供地政策,Land supply policy
1)Land supply policy供地政策
1.land use planning and annual plan are concrete tools, land supply policy has very strong purpose, but no matter being taking enlarging supply as goal or being taking restraining demand as purpose ,land suppply policy will implement quantity of supply eventually, This paper combines market failure with specific city as well as theory of government failure think th.本文所指供地政策是城市管理部门对土地供求数量进行宏观调控的指导思想,规划、计划等在供地政策原则下制定和实施,是相应的政策手段。

1.Selection of Land Supply Policy Based on Urban Land Expansion in Developed Area--A Case of Maanshan City;经济发达地区城市用地扩展与供地政策选择——以马鞍山市为例
2.An Economic Analysis on the Effects of Land Supply Policy on Land Market Allocation Efficiency--Theory Analysis and Practical Verification供地政策对土地市场配置效率影响的经济学分析——理论研究与实践检验
3.Study on the Relationship between Land Supply Policy and Real Estate Market Restriction城市土地供应政策与房地产市场调控关系研究
4.A Theroetical and Empirical Study on Land Supply Policy Participation into Macro-economy Intervenetion;土地供给政策参与宏观调控的理论与实证研究
5.Economic Development of an Old Industrial Base must Depend on Good Policies and Plans;出政策 谋规划 为老工业基地经济建设提供服务
6.The Influence of the Externality of the Minority Cultural Products on the Supply Policy;民族地区文化产品外部性对供给政策的影响
7.Policy Providing for Rural Vulnerable Groups in Guizhou Minority Areas贵州少数民族地区农村弱势群体的政策供给
8.The impact of land supply policy on housing supply and prices土地供应政策对住房供给与住房价格的影响研究
9.Study on the Problems and Solutions of Land Supply Policy in the Urban Housing--A Case Study of Nanjing City;城市住房用地供应政策的问题与对策研究——以南京市为例
10.An Analysis of Influence of Agricultural Subsidy Policy on Decision-making in Farmland Market;农业补贴政策对农地租赁市场中供给和需求决策的影响分析
11.A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis of the Regional Effects of Monetary Policy:A Case Study of the Theory of the Aggregate Supply Curve;货币政策地区效应——基于地区总供给曲线的理论与实证分析
12.piped gas policy喉管式气体供应政策
13.alternative transport policy可供选择的交通政策
14.Policy and Service Delivery Support Section政策和提供服务支助科
15.During the Gallia War,Caesar formulated one economic policy-obtaining army provisions from local sources.高卢战争中,恺撒实行就地取粮的政策,具体包括:依靠同盟城镇供应;
16.It provides conservation services based on global policy, fieldwork, and scientific information.它以全球政策、实地调查和科学信息为基础向外界提供保护措施。
17.Taking into Account the APBF s Functions of Supplying Funds for Agriculture Countryside and Farmers at Under-developed Regions;论农业政策性金融在欠发达地区三农资金供给中的作用
18.A Constitutionalism Perspective of Public Policy--On Local Public Goods;宪政视角下的公共决策——从地方性公共物品的提供谈起

land supply policy土地供应政策
1.Acorrding to the changes of the land supply policy,this paper tries to cut the development of the market of Beijing land for commercial use into three phases.根据土地供应政策的变化,将北京市商服用地市场的发展分为三个阶段,分析土地供应政策对商服用地市场的影响;同时,运用土地竞租曲线和土地—资本替代弹性方法分析商服用地招拍挂出让市场的变化。
3)policy supply政策供给
1.By the provincial panel data from 1996 to 2003,this paper analyzes the relationship between local government s behavior norms,policy supply level and the development of private-owned enterprises.文章利用1996~2003年省级水平的面板数据,研究了地方政府的行为规范、政策供给水平与私营企业发展之间的关系。
2.Since the reforming and opening up to the outside world, the cause that the gap between town and the country has been broaden is the unbalance of policy supply and institution arrangement.改革开放以来,我国城乡差距不缩反扩的原因在于经济发展中城乡政策供给、制度安排的失衡。
3.For the reasons of system, culture and mechanism, there are obvious deficiencies existed in the policy supply of our country which presents as absence of a policy supplier, lack of policy harmony and weakness of group culture.由于体制、制度和文化的原因,我国的政策供给存在明显的不足,表现为政策供给主体缺位、政策协调性差、集群文化薄弱等。
4)supply policy供给政策
1.Since the inception of China capital market,there was a radical change of securities supply policy from the administrative auditing system under quota management to authoring system,from mainland preference,internal and overseas equality to prompt overseas bule-chip to return to A shares market and be cross-listed.着眼未来,以"扩大规模与优化结构"为核心的证券供给政策不仅是中国资本市场功能提升的基本前提与内在要求,而且对于防范金融风险、推进国际化以及国家发展模式战略转型具有重大意义。
5)water supply policy供水政策
1.But after the national water supply policy adjustments, water supply section also endeavors the reform from monopoly to the market orientation, the serious competition just the same faces to the water supply enterprises.然而,国家供水政策调整后,水务行业从垄断走向市场,供水企业目前面临着激烈竞争。
6)supply and demand of policy政策供求

《巩固抗日根据地及其各种基本政策》《巩固抗日根据地及其各种基本政策》Consolidate the Anti-Japanese Base Areas and All the Relevant Basic Policies  Gonggu KQng Ri Gen}udi iiqi GezhongJiben Zhengce《巩固抗日根据地及其各种基本政策))(consoziuate功e An,i一JaPanese刀aseAreas andAlltheRelevanrBasiePolicies)杨尚昆关于抗日根据地建设基本政策问题的军事著作。是杨尚昆于1940年7月在中共中央北方局党校的讲授提纲,全文约3.6万字,同年8月刊载f《前线》半月刊。 该文阐述了敌后根据地的战略作用,系统提出r关于巩[ifr]并发展抗口根据地的基本政策和原则。全文J七5个部分:①在日本浸略军占领区建仅根据地,把敌后变成敌人的前线,这种情况只有在,1,国才可能发生。敌后根钳地是坚持长期抗11游击战争的依托,是生色和壮大节命武装的源泉,是培植和发扬民力、进行人民战争所必需的各种建设的从地,是开展各种对敌斗争的堡卒,是维系沦陷区民心、鼓舞全国人民民族自信心的灯塔。要最终战胜口本帝国主义,必须巩}司地发展敌后根据地。巩固地发展根据地,必须以军事斗争为卜,同时进行政治、经济、文化等多方而的长期严酷斗争。②巩固抗日根据地要有各项正确的基本政策。制定政策要依据中114反帝反封建的新民主主义革命的性质,注意抗口战争的长期性和敌后环境的特点,把握抗口民族统1战线的总政策,’供持共产党的领导权。③巩1k]和扩‘大华北农村「1,的抗口民族统一战线,就应当坚持依靠农村基本群众,发展农业生产、改善卜农生活,同时努力争取一切抗[l的地主于少申名流,联合包括富农在内的全体农民。④抗口根据地的各级领导者必须全力发展和壮大革命武装。革命武装是根据地民1二政权的支柱,除r有力地打击敌人、保卫群众利益外,还要成为发动群众进行民族解放斗争的武装宣传队和组织者。在、卜原地区坚持和发展游击战争,特别要大量建仅游击队,少仁使之在斗争中锻炼发展成为正规游击兵团,游击队的领导人应当是同群众有密切联系的群众领袖。要建立和健全军区、军分区制度,以充分地武装群众,不断补充抗口武装。要把充实和扩大主力部队,作为根据地全党的任务。正规部队和游击队的建设,核心环节是加强共产党的绝对领导。为此,部队中必须坚决实行政治委员制度和政治L作制度,加强连队党支部卜作,发挥革命政治l二作的效能。⑤华北系敌我必争之地,必须在党的统·领导下,开展党、政、军、民四位 一体的对敌斗争,中心的问题是建设坚强的、善于正确地掌握政策的各级党组织。 《巩固抗日根据地及其各种基本政策》根据中共中央和毛泽东关r独仅白t地建设敌后抗口根据地,开展敌后游击战争的 1系列方针原则,结合华北具体情况,提出厂·系列切实可行的具体政策,对于巩固和扩‘人华北抗臼根据地起r重要作用。 (谢景星葛楚民)