有偿转让,compensable transfer
1)compensable transfer有偿转让
1.A discussion of compensable transfer of TV relay right of sports tournament;体育比赛电视转播权有偿转让问题的探讨

1.compensated transfer of land-use rights土地使用权有偿转让
2.The Thought of the Paid Make over of T.V. Relay Right for Sports Games;有关体育赛事电视转播权有偿转让问题的思考
3.A discussion of compensable transfer of TV relay right of sports tournament;体育比赛电视转播权有偿转让问题的探讨
4.The technical cooperation centre handles compensated transfers of scientific and technological achievements, and welcomes Business talks.本技协中心实行科技成果有偿转让,欢迎洽谈。
5.Irrigation Water Right Compensable Transfer and Countermeasures of Farmer s Benefits Protection;农田灌溉用水权有偿转让机制与农民受益研究
6.Probe into the Paid Transfer of Water Energy Resources Development Access;水能资源开发权有偿转让若干问题探讨
7.On Several Law Problems of the Right of Use ofCollective Land Transfer Upon Consider;关于集体土地使用权有偿转让的几个法律问题
8.Economic Technology of Agricultural Water Right Compensable Transfer农业用水权有偿转让经济技术措施研究
9.Reform of disposition of land to promote paid negotiability and scale running of contracted land;改革土地配置方式,促进承包权有偿转让和规模经营
10.A Study on the Pilot Transfer System of the Right to the Use of Rural Residence Base;农村宅基地使用权有偿转让制度探析——对现行《物权法》第十三章规定的思考
11.having possession delivered or transferred without compensation.转移或者转让所有物而没有补偿。
12.a conditional conveyance of property as security for the repayment of a loan.作为偿还贷款保证的暂时转让的财产。
13.The net proceeds from the sale of a property. The sale price minus legal fees and expenses, realty commission, any taxes paid, mortgage payout etc.物业销售的纯利润,售价扣除产权转让费用、产经纪佣金、有赋税、屋贷款偿清等之后的利润。
14."In the past, knowledge and technological achievements were not considered commodities, and when employed in production they were quite often transferred without compensation"过去,知识和技术成果没有被看成商品,当人们把它应用于生产的过程时,往往是无偿转让
15.A type of acceleration clause requiring full payment of the balance of a mortgage upon the transfer of title of the mortgaged property.一种加速条款,要求在转让抵押财产所有权时,完全偿还抵押贷款余额。
16.Transferrable to the ownership of another.可转让的可以将所有权转让给他人的
17.transfer of title所有权转让,所有权过户
18.Research on Irrigation Water Management and Compensation for Water Usufruct Transfer;农业灌溉用水管理及其使用权转让补偿研究

paid transference of patent right专利权有偿转让
3)compensated transfer mechanism有偿转让制度
4)compensatory transfer of use right使用权有偿转让
5)transfer of technology with compensation技术有偿转让
6)remunerative transfer of new technology新技术有偿转让

技术有偿转让技术有偿转让 技术有偿转让转让方将技术商品按照一定的条件和价格转让给受让方,并取得报酬的交易活动。双方通过签订技术有偿转让合同确定彼此的权利义务。技术有偿转让的内容包括:①专利技术。②专有技术。③包含创新技术的产品、材料、设备。技术有偿转让的价格是由技术商品价值量决定的,同时也受以下因素的影响,包括运用该项技术所生产的产品的销售量、技术的寿命周期、产品的利润率、科研成果的费用、技术输出方的经济损失补偿。技术有偿转让费用支付方法有三种:①一次总算法。双方签订合同时,将技术转让的一切费用一次算清,包括技术成果费、技术资料费、培训费、专家技术服务费以及提供设备、元件的费用等。一次总算的费用,也可以分期支付。分期支付时可在合同中应转让方的要求注明双方商定的利息率和还本计息方式。②提成法。受让方按实施该项技术生产出的产品产值、销售额或利润额作为提成基数,在确定的提成期限内定期提取一定比例的提成费交给转让方,作为技术转让的费用。③定金加提成的支付方法。双方签约后即先付一笔定金,有人称之为入门费,以后再逐年按提成法支付技术转让的价款。