基本值,basic value
1)basic value基本值
1.Firstly,the concept of earned value management,ten indexes and three basic values are discussed.首先介绍了挣值管理的内涵、十个主要指标和三个基本值,然后在项目结构分解和执行数据采集的基础上,对挣值分析的过程和方法并结合实际案例进行了详细的分析,结果表明该方法与传统分析方法相比具有更加客观、全面的优点。
2)basic restrictions基本限值
3)basic value基本价值
1.This paper analyses the basic value of the right of libraries,probes into the system of structure of the right of libraries,and presents that the basic contents of the right of libraries are the right of the users of libraries,the right of librarians and the right of libraries.分析图书馆权利的基本价值,探讨图书馆权利体系结构,提出图书馆权利的基本内容是图书馆利用者的权利、图书馆员的权利和图书馆的权利,其核心是维护和保障利用者信息权利。
2.The wide spread of academic freedom idea stems from not only its instrumental value of promoting the advance and development of knowledge,but also from its mirroring academic subjects appeal to justice and appropriate rights,which is the basic value of academic freedom.学术自由的思想之所以获得广泛的传播,不只是在于它具有促进知识进步和发展的工具价值,更重要的是它反映了学术活动中主体个人正义、适切的权利诉求,这是学术自由的基本价值之所在。

1.Taking Man as the Foundation: The Basic Value Orientation of the Scientific Development Concept;以人为本:科学发展观的基本价值取向
2.Study of Value Network s Foundation and Basic Activities in Creating Value;价值网的构建及其基本价值创造活动研究
3.On the Evaluation Model of Stock Price Based on Bounded Rationality;基于有限理性假定的股票基本价值估价模型
4.Market Economy vs the Realization of Socialist Basic Value市场经济与社会主义基本价值实现
5.The general values are order, justice and interest.国际法的基本价值有秩序、义、益。
6.The Political Civilization: Meaning, Construction and Basic Value Aim政治文明:涵义、结构和基本价值目标
7.The Cost Management Based on Customer Value-Value Chain Cost Analysis;基于顾客价值的成本管理——价值链成本分析
8.Research on the Selection of Basic Patterns of Evaluation to Student Assessment;学生评价价值判断基本范式选择研究
9.Summary of Study on the Basic Mode of Valuation to Student Assessment;学生评价价值判断基本模式研究综述
10.Corporation Evaluation and Capital Structure Based on Value Management;公司估价与基于价值管理的资本结构
11.Interest and Value-The Basic Innovation of Knowledge s Value in Education;兴趣与价值——试析教育领域知识价值的基本涵义
12.Some discussions on cost control based on the analysis of value chain-value flow;基于价值链-价值流分析的成本控制探讨
13.The Shift of Value Foundation to Empiricism--Review of R.B.Berry s Value Essence Theory;价值基础的经验论转换——培里价值本质论评析
14.This text inducts the value chain analysis method by introducing the basic thought of the value chain.本文在介绍价值链基本思想的基础上引入了价值链分析法。
15.capitalized value资本还原值,资本化价值
16.a showy decoration that is basically valueless.基本上没有价值的一个浮华的装饰品。
17.lower in value by increasing the base-metal content; of metals.通过增加基本金属来降低价值。
18.Y: What are the most fundamental values of the Jewish religion?杨:犹太教最基本的价值观是什么?

basic restrictions基本限值
3)basic value基本价值
1.This paper analyses the basic value of the right of libraries,probes into the system of structure of the right of libraries,and presents that the basic contents of the right of libraries are the right of the users of libraries,the right of librarians and the right of libraries.分析图书馆权利的基本价值,探讨图书馆权利体系结构,提出图书馆权利的基本内容是图书馆利用者的权利、图书馆员的权利和图书馆的权利,其核心是维护和保障利用者信息权利。
2.The wide spread of academic freedom idea stems from not only its instrumental value of promoting the advance and development of knowledge,but also from its mirroring academic subjects appeal to justice and appropriate rights,which is the basic value of academic freedom.学术自由的思想之所以获得广泛的传播,不只是在于它具有促进知识进步和发展的工具价值,更重要的是它反映了学术活动中主体个人正义、适切的权利诉求,这是学术自由的基本价值之所在。
4)fundamental value基本价值
1.In response to the new requirement to enhance Chinese traditional culture,further studies in Hui culture should be started from the following three aspects: refine fundamental value,reinforce modernity and push it to the world.遵循中共十七大对弘扬中华传统文化提出的新要求,应在以下三个新起点上推进徽文化研究:一是提炼徽文化的基本价值,二是增强徽文化的时代性,三是推进徽文化走向世界。
2.However,for a long time,there lacks the research about the academic structure on the fundamental values of the Civil Aviatio.面临我国修改民航法的情势,强化民航法价值的研究是必要的,应当确立以“领空主权原则、安全、正义、效益”为内容的民航法基本价值结构,以此作为修改民航法的指导思想。
3.Although there is neither clear line between rights,nor integrated division of rights rank,fundamental value remains existing.虽然权利之间不可能有泾渭分明的界限,不可能有完整的权利位阶划分,但是基本价值仍然存在。
5)basic values基本价值
1.After the Second World War,the Social Party set freedom,justice and solidarity as its basic values.战后,社会党将自由、公正、团结确立为自己所遵循的基本价值。
6)nonloaded Q基本Q值
