农村土地调整,rural land adjustment
1)rural land adjustment农村土地调整

1.Survey on Adjustment of Rural Land and its Inducement;我国农村土地调整及其影响因素的实证研究
2.Research on the Conflict of China's Rural Land Adjustment Based on Social Burning Theory我国农村土地调整中的冲突研究——基于社会燃烧理论视角
3.Study on Land Ownership Adjustment in Rural Land Consolidation in China我国农村土地整理中土地权属调整问题研究
4.Land Adjustment: Social Guarantee and Social Control;土地调整:农村社会保障与农村社会控制
5.Discussion About Transformation Mode of Rural Land Market and Adjustment Structure of Agricultural Product;农村土地市场流转与农产品结构调整问题探讨
6.Economic Restructuring and Innovation of Rural Land System;经济结构调整过程中农村土地制度的创新
7.Research on Land Arrangement on the Background of New Rural Construction;新农村建设背景下农村土地整理研究
8.Enlightenment from ownership adjustment of farmland consolidation in Japan for intensive utilization of rural land in China日本农地合并中权属调整对我国农村土地集约利用的启示
9.The Problem of Rural Land is not Only the Problem of Farmer Rights--take the adjustment of land in three villages of central china for example;农村土地问题不只是农民权利问题——以中部某省粮食主产区三个村庄的土地调整为例
10.ANALYSIS ON SPORTS BEHAVIORIST SYSTEM;农村经济结构调整动力机制探讨——以河南省土地流转为例
11.Thinking on countryside contracting land adjustment system--analysis basing on governance logic对农村承包土地调整制度的反思——基于治理逻辑的视角分析
12.Unclear land use regulations cause the tension of the relation between cadres and masses in the countryside;土地使用规则不明导致农村干群关系的紧张——A村土地调整风波案例研究
14.Land Consolidation of Rural Resident Area, An Important Approach of New Rural Construction──A Case Study in Jiashan County, Zhejiang Province;居民点土地整理:新农村建设的重要途径──浙江省嘉善县农村居民点调查
15.The Economic Law s Regulation of the Rural Land Resources Redistribution--From the example of Haidian District s urbanization course;论农村土地资源再分配的经济法调整——以北京市海淀区的农村城市化进程为例
16.Research on the Issues of Land Consolidation at Rural Residential Sites of Juning County;睢宁县农村居民点土地整理问题研究
17.Land Rerrangement Oriented Towards Building a New Socialist Countryside;面向社会主义新农村建设的土地整理

rural land arrangement农村土地整理
1.The uneconomical management of rural land affects the sustainable use of land resource, the rural land arrangement is a important approach which can achieve the land resource sustainable strategic target.农村土地整理活动是实现土地资源可持续发展战略目标的重要手段和途径 。
2.On the basis of present condition of rural land in Jinan,the paper discusses the models of rural land arrangement,which includes rural resident area,farmland,discarded land,and unreclaimed land,then puts forward the related countermeasures,for example,exerting the main influence of government,establishing all sorts of codes and statutes,etc.针对济南市农村土地利用现状 ,分析总结出了济南市农村土地整理的基本模式 ,包括农村居民点、农田、废弃地、未利用土地整理 ,并提出了相关的包括发挥政府的主导作用、制定各项条例法规、建立土地整理开发专项资金、加大土地整理相关法规的宣传等措施 。
3)Adjustments of the Contracted Farm Land in Rural China农村承包地调整
4)rural land investigation农村土地调查
1.Discussion on the technology of county-level rural land investigation database construction based on ArcGIS基于ArcGIS的县级农村土地调查数据库建设技术探讨
2.Combined with the research analysis of the technical methods which are applied in the second national land investigation work,it put forward the application of 3S technologies in the second rural land investigation in Pengyang county of Ningxia,and the database construction of GIS.结合全国第二次土地调查工作中所采用的技术方法进行研究分析,提出了3S技术在宁夏彭阳县第二次农村土地调查中的应用和GIS数据库建设方面的看法。
5)rural land农村土地
1.Discussion on the collocation of rural land by market;试论农村土地资源配置的市场化
2.Reflections on strengthening archi ves management of rural land contracted and transferred;加强农村土地承包流转档案管理的思考
3.Study on social security function of rural land transacted;农村土地流转中社保功能体现与补偿标准计算研究
1.The dynamic system of farmland includes three factors: original drive force, sustained development power, and outside pull.农村土地动力制度包括原始推动力、持续发展力、外部吸拉力三大要素。
2.In the new stage of agricultural development,there s a serious extended trend of abandoned farmlands which causes a huge waste of lands and hinders the development of agriculture and country s economy.农业发展新阶段 ,农村土地抛荒严重 ,并呈现蔓延扩大趋势。
3.As the basic way of reforming the land system in rural area of our country at present, our government should support and protect the voluntary and paid turnover of contracted management right of farmland in accordance with law, the essence of which lies in perfecting the novel land management system of contracted responsibilities.支持和保护依法自愿、有偿地进行农村土地承包经营流转是我国目前农村土地制度改革的基本途径,其实质在于完善新一轮土地承包经营责任制。

