农村稳定,rural stability
1)rural stability农村稳定
1.Major factors affecting rural stability and their countermeasures at present;浅谈当前影响农村稳定的主要因素与对策

1.Fifth, we should lighten the burden on farmers and maintain rural stability.第五,减轻农民负担,维护农村稳定
2.A Study on the Contradictory Resolution and Stability of Countryside in the Rural Poverty-stricken Areas of China;我国贫困地区农村矛盾的化解与农村稳定研究
3.The Analysis about the Construction of the Socialist New Countryside in Xinjiang from the Stability in the Rural Areas;从农村稳定看新疆社会主义新农村建设
4.Carry out management of financial informatization Promote rural stabilization and development;推行农村财务信息化管理 促进农村稳定和发展
5.An unstable situation in the countryside would lead to an unstable political situation throughout the country.农村不稳定,整个政治局势就不稳定,
6.The Two Influences about Self-governance among Villagers to Social Stability in Countryside;村民自治对农村社会稳定的双面效应
7.Countryside Information Risk and Countryside Political Stability under Information Background;信息化背景下农村信息风险与农村政治稳定
8.The Influence of the Countryside s Policy Implement on the Political Stability in China s Countryside;农村政策执行对我国农村政治稳定的影响
9.The Meaning of the New Countryside Construction to Harmonious and Stable Development of Rural Area;新农村建设对于农村和谐稳定发展的意义
10.Institutional Change of Rural Stability and Development;保障农村社会稳定和发展的制度建设
11.Adjustment of Law of Population Registration in Ming Dynasty and Rural Social Stabilization;明代户籍法的调整与农村社会的稳定
12.Protecting and Promoting Rural Reform Development and Stability by Law;依法保障和促进农村改革、发展与稳定
13.The Stability Analysis on Consumption Structure of Chinese Countryside Resident我国农村居民消费结构的稳定性分析
14.1. Stabilizing and strengthening the position of agriculture as the foundation of the economy and developing rural economy in an all-round way.(一)稳定和加强农业基础地位,全面发展农村经济
15.On the Stability of Household Contracted System and Agricultural Scale;论农村家庭承包经营的稳定与农业规模化
16.On Stabilization of Family Contract Management in Rural Area and Industrialization of Agriculture;农村家庭承包经营的稳定与农业产业化
17.Political Expression about Rural Reform,Social Stability and Farmer Benefit农村改革、社会稳定与农民利益的政治表达
18.Eighty percent of the population lives in rural areas, and China's stability depends on the stability of those areas.中国有百分之八十的人口住在农村,中国稳定不稳定首先要看这百分之八十稳定不稳定。

political stability in rural regions农村政治稳定
3)social stability in rural area农村社会稳定
1.It is also stressed that social stability in rural areas cannot be completely guaranteed until the problems in the .文章还强调 ,只有解决好村民自治实践中存在的问题 ,农村社会稳定才能有充分的保障。
4)the stable development of rural areas农村稳定发展
5)political stability in country of Ch ina中国农村政治稳定
6)contryside of Ting Hsien定县农村
