孟岔村,Mengcha village
1)Mengcha village孟岔村
1.Agent-based Modeling of Simulation on Households Land-use Behavior——A Case of Mengcha Village of Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province基于Agent建模的农户土地利用行为模拟研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例
2.Land use change at farm household scale based on game theory——A case study of Mengcha Village基于博弈论的农户土地利用行为研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例
3.Take Mengcha village in Mizhi County for example, according to the aerial photo and investigation about questionnaire from farmers, which were divided into four categories: the farm household of planting crops, hiring out for working, painting crops and hiring out for working and planting the fruit.本文使用博弈论建立了农户群体尺度的多智能体模型,以米脂县孟岔村为例,以航片和农户问卷调查资料为数据支持,将孟岔村农户分为种粮农户、务工农户、兼业农户以及种果农户四种类型,农户土地流转分析结果表明:水浇地向种粮农户集中,而旱地向种果农户集中。

1.Land use change at farm household scale based on game theory--A case study of Mengcha Village基于博弈论的农户土地利用行为研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例
2.Agent-based Modeling of Simulation on Households Land-use Behavior--A Case of Mengcha Village of Mizhi County in Shaanxi Province基于Agent建模的农户土地利用行为模拟研究——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例
3.Simulation and Application of Household's LUCC Based on a Multi-Agent System:A Case Study for Mengcha Village of Mizhi County of Shaanxi Province基于MAS的农户土地利用模型构建与模拟——以陕西省米脂县孟岔村为例
4.There was a tributary road near the end of the village.村的尽头有条岔道。
5.The villager tell me to take the leave fork of the road村民指点我走左边的岔路
6.The villager told me to take the left fork of the road.村民指点我走左边的岔路。
7.Bangladesh Rural Development Board孟加拉国农村发展理事会
8.Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee孟加拉国农村促进委员会
9.On the Origin of "The Country besieges he City" by He Mengxiong;何孟雄“农村包围城市”思想的渊源
10.A Study of the Ancient Coin Hoard of the Wei-Jin Period From Mengcun Village, Anyang,Henan;河南安阳孟村魏晋时期古钱窖藏探析
11.Analysis on Successful Experience and Significance of Bangladesh Country Bank;论孟加拉国乡村银行成功的原因及意义
12.The enlightenment of the microfinance models-GrameenBank;孟加拉乡村银行小额信贷模式及其启示
13.The Research on Grameen Bank of Bangladesh's Microfinance Development Model孟加拉国乡村银行小额信贷发展模式研究
14.From Witch to Shen:Investigation of Da Shen Faith in Chang Qiu Village从巫到神灵:对孟津长秋村“大神”信仰的考察
16.Investigation in the use of Countryside homestead农村宅基地使用调查——以山东省沂水县孟母村为例
17.Where the highway turned off to the village, we saw a new building.就在公路分岔到村里去的地方,我们见到一幢新楼房。
18.The Instillation and Transformation of the Folk Psychology in Mengxi Opera;孟戏的民俗心理沉淀与嬗变——以江西广昌甘竹刘家、曾家村族《孟姜女》戏曲为例

Menggong village孟公村
1.Basing their research subject on Wushu culture in Menggong village in Xinhua Hunan,the authors made a field study of Meishan Wugong passed on locally,and put forward the following opinions:the regional cultural characteristics of Meishan Wugong include primitive,powerful and "tough" ; Meishan Wugong has the characteris-tics of a folk custom,embodying local village folk culture.以湖南新化孟公村武术文化为考察对象,对流传在当地的梅山武功进行实地研究,认为梅山武功的地域文化特征具有朴实、强悍、"蛮横"的个性,具有民俗事项的特点;展现了当地村落的俗文化,着重分析梅山武功对孟公村村落社会发展所带来的影响以及梅山武功在当地新农村建设中的现实意义,目的是希望让更多的本地村民能客观认识梅山武功的社会价值,并积极参与到梅山武功的活动中来,以传承本土民族文化。
3)rural poverty alleviation农村扶岔
4)Grameen Bank孟加拉乡村银行
1.However,Chinese peasant household small-credit system is not so successful as Grameen Bank for many reasons.2006年度的诺贝尔和平奖获得者尤努斯创办的孟加拉乡村银行,以其独特的运作方式使它维持了高达97%的还款率,既能赢利又达到了扶贫的目的。
5)Zhao Mengfu Shuicun Tu Juan赵孟頫《水村图》卷
6)Mengcun Hui Autonomous County孟村回族自治县
1.In this paper, the national regional autonomy system of Mengcun Hui Autonomous County is the starting point.本文以孟村回族自治县民族区域自治制度的实施为切入点,分三章进行系统阐述。

《昇平署岔曲》  清代宫廷演唱的岔曲集。1935年由北平故宫博物院文献馆根据昇平署(见南府与昇平署)所存资料编集印行。岔曲传入清宫后,经过词臣的润色加工或重新编写,由南府太监演唱,腔调虽仍袭旧谱,歌词却日趋典雅。其内容除歌功颂德,粉饰太平之词外,多属风花雪月、登山临水之作,如《燕京八景》、《西湖十景》等,它如古人清雋小品《归去来辞》、《桃花源记》等,亦多谱入歌词演唱。至此,岔曲便着上宫廷色彩,演变为日后所称的"昇平署岔曲"。    昇平署岔曲多已散失,现故宫博物院文献馆尚保存有岔曲原本90种,计 100段,是从昇平署剧本箱内清捡出的。虽然为数不多,但作为清代曲艺文献,确十分珍贵。形式有大小两种,全用东昌纸缮写,纸色尚新,当是慈禧时抄本,每本都贴有红签,标写曲名,并注明"岔曲"字样,文内还有硃笔标点和涂改之处。    《昇平署岔曲》与《霓裳续谱》所录各曲相比,除内容上的变化外,曲名不再是以一曲的起句为名,而是依曲词内容另拟标题。文字结构上也有发展。岔曲初多为6句或8句,因又名"六八句"。大致首3句或4句后有过板,是为曲头,后 3句或4句为曲尾,并在中间1句的句腰有"卧牛"。昇平署曲本基本上仍袭此式,但句数大多增加,如《兰亭序》一曲,分两段,第2段竟长达60多句,430字,而叙述《白蛇传》故事的《游西湖》,称为长岔曲,尚不及300字。