农村电力网电压调整农村电力网电压调整voltage regulation in rural electric power networks  但调压范围受限制.在小型发电厂供电的农网内,该调压方法可以起到明显作用. (2)改变无功溯流调压。农网是开式网或开式运行的电网,改变无功潮流的方法主要是用并联电容器补偿。并联电容器补偿可减少电力网通过的无功功率,降低线路、变压器的电压损耗以起调压作用。同时,并联电容器补偿使系统有足够的无功电源,保证在电压较高时供给用户所播要的较大t的无功功率,避免电力系统发生电压崩演。同步补偿机(又称调相机)也是无功电裸,可以改变无功溯流。但因其造价离,运行维护不便,在农网中应用很少。 (3)有载或无载改变变压器分节头调压.前者可在变压器有负载的情况下手动或自动调压.电压高时把电压调低,反之调高.它可把供电电压的电压偏差范围缩小。后者只有在变压器停运或不带负载的情况下手动改变分节头调压。它不能缩小供电电压变化的范围,只能改变电压水平.例如.10kV及以下三相供电电压的允许电压偏差为士7%,只有当用户端电压变化范围小于14%时,才有可能用这种方法把电压调到士7%的范围内。 (4)改变配电网参数调压。根据负荷大小改变并联运行变压器的台数,可以改变配电网的参数起调压作用。负荷小电压升高时,减少并联运行的变压器台数,加大了变压器的并联阻抗及电压损耗,使电压降低.负荷大电压降低时,增加并联运行的变压器台数,减小变压器的并联阻杭及电压损耗,使电压升高.这一方法在农村变电所内使用既有调压效果,又有降低电能损耗的效益.但对只有一台变压器的农村变电所和大多数农村今电变压器台(室),这一方法不能使用.在中压配电线路上申联电容器可以减少线路总电抗而起调压作用。感性无功功率在容性电抗上产生电压升高,升高的电压值为汉了七二Q万c/U。式中Q为通过申联电容器的无功功率,XC为申联电容器的容抗;U为线路倾定电压。这一方法的调压作用随负荷的变化而立即变化,无须操作或控制。20世纪60年代在中国浙江省等地的农村电力网中曾使用这一方法。但由于申联电容器与其后电动机群易发生申联谐振问题,70年代以后很少采用。 综合调压方案解决农村电力网供电电压质量的综合措施.这些措施包括:采取合理的调压方法和合理限侧农村电力网配电线路的电压损耗,在满足电压质t的前提下使农村电力网结构在整体上经济合理。中国农村电力网合理的综合调压方案是:①在110 kV/35 kV(220 kV/66 kV)变电所利用有载调压变压器实施逆调压方式,其低压侧母线电压偏差在最大负荷时为+5写或十7%,在最小负荷时为。%。②35kV/10kV或“kV/10kV变电所采用有载调压变压器调压,其调压范围为土5%。