股份合作,Stock cooperation
1)Stock cooperation股份合作
1.Based on the analysis of several transformation models indifferent developped areas in Guangdong province,the natures,meanings,main characterasticsand tried conditions of land stock cooperation system are explored.本文在分析了广东省不同发达程度地区的几种改革模式的基础上,就农村土地股份合作制的性质、意义、主要特征及试行条件作了有益的探讨。

1.Stock Right Set in Joint-Stock System;关于股份合作制股权设置的完善探讨
2.On Western Stock Cooperation System;工者有其股——西方股份合作制评析
3."Re-organization, association, merger, joint"改组,联合,兼并,股份合作
4.Promoting the stock-cooperation corporation to reform to the stock company by applying the ESOP in China用职工持股推进我国股份合作制企业改制
5.On the Safeguard of Shareholder Equality Principle of Stock Cooperation System Enterprise;论股份合作制企业股东平等原则的保障
6.On the Stability of Rural Credit Cooperatives Based on Shareholding cooperative System;股份合作制模式下农村信用社股权稳定性研究
7.On the Structure of the Property Ownership in the Setup of the Shareholding in Joint-Stock Enterprises;论股份合作企业股权设置中的产权归属结构
8.On the Structure and Transferable Rights of Stock Ownership in Joint-stock Cooperation Institution of Farmland农地股份合作制中的股权设置与流转问题研究
9.Smaller enterprises can become shareholding co-operatives小企业可转变为股份合作
10.Institutional Analysis of Chinese Rural Share-based Co-operative Reform;农村社区股份合作制改革的制度分析
11.Studies on the Institutional Innovation of Rural Community Share-holding Cooperative System;农村社区股份合作制的制度创新研究
12.Some Suggestions about Improving the Farmland Share Cooperation System;推进农地股份合作制发展的几点建议
13.The Development of Stock Cooperation Economy at the Countryside Community;浅析农村社区股份合作制经济的发展
14.Analysis on the current situation and developing trend of share - cooperation entities;股份合作制企业的现状及其发展趋势
15.Thinking for the Reforming Practice and Development of Stock Cooperative System;对股份合作制改革实践与发展的思考
16.Joint-stock Cooperation System:an Interim Institutional Arrangement;股份合作制:一种过渡性的制度安排
17.Joint-stock system-effictive choice of middl-small-sized state enterprises;股份合作制──国有中小企业的有效选择
18.Discussion About the Establishment of Shareholding Cooperative Enterprises in the Rear Service of the Institutions of Higher Learning;高校后勤组建股份合作制企业的探讨

