农村土地承包纠纷,land-contracted dispute
1)land-contracted dispute农村土地承包纠纷
1.The land-contracted dispute,due to its inherent significance,in great need of immediate solutions gives birth to the arbitration system of land contract.本文通过对土地承包纠纷特点的分析,对比诉讼与仲裁两种纠纷解决方式,以期在民商事仲裁体系框架下,以和谐社会为视角重新建构完善农村土地承包纠纷仲裁制度。
2.The Rural Land Contract Law of 2003 stipulates arbitration as an important resolution system of land-contracted dispute in rural area.2003年《农村土地承包法》颁布,第一次明确提出将仲裁作为一种重要的农村土地承包纠纷的解决途径。

1.The Legal Attributes of the Arbitration System Concerning the Solution of the Conflicts in Rural Land Lease;试论农村土地承包纠纷仲裁制度的法律属性
2.On Several Problems About Arbitration Of Contracting Of Rural Land Issues;关于农村土地承包纠纷仲裁的几个问题
3.The Research on Arbitration System of Land-Contracted Dispute;农村土地承包纠纷仲裁制度研究——构建和谐社会的抉择
4.The Discussion on Arbitration System of Land-Contracted Dispute;关于我国建立农村土地承包纠纷仲裁制度的探讨
5.Rational Reflections on and Systemic Framework of the Mechanism for Arbitration of Disputes over Rural Land Contracts in China;我国农村土地承包纠纷仲裁解决机制的理性思考与制度架构
6.Reflections on Building and Improving the Arbitration Mechanism of Land Contract Dispute in Rural Area建立健全农村土地承包纠纷仲裁解决机制的思考
7.Solution to Disputes in Rural Land Contractual Management Right新形势下农村土地承包经营权纠纷解决思路探究
8.Analysis of solving the dispute during the rural land acquisition浅析中国农村土地征收纠纷解决机制
9.Reason and Countermeasure of the Dispute of Land Contract in Our Country at Present;目前我国土地承包纠纷产生的原因与对策
10.Report on Rural Land Expropriation Dispute in Jiaohe City;关于蛟河市农村土地征收纠纷的调查报告
11.The Policy Conflict and Adaptation in the Land Dispute after the Rural Tax-fee Reform;税费改革后农村土地纠纷中的政策冲突与调适
12.On Disputes of the Rural Land in China and Its Mechanism of Settlement;试论我国农村土地纠纷的现状及解决机制
13.Social Foundations and Prospective Administration of Rural Land Disputes;农村土地纠纷的社会基础及其治理思路
14.The Causes and Settlement Mechanism of China's Rural Land Disputes我国农村土地纠纷产生的原因及解决机制
15.Analysis of Contractual Operation Right of Land in "Rural Land Contract Law";浅析《农村土地承包法》中的土地承包经营权
16.Study on Conflicts between Rural Strata in Process of Land Expropriation: A Case of Land Dispute in Longquan City;农村征地过程中的阶层冲突研究——以龙泉市土地纠纷为例
17.Establishing An Enduring Effective System for Solution to Rural Land Disputes in the Institutional Government;在宪政框架下构建解决农村土地纠纷的长效机制
18."Land Contract Law in the Countryside"and the Current Situation of Peasant s Land Property;《农村土地承包法》与农民土地财产保护现状

rural land contract disputes农村土地承包经营纠纷
1.The arbitration on rural land contract disputes is differ from the arbitration on common economic disputes,it has it\'s own characters.农村土地承包经营纠纷仲裁不同于一般经济纠纷仲裁,有其自身特点。
3)Arbitration on the Settlement of Disputes in农村土地承包经营纠纷仲裁
4)farmland contract dispute农地承包纠纷
5)rural land disputes农村土地纠纷
1.The purpose of the study is to probe into the social foundations and possible solutions to large quantity of rural land disputes.研究目的:探究农村土地纠纷大量产生的社会基础及其治理思路。
6)land contracting dispute土地承包纠纷
1.The investigation and analysis of eighty-five cases of land contracting dispute;农村土地承包纠纷案例的分析

承包纠纷承包纠纷 “承包”准确的说应是“承包经营管理”,是指企业与承包者间订立承包经营合同,将企业的“经营管理权”全部或部分在一定期限内交给承包者,由承包者对企业进行经营管理,并承担经营风险及获取企业收益的行为。 承包经营管理只是解决部分企业因经营管理不善导致亏损的一种补充措施,并且只能对所承包企业的税后利润实行承包,所以不允许企业投资各方仅就管理或利润签订承包合同。 由于承包只是企业经营管理的一种补充措施,不能消灭、变更原有企业或创设新的企业,也不能改变合资企业的法人地位、名称和经营范围。承包者与被承包的企业间所存在的是一种合同关系。因此,承包经营可采取公开招标方式进行,也可根据董事会决议由合资企业直接与承包者(合资一方或第三方)签订承包经营协议。 承包者最基本的权利是收取承包收益。合同双方因为权利义务关系产生的争议和纠纷就属于承包纠纷。