城乡用地,urban and rural land
1)urban and rural land城乡用地
1.Analysing spatial structure of urban and rural land——A case study in Dadukou District,Chongqing City;城乡用地空间结构分析——以重庆市大渡口区为例

1.Technological Exploration into the Research on the Urban and Rural Land-use Structure and Allocation;城乡用地结构与布局研究的技术探讨
2.Research on Optimizing the Structure and Layout of Urban-Rural Land Use of Dalian大连市优化城乡用地结构和布局研究
3.A Study on Town and Country s Structure and Distribution in the Problem of Land Intensive Use in Town s Developing;小城镇发展土地集约利用问题中城乡用地结构和布局的研究
4.Plan the Urban and Rural Construction Land under the Guidance of Urban and Rural Planning Act;切实以《城乡规划法》统筹城乡建设用地
5.Land Use Research in Urban-Rural-Integration-Area Based on RS/GIS;基于RS/GIS的城乡结合部土地利用研究
6.Reform of the land requisition system to realize the coordinated development of urban and rural areas;改革土地征用制度 实现城乡协调发展
7.Measures on Managing Land Use of Urban-Rural Transition Region in Beijing City;北京市城乡交错带土地利用调控对策
8.The Analysises and Countermeasures of Problems of Land Use of Urban-Rural Crisscross Area;城乡结合部土地利用问题及对策探讨
9.The frist research on constructive land suitability evaluation in connective location between town and country;城乡结合部建设用地适宜性评价初探
11.The Suburb Land-use Diversification Study of Wuwei武威市城乡结合部土地利用动态研究
12.Study on Structure and Distribution of City and Rural Constructed Land Resource in Long Hui County隆回县城乡建设用地结构与布局研究
13.Discussion on Establishment of Construction Land Market with Development of Urban-Rural Integration构建城乡一体化的建设用地市场探讨
14.Discussion of land-use in urban and rural development城乡统筹发展中的土地利用问题探讨
15.Thinking about the Reasonable Land Utilization in Rural-urban Fringe--A Case of Nanchang City;城乡结合部土地合理利用的几点思考——以南昌市城乡结合部为例
16.Urban & Rural Overall Planning Development: Layouts Adjust and Research of Urban & Rural Construction Lands of Lanzhou基于城乡统筹发展的兰州市城乡建设用地布局调整研究
17.Study on Price of Arable Land Expropriation in Urban Fringe during City Expansion;城市扩展中城乡结合部农地征用价格研究
18.Enlightenment of the Theory of Garden City to Urban-Rural Land Use in China;田园城市理论对我国城乡土地利用问题的启示

Urban and rural construction land城乡建设用地
1.This paper discusses the feasibility,scientificalness and ways and means of increase and decrease connection of urban and rural construction land use,analyzes the problems in that connection and offers corresponding proposals,which are of actual importance for accelerating the de.通过对城乡建设用地增减挂钩的科学性、可行性以及方法和意义进行论述,提出了挂钩规划工作中存在的问题及相关的建议。
2.What\'s more, the unreasonable structure of urban and rural construction land aggravated the human land conflict and land resource scarcity.加之,我国城乡建设用地结构不合理,更凸显了人地矛盾和土地资源稀缺问题。
3)Urban-rural land use城乡土地利用
4)urban and rural land use structure城乡用地结构
5)urban/suburb compound城乡共用
1.Based on the investigation and researches on the current art education,either core or optional courses,this essey,under the condition of affirming education aim and direction,analyses and explains the pattern and structure of the course design,explore the social value of the reform of the art education with the aim at cultivating "the urban/suburb compound art talents".本文通过艺术主辅修教育的现状调查,在肯定培养目标和培养方向的前提下针对课程设置进行解析,探讨艺术主辅修教学模式在培养“城乡共用的复合型艺术师资人才”中所起到的作用。
6)Electricity utilization in urban and rural areas城乡用电

在什么情况下用地单位的有关用地收回 答:用地单位有下列情况之一者,该用地由城市规划行政主管部门收回另行处理: 1、不按批准的用途使用的; 2、用地单位民已经撤消或迁移的; 3、未经城市规划行政主管部门同意延期,连续两年未使用的; 4、建设用地规划许可证被吊销的; 5、市政设施、军事设施、铁路、公路、机场、抗场等用地经过核准不用的; 6、用地单位因建设计划变更不再使用或多余的; 7、用地单位闲置的土地; 8、未取得建设用地规划许可证而取得建设用地地批准文件、占用土地的; 城市规划行政主管部门有权根据城市规划建设需要,对城市规划区内的土地进行再按排。