stock-cooperation system股份合作制
1.As a corporation institutional innovation, the stock-cooperation system is beneficial to improve the productivity of corporation and to make the workers work hard.股份合作制作为我国一项企业制度创新,有利于提高工人的劳动积极性和企业的生产效率。
2.This article points out that it is impractical for rural credit cooperatives to adopt cooperatives system or stock system exclusively,it is proper to exercise stock-cooperation system by absorbing some scientific attributes of the two systems . 农村信用社单纯进行合作制和股份制改革都不够适宜,吸收股份制和合作制的某些特征进行股份合作制改革是一种现实的选择,但必须构建可行的改革模式,妥善解决农村信用社历史包袱。
3.The author expounds that the current stock-cooperation system in countryside carries on Marxist theory .我国现阶段的农村股份合作制是对马克思主义合作制与股份制理论的继承与发展,是马克思的"重建个人所有制"思想在中国农村的具体运用和实践。
3)stock cooperative system股份合作制
1.In accordance with the special characteristics of state medium-sized construction enterprises and their reform objects of "having a free hand and enlivening", the suitable objective model, the stock cooperative system for state medium-sized construction enterprises has been put forward in this paper by analyzing the system mechanism of stock cooperative system enterprises.针对国有中小建筑企业的特点及其放开搞活的改革目标 ,通过分析股份合作制企业的制度机理 ,提出了国有中小建筑企业改革的适宜目标模式——股份合作制及其原因。
2.In order to resolve a problem of forest protection caused by property right, company, village leaders and village people were closely organized through stock cooperative system.为解决林地权属关系造成的森林管护矛盾,特别是森林被无情偷砍盗伐,民族社区结合市场运作规律,结合传统乡土知识中的村规民约,让社区充分参与林地管理,采用林农股份合作制,将企业、村寨领袖、村民有机组织起来,有效地管护森林。
3.Fur ther more,some problems are revealed,and some suggestions are put forward ab out the reforming and development of stock cooperative system.本文从实践的角度,对股份合作制改革与发展历程进行了回顾,对其产生的背景及原因进行了分析,总结和提出了国有和集体中小企业进行股份合作制改革的特点以及出现的新趋势,指出了股份合作制在改革与发展中存在的问题,在此基础上,提出了如何深化股份合作制改革,促进其健康与规范发展,以及提高企业竞争能力的几点建议。
4)joint-stock system股份合作制
1.Thoughts on the introduction of joint-stock system into colleges;对高校引入股份合作制办学的思考
2.Preliminary Remarks on the Changes of the Logistical System in Universities—Take for instance the emerging and development of the joint-stock system canteens in Quanzhou Normal University;高校后勤制度变迁刍议——以泉州师范学院股份合作制食堂的产生和发展为例
3.Based on the role of middl-small-sized state enterprises in national economy, this paper proposes that joint-stock system is effictive choice of improving present situations of middl-small-sized state enterprises, and it provides reference for establishing company system and modern enterprise system.阐明国有中小企业在国民经济中的重要地位和作用的基础上,针对当前国有中小企业经营现状和存在的问题,提出进行股份合作制改造是其现实的有效选择,以为国有中小企业的公司制改造和建立现代企业制度提供参考。
5)share cooperative system股份合作制
1.The paper introduces the situation of share cooperative system in NO.文章介绍了西南有色地质勘查局三一○队基础工程公司股份合作制改革的情况,分析了基础工程公司股份合作制实践中存在的种种缺陷,提出了完善、深化改革的思路。
2.For many years, large amount of network of small enterprises have been established internal geological prospecting units, that is more suited to reform of share cooperative system.多年来 ,地勘单位内部兴办了大量的小型企业网点 ,其特点比较适应股份合作制改革。
3.The paper considers that share cooperative system is good medicine of enlivening geological prospecting units, due to correspondence with the character of geological prospecting units.文章认为,股份合作制改革是地勘单位所属企业激活与发展的良方妙药。
6)stock cooperation system股份合作制
1.As an effective institutional innovation,stock cooperation system boomed in 1990 s had some faults.阐述了我国南方集体林区林地产权历史变迁的概况及其存在的问题,并对极具中国特色的家庭联产承包制度进行了重点分析,同时指出了20世纪90年代以来兴起的股份合作制作为一种较为有效的制度创新,依然存在的缺陷。
2.This paper give a brief account of the process of the reform in stock cooperation system in collective enterprises in small towns and its effect and focuses on the analysis of the necessity of the transition from stock cooperation system to stock system in these enterprises, based on which, some countermeasures are put forward in order to successfully carry out this transition.简要概述了乡镇集体企业股份合作制改革的过程及成效 ,着重分析了乡镇原集体企业制度从股份合作制向股份制转变的必要性 ,并在此基础上提出促进乡镇原集体企业制度成功转变的对策 :(1)选择适宜的股份制改造形式 ;(2 )建立健全企业内部法人治理结构 ;(3 )设立具有证券交易功能的地方性的产权交易所 ;(4 )进一步明晰产权、设置科学合理的股权结构 ;(5 )加强集体股权的管理 ;(6)转换政府职能 ,营造有利于企业制度创新的外部环
3.It is of great significance to analyse the inter-mechanism developed in the stock cooperation system and to evaluate its tendency of development correctly.分析股份合作制生成的内在机理,对于正确估价它的发展趋势有重大意义。

股份 股份——  股份是股份有限公司资本的表现形式。股份的含义有三层:第一,股份是股份有限公司资本的构成成份;第二,股份代表了股份有限公司股东的权利与义务;第三,股份可以通过股票价格的形式表现其价值。