳,西接济源、吉利,南与孟津、偃师、巩义隔黄河相望。
3)Mengzhou dialect孟州方言
1.The thesis is intended to make a more systematic description, analysis and interpretation of the reduplication phenomenon of grammer in Mengzhou dialect.本文对孟州方言语法中较有特色的重叠现象进行描写、分析和解释,主要根据普通话、晋方言、河南方言以及汉语其他方言的研究成果,将孟州方言与它们的重叠现象进行共时比较,揭示它们的共同点与差异。
4)Mengzhou dialects孟州话
1.Based on the data investigated mostly by the author, this dissertation studies Mengzhou dialects by using multi-theory that includes geographical linguistic, lexical diffusion and historical comparison, etc.第三章,从语音特点看孟州话的地理差异。
5)Guangzhou supermarket广州市超市
1.This article researched fluorquinolones concentration in the vegetables of the Guangzhou supermarket and the Dongguan vegetable fields and did the study on the preliminary evaluation of its health risk safety.本论文对广州市超市和东莞市蔬菜基地蔬菜中喹诺酮类抗生素污染特征进行研究,并初步评价其健康风险安全。
6)Zhengzhou City郑州市
1.Application of strategic environmental assessment in integrative planning for water resources in Zhengzhou City;战略环境评价在郑州市水资源综合规划中的应用
2.Monitoring and analysis of water quality of Dongfeng River in Zhengzhou City;郑州市东风渠水质监测与分析
3.Heat island effect and human body comfortable degree in Zhengzhou city;郑州市热岛效应研究与人体舒适度评价
