1.On the Value of Emphyteusis in the Course of Perfecting the System of the Contract Management Right of Rural Land;罗马法上的永佃权制度对完善我国农地承包经营权的价值
2.Generally speaking,it is popular to the researchers in this field that emphyteusis shall be the substitute for the tenancies right in the rural land usage.永佃权制度作为改革现今农地使用制度的有益借鉴,已为许多学者所肯定。

1.Making Permanent the Right to Land Contractual Management:Considering from the Value of Lease in Perpetuity in Roman Law;土地承包经营权“永佃权化”透视——罗马法永佃权制度价值之思考
2.On the Value of Emphyteusis in the Course of Perfecting the System of Rural Land Usage;论永佃权在完善我国农地使用权制度中的价值
3.Conception of Rebuilding Emptyteusis in China: A Thought about the Reform of the Farmland System;在我国重建永佃权的构想——农地制度改革的思考
4.On the Value of Emphyteusis in the Course of Perfecting the System of the Contract Management Right of Rural Land;罗马法上的永佃权制度对完善我国农地承包经营权的价值
5.Analysis of the Existing Land Contract and Management Right System from the Permanent Tenancy Right System during the War of Resistance against Japan;抗战时期永佃权制度对现行土地承包权制度之借鉴意义
6.On Legal Nature and Character of Farmland Contracted Operating Right A Case Study on the Permanent Tenancy Right in Taiwan;论农地承包经营权的物权法律性质与特征——以台湾地区永佃权为参照
7.The legal tenure by which a villein held land.佃农对土地的使用权佃农拥有土地的法律使用权
8.the interest in property owned by tenants whereby each tenant has an equal right to enjoy the entire property.由佃户拥有的保证每个佃户享有同等的分享财产的权益。
9.Actiones perpetuae永久诉讼,永久诉权
10.One authority concluded in 1914 that 40 per cent of the farms in the corn belt were operated by tenants.一位权威人士1914年断言:玉米地带40%的农场是由佃农耕种的。
11.(common law) the acts performed by an English feudal tenant for the benefit of his lord which formed the consideration for the property granted to him.(习惯法)英国的封建佃农为封建领主服务作为土地使用权的回报。
12.The Ownership of Grasslands and the Tenancy Relationships of Livestock in Anduo Tibetan Tribe before the Democratic Reform;民主改革前安多藏族部落的草山权属与牲畜租佃关系
13.Transaction Costs in Agriculture Tenancy Relationship and the Determination of Fragment Level of Land Property Rights农业租佃关系中的交易成本与土地产权分散程度的决定
14.Evolution of Land Ownership and Tenure in China s Rural Area;传统中国社会农村土地所有权和使用权关系的演变——以租佃制度为中心的分析
15.To Him be the glory and the might forever and ever. Amen.11愿荣耀权能归与?,直到永永远远。阿们。
16.To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.11愿权能归给他,直到永永远远。阿们。
17.purchase in perpetuity购买永久持有权年数
18.The legal status or condition of a villein.佃农的身份佃农的法律地位或状态

permanent rent right永佃权
3)permanent tenancy right永佃权
1.On Legal Nature and Character of Farmland Contracted Operating Right A Case Study on the Permanent Tenancy Right in Taiwan;论农地承包经营权的物权法律性质与特征——以台湾地区永佃权为参照
4)theory of right of lease in perpetuity永佃权说
6)Ius perpetuum永久权,永佃权

永佃权  土地关系中佃方享有长期耕种所租土地的制度。佃农在按租佃契约交纳地租的条件下,可以无限期地耕作所租土地,并世代相承。即使地主的土地所有权发生变化,佃农的耕作权一般仍不受影响。永佃权最早出现在宋代,明代有所发展,有永耕、长租、长耕等名。明代中叶以后,首先在福建等东南省份的某些地区流行,清代盛行于东南诸省及华北、西北、华南的部分地区,民国时范围又有所扩大。    永佃权的形成与定额地租形态的发展有密切关系。在定额地租形态下,地主只是收租,而不关心土地的经营情况,这使土地所有权与耕作权的分离成为可能。在这种情况下,佃农或因垦荒付出工本,或因投资改良土地,或因支付"佃价",或因长期租种同一块土地,或因集体"霸耕"而获得永佃权。另外,也有自耕农出卖土地、仅保留耕作权而结成永佃关系。在地广人稀地区,有的地主为保障土地收益,也强迫佃农结成永佃关系。永佃权的产生和发展,有利于作物种植的扩大和土地收益的提高,也有利于佃农经济独立性倾向的发展和人身依附关系的削弱。但当地主权势嚣张时,每每任意改变永佃条件,使佃农丧失永佃权,明清时代经常发生佃农争取耕作权的斗争。    有永佃权的农民往往"私相授受",将田面出顶、典押或买卖,还有的保留或转移征租权,造成土地所有权的再分割。许多官绅、豪民、债主也竞相从自耕农或永佃农手中掠取或购置田面,进行地租剥削。这是明中叶以后土地关系中出现"一田两主"、"一田多主"现象的渠道之一。在"一田多主"制下,出租田面的人都是二地主,俗称面主、皮主、赔主。    在永佃制下,土地所有权和耕作权的名称因地而异。又有田骨田皮、田底田面、大苗小苗、大租小租、大田小田、大卖小卖、大买小买、大业小业、粮田税田、粮田质田等,呈现出错综复杂的关系。清宣统三年(1911)编纂的《大清民律》草案在承认永佃权的同时,又规定其存续时间为二十至五十年,实际上否认其永久性。1929年公布的《中华民国民法》基本沿袭上述规定。