新手段,new method
1)new method新手段

1.OTN+PTN:A New Resolution for IP Service TransportOTN+PTN:IP业务的传送新手段
2.Flip Chip will be a New Method of Packaging Technology倒装芯片将成为封装技术的最新手段
3.Some Approaches to Enlarge Students’ Vocabulary;提高学生英语词汇量的几种创新手段
4.Remote Sensing Archaeology;遥感考古——探索人类文化遗产的新手段
5.A New Means of Teaching English Writing--Online Writing Lab;英语写作教学新手段——网上写作实验室
6.A Preliminary Research on the New Evaluation Method for Swimmer s Strength;评价游泳运动员力量素质新手段初探
7.The means of security should be renewed.安全的手段需要更新。
8.Payment by Mobile Phone: A New Payment Method of E-Commerce;电子商务的新兴支付手段——手机支付
9.recreate an idea, mood, atmosphere, etc. as by artistic means.通过艺术手段重新创造出情绪气氛等。
10.fraudulent applications for shares in the new company以欺骗手段申请新公司的股票.
11.The government resorted to censorship of the press.政府以新闻审查制度为手段
12.Translation as an Effective Approach in Foreign Language Teaching: a Re-evaluation;作为外语教学手段的翻译:重新评价
13.Project-based Learning--A Creative College Teaching Mode;项目学习模式——创新的高校教学手段
14.Training The Creative Design Ability by Imitating Exercise;运用仿制设计手段培养创新设计能力
15.Propelling the Construction of New Socialist Countryside by Means of Law;用法律手段推进社会主义新农村建设
16.On the Transfer of Cohesion Devices in the Translation of New College English;《新编大学英语》译文衔接手段的转换
17.Thoughts on the Innovations of China s Environmental Management;对创新我国环境管理手段的若干思考
18.Aboue Innovation and Practice of NC Program Teaching Means;数控编程实训教学手段的创新与实践

innovation in the means手段创新
3)innovative means创新手段
4)dealing mode innovation经营手段创新
5)innovation of supervisory ways监督手段的创新
6)renewimg the teachingmeans更新教学手段

十报恩 赠段先生 折段字起【诗文】:公物外好生涯。火相逢结大砂。女盘桓看大药。牛哮吼戏灵葩。云铺地丹炉赫,子观天碧眼华。有三生君省悟,中无事步烟霞。【注释】:【出处】: