流转市场,Transfer market
1)Transfer market流转市场
1.In this paper,it is believed that the transfer of rural land should take the operational mechanism combining the planning control with market adjustment,a transfer market system,including the land market of ownership,the selling and the reselling markets of the land use rights.农村土地流转制度建设的重点是建立健全土地流转机制和流转市场

1.Study on the Market Circulation of Rural Land Contract and Management Rights;农村土地承包经营权流转市场化研究
2.Strengthening Rural Land Transfer Market and Promote Modern Agriculture Development;健全农地流转市场 促进现代农业发展
3.Our Country Countryside Land Circulation Marketability Institutional Innovations我国农村土地流转市场化的制度创新
4.Experience and reference from foreign countries of regulation of agricultural land market国外农地流转市场监管的经验与借鉴
5.Evaluation of the Rural Land Transfer Market Degree in Zhongxian County of Chongqing重庆市忠县农村土地流转市场化程度评价
6.The Survey on the Necessity of Rural Land Transfer Marketization--Based on Empirical Analysis of Rural Land Transfer in Zhongxian County农村土地流转市场化需求调查——基于忠县农村土地流转实证分析
7.On Urban and Rural Labor Force Transfer Market in Xinjiang;新疆城乡劳动力流转市场培育障碍与对策
8.A Tentative Analysis of the Construction of the Market and Intermediaries for the Right of Operation of Farm Land;试论农村土地经营权流转市场与中介组织建设
9.Study on Transference Market of Rural Land Contractual Management Right in Hubei Province湖北省农村土地承包经营权流转市场研究
10.Research on Establish and Improving the Circulation Market of Land Contractual Management Rights建立健全土地承包经营权流转市场研究
11.Study on the Market Mechanism of Rural Collective Construction Land Transfer我国农村集体建设用地流转市场机制研究
12.The Development of Rural Land Circulation Market in China Based on Institutional Perspective基于制度视角下我国农村土地流转市场的发展
13.Barriers of Rural Land Transference and the Establishment of Market-oriented Mechanism农村土地流转的障碍与市场化流转机制的建立
14.The System Design of the Marketization s Exchange of the Collective Construction Lands;集体建设用地市场化流转的制度设计
16.The Influencing Factors of Farmland Changing Market Circulation Mechanism Analysis and Construction农地流转的影响因素分析及市场化流转机制构建
17.Study on the Mainland China Logistics Market Transshipped by the Hong Kong Port;中国内地经香港港中转的物流市场研究
18.Discussion About Transformation Mode of Rural Land Market and Adjustment Structure of Agricultural Product;农村土地市场流转与农产品结构调整问题探讨

Farmland Rental Markets市场流转
1.Farmland Rental Markets Circulation and Land Redistribution: Theoretic and Empirical Analysis;农地承包经营权市场流转与行政性调整:理论与实证分析——基于农户层面和江西省实证研究
3)market-based circulation市场化流转
1.By using the research pattern of institutional economics,this paper discusses the reasons for market-based circulation of construction land and practice in some provinces,along with an analysis of its effect,concluding that market-based circulation is the general orientation of institutional reform of construction land index.运用制度经济学研究范式,阐释建设用地指标市场化流转的动因、局部探索,并分析其绩效,认为市场化流转是我国建设用地指标使用制度改革的基本方向,同时,提出了相关的规范建议。
4)the forest property right business market林权流转市场
1.According to the Zhejiang and Fujian province s fact of the forest reform, The author think that the precondition of the forest property right business includes two sides: one is that the forest property right must be perspicuity; the other is that there should be the forest property right business market.分析林权流转市场存在的问题:国家允不允许林权流转;林权流转是否需要国家政策规范;林权流转市场平台的建立是否需要政府促建。
5)turnover of woodland market林地的市场流转
6)the cultivated land market耕地流转市场

证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场) 证券发行市场(一级市场、初级市场)——  证券发行市场又称一级市场或初级市场,是发行人以筹集资金为目的,按照一定的法律规定和发行程序,向投资者出售新证券所形成的市场。证券发行市场作为一个抽象的市场,其买卖成交活动并不局限于一个固定的场所。