按份共有,share in common
1)share in common按份共有
1.The internal property right is dual with private owership as main,that of classical cooperatives the combination of member private owershcp with legal personality owership,that of modern ones the combination of member private ownership with share in common.合作社的内部财产权利结构是以社员个人所有权为主的二元权利机构,古典合作社表现为社员个人所有权和合作社法人所有权的结合,现代合作社则倾向于社员个人所有权和社员按份共有的结合。

1."There shall be two kinds of joint ownership, namely co-ownership by shares and common ownership."共有分为按份共有和共同共有。
2.Each of the co-owners By shares shall enjoy the rights and assume the obligations respecting the joint property in proportion to his share.按份共有人按照各自的份额,对共有财产分享权利,分担义务。
3.Each co-owner by shares shall have the right to withdraw his own share of the joint property or transfer its ownership.按份共有财产的每个共有人有权要求将自己的份额分出或者转让。
4.About how to identify the mortgager in case of mortgage of a common shared vessel;如何认定按份共有船舶抵押中的抵押人
5.Here's a list of the required documents and materials.请您按这份清单提供有关资料。
6.On the Determination of Joint Crimes Committed by Persons with and without Special Status;无身份者与有身份者共同犯罪定性问题研究
7.Students are required to take three papers in English literature.按规定,所有的学生都要答3份英国文学的试卷。
8.There were 76 ODPs and 285 LPs covering the HKSAR.年底时,全港共有76份发展大纲图和285份发展蓝图。
9.On Accomplice Relations of the Crime of Malfeasance--Allegation of the charges of the persons of status and of non-status论渎职犯罪中的共犯关系——有身份者与无身份者的罪名确定
10.A contract giving the taker the right to sell a fixed number of shares at a fixed price on or before the expiry date.一份买卖合约,合约持有者有权在到期前按规定的价格卖出规定数量的股份。
11.Building Up the Model of Corporate Governance in the State-Owned Enterprises According to the principle of Co-governance;按共同治理原则构建国有企业的治理模式
12.We'll buy your share at any reasonable price you name, what's wrong with that?我们愿意按你提出的任何合理的价格来购买你的股份。 这有什么错?
13.All evaluation reports shall be accompanied with a summary of the procurement on a form provided by the Bank.所有评标报告都应按银行提供的格式附上一份采购摘要。
14.When a board of directors does decide to pay a dividend, it usually pays it quarterly and according to the ownership interest of each shareholder.当董事会决定支付股息时,通常按照季度和股东所持有的股份分红。
15.After testing, three results are shown:1.在秀姑峦溪方面,共回收有效问卷292份,在荖浓溪方面共回收有效问卷325份。
16.Dawn: When you've copied the first one, put the other one face down on the glass, press the button marked50% and you'll get a half-size copy.道恩:第一份影印之后,把另一份面朝下放在玻璃上,按标明50%钮,影印本就只有一半大。
17.Article76 Sponsors of a joint stock limited company must subscribe for the shares as required and conduct preparations for the establishment of the company in accordance herewith.第七十六条:股份有限公司发起人,必须按照本法规定认购其应认购的股份,并承担公司筹办事务。
18.The promoters of a company limited by shares must subscribe for shares for which they are required to subscribe in accordance with this Law and must be responsible for the preparation of the establishment of the company.股份有限公司发起人,必须按照本法规定认购其应认购的股份,并承担公司筹办事务。

several joint guarantee按份共同担保
3)A total of holders of rights共有持份权
4)several liability按份责任
5)obligation for part按份之债
6)shares depository fiduciary按份受托人
