征地补偿价格,compensation value of land expropriation
1)compensation value of land expropriation征地补偿价格
1.So it is necessary and urgent to research into the compensation value of land expropriation,and put forward the feasible computational method.其中,将对征地补偿价格的适用范围、测算体系、计算方法等几个难点进行重点阐述。

1.Land Acquisition Compensation Price Viewed from Value Function and Equity Return of Farming Land;从农用地价值功能和产权权益看征地补偿价格
2.An Investigation and Analysis of the Factors Affecting Land Expropriation Compensation Prices;对影响征地补偿价格相关因素的调查与分析
3.Assessment Method to Land Acquisition Compensation Price Based on Set pair Analysis基于集对分析的征地补偿价格评估方法研究
4.Study on Regional Compensation Price of Land Requisition Based on Economic Functional Value of Farm Land--A Case Study in Siyang County,Jiangsu Province;基于农地经济价值功能的征地补偿价格研究——以江苏省泗阳县为例
5.Discussion about the confirming method of land-expropriation compensation value in the new developed area of cities;城市新区土地征用补偿价格确定方法研究
6.Study on Compensation Methods for Land Expropriation by Social Security Price Method社会保障价格法测算征地补偿若干问题探讨
7.Quantitative Research on Integrated Price of Expropriated Agrarian Compensation:A Case Study in Zhumadian;耕地征用区片补偿的综合价格量化——以驻马店市为例
8.An Analysis of Price Estimation and Application of Land Expropriation Compensation District of Changchun;长春市土地征用补偿区片综合价格的测算及应用分析
9.Compensation on Rural Land Requisition in View of Economics of Resources and Environment;从资源环境经济学角度考察土地征用补偿价格构成
10.The Land Expropriation Compensation to the Same Price with the Rational Analysis土地征收补偿之同地同价的理性分析
11.Study on Evaluation for Landscape Ecological Price of Changed Arable Land;农用地转用的景观生态补偿价格研究
12.The compensation system in land expropriation and the reform of integrated land section price;我国征地补偿制度与征地区片综合地价改革
13.Unified Location Compensation Policies Based on Compensation Policies for Demolition and Confiscation of State-owned Land and Collective-owned Land;基于城乡征地拆迁补偿政策一体化的区位价补偿政策研究
14.Price Contort of Farmland and Compensation for Famers' Land Property:Example from Jiangsu Province农地价格波动与农民土地财产补偿:江苏个案
15.The Research Report on the Compensation and Resettlement for the Rural Collective Land Requisition in Zhunge'er County准格尔旗农村集体土地征收补偿安置调研报告
16.Study on the Index System of Life Level of the Land-losing farmers Based on the Land Expropriation;基于征地补偿的失地农民生活水平评价研究
17.Study on the Property Right and Value of Cultivated Land in China: Concurrently Discussion on Compensation of Land Requisition;中国耕地产权与价值研究——兼论征地补偿

compensation price for land requisition征地区片补偿价格
3)complete agricultural land prices of acquisition and compensation农地征收补偿完整价格
4)compensation price补偿价格
1.The compensation price evaluation of the civic relocation house has some characteristics that are differ- ent from ordinary evaluation systems of real estate,such as the compulsory transaction,the estimation object s ambi- guity,the double benefits,the continuous transaction convention and the different usage of evaluation principle.城市房屋拆迁补偿价格评估,具有交易的强制性、估价对象的双重性、利益的兼顾性、交易惯例的延续性及估价原则的不同使用等有别于普通房地产估价业务的评估特点。
2.How to determine the rural land expropriation compensation price is the key of the land expropriation system.农地征用补偿价格的确定是征地制度的核心和关键。
3.With the development of industrialization and urbanization, how to determine the compensation price of rural land expropriation has become the focus problem of our society, because it is the key of the land expropriation system.农地征用补偿价格的确定是征地制度的核心和关键,是当前工业化和城市化进程中显现出来的社会焦点问题。
5)price compensation价格补偿
1.The paper mainly estimates the cost that manufacturer provides consumers with price compensation.主要对制造商向消费者提供价格补偿的成本进行估计,采用定量分析的方法,建立具体的数学模型,分析所建模型的合理性,以及分析各参数对成本的影响,分析这种价格补偿机制同单纯降价相比的优越性以及这种价格补偿机制在市场中起作用的内在原因。
2.This article analyzes the imbalance between labor supply and demand,illustrates the factors affecting employment and starting salary in the light of price compensation theory as well as provides some suggestions which aim to utilize price compensation to improve graduates employment and payment.目前我国劳动力市场上出现大学生低薪就业、自愿失业等现象,本文通过对劳动力市场供求不平衡现状的分析,以价格补偿理论为基础,通过对影响就业与起薪的各因素进行全面的分析,提出了利用工资补偿机制来改善大学毕业生就业难与起薪低的建议。
6)compensation in land expropriation征地补偿
1.IRegarded as the core issue of land expropriation, the compensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作能否顺利进行。
2.Regarded as the core issue of land expropriation, the compensation in land expropriation is correlated with the benefit of peasants whose land was expropriated and the smooth process of land expropriation.征地补偿作为征地过程中的核心问题,直接关系到被征地农民的利益与征地工作的顺利进行。

征地补偿费征地补偿费 征地补偿费国家或用地单位因建设需要,为了使用土地并取得土地使用权,向被征用土地单位支付的补偿费用。在中国,农用土地均为集体所有,集体经济组织通过占有和利用土地而获得现实经济利益。所以,国家因建设需要依法征用集体所有土地时,用地单位要对原土地所有者的土地收益给予经济补偿。补偿方式是给予土地所有者一定数额的款项,而且用这笔款项进行投资所获的收益要与原土地收益相等。所以,征地补偿费数额大小,取决于土地收益和投资收益(利益)两个因素。计算公式为:征地补偿一土地收益利息率 征地补偿费有广义、狭义之分。广义的征地补偿费,指征用土地时,用地单位应向土地所有单位补偿一定的款项,包括土地补偿费、青苗补偿费和被征用土地上的附着物补偿费等项内容。狭义的征地补偿费,指国家给予农民因土地被征用而遭受经济损失的经济补偿。《中华人民共和国土地管理法》及有关规定,对征地补偿费有如下计算标准:征用耕地的,以及征用柴山、滩涂、水塘、苇塘等有收益的非耕地的,其补偿费为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的3至6倍;征用园地、鱼塘、宅基地、林地、牧地、草原等其他土地的,由各省、自治区、直辖市参照邻近耕地的补偿标准计算:征用无收益的土地不予补偿「被征用仁地卜附着物的补偿标准,参照建筑造价拆多少补偿多少的原则,由各省、自治区、直辖市制定。被征用土地上的青苗补偿费标准,由各省、自治区、直辖市自行规定。对于被征用土地的多年生经济林木,要尽可能移植,由用地单位发付移植费;不能移植的,按实际情况计价补偿。对于刚刚播种的农作物,按季产值的1/3补偿工本费;已成长农作物,最高按一季产值补偿;对能够收获的,不给予补偿。征用城市郊区的菜地,用地单位须按国家有关规定缴纳新菜地开发建设基金。国家规定标准为:百万以上人口的特大城市,每亩7 000元~1000。元;50万以上人口的大城市,每亩5 000元一7 000元;50万以下人口的城市,每亩3 000元~5 000元。具体标准可由省、自治区、直辖市参照上述标准确定,但不能超出上述标准的范围。征地补偿费是人民政府用于解决征地者和被征地者之间合法权益的经济手段,体现的不是土地买卖关系,所以征地补偿费不是土地的价格。