供给过剩,supply surplus
1)supply surplus供给过剩
1.This paper illustrates the existing problems of supply insufficiency and supply surplus of public products in China s rural areas.分析了我国农村公共产品供给中存在的供给不足与供给过剩的矛盾及其产生的原因,并进而提出了完善农村公共产品供给的基本思路:(1)坚持城乡一体化的政策导向,向城乡提供均衡的公共产品与公共服务;(2)实现农村公共产品供给决策程序由“自上而下”向“自下而上”转变。
2.Nowadays, there is a supply surplus of mid - size and small - size financial institutions in China.我国中小金融机构处于供给过剩状态,因此我国金融发展的关键不在于新增民营金融机构,而在于:一是要减弱政府对国有大企业的偏好,为民营企业融资创造公平的风险环境;二是要规范现有中小金融机构行为,以释放其对民营企业持续发展的支持效率。

1.Economics Analysis of Governmental Protection Price;政府保护价格的经济学分析——对供给过剩程度的进一步探究
2.Research on Economic Values of Labor Force Increase Under the Background of Supply Surplus--Based on its Empiric test of Labor Resource Data;供给过剩条件下我国劳动力增长的经济价值——基于我国劳动力数据的实证检验
3.Caueses and Measures on the Insufficient Effective Supply and the Excessive Ineffective Supply;有效供给不足、无效供给过 剩的原因及其对策
4.Excessive Liquidity:Analysis Based on Money Supply Determination;流动性过剩:基于货币供给决定机制的解析
5.Ineffective Supply, Product Innovation and Two Types of Overproduction;无效供给、产品创新与两种类型的生产过剩
6.Malnutrition includes undernutrition, in which nutrients are undersupplied, and overnutrition, in which nutrients are oversupplied.营养不良包括营养低下,即营养素供给不足,和营养过剩,即营养素供给过度。
7.Study on the Mechanism of the Influence on the Money Supply of Exchange Reserve──Based on the Excess Liquidity;外汇储备对货币供给量影响机制研究──基于流动性过剩的背景
8.To Predict the Quantity of Rural Surplus-labor Supply in Gansu Province in 2007-2010;甘肃省农村剩余劳动力供给形势分析
9.Large volume of production capacity lies idle. In addition to processing industries, the capacity that was short for a long time in the past such as energy and transportation is in the surplus now.大量生产能力闲置,除加工工业外,就连过去长期短缺的能源、交通供给能力也出现了剩余。 %$
10.On “Surplus” Supply of Rural Public Products from the Dimension of Modernity;从现代性维度论农村公共产品的“过剩”供给——在构建社会主义和谐社会背景下的思考
11.Excess Liquidity,Reserve Requirements and Credit Rationing;流动性过剩、法定存款准备与信用配给
12.An Inquiry to the Theory of Comparative Advantage under the Surplus of Labor-supply;劳动供给剩余条件下的比较优势理论质疑
13.The child is sacrificed and offered up to fate; and the widow is quite alone.孩子给做了祭献,供奉给命运之神了;那寡妇只剩下孤身一人。
14.supplying dry land with water by means of ditches etc.通过沟渠给旱地提供水。
15.Excess Liquidity of Banks:Based on Disequilibrium Model of Demand and Supply of Credit流动性过剩:基于贷款供求非均衡模型的分析
16.Reflection on the Transformation from "the Infinite Supplies" to "the Limited Surplus" of the Rural Surplus Labor Force in China;对中国农村劳动力由无限供给到有限剩余转变的思考
17.On the Limitless Supply of the Rural Surplus Labour in China;关于中国农业剩余劳动力无极限供给问题的探讨
18.Oversupplied the troops with blankets; oversupplied blankets to the troops.向部队过多供应毛毯;把过多的毛毯供应给部队

curve of excess supply过剩供给曲线
1.By perfecting mathematical economics analyses of Ricardian comparative cost theory from the perspective of income effect,the paper explains the curve of excess supply and international equilibrium price,and reveals the soul of the theory with a conclusion that an export country gains more while an import country gains less from international trade as income effect beco.李嘉图比较成本理论中的过剩供给曲线和国际均衡价格是该理论的教学重点和难点内容。
3)relative oversupply供给相对过剩
4)general oversupply一般供给过剩
5)Residual Supply剩余供给
