农村社会稳定,social stability in rural area
1)social stability in rural area农村社会稳定
1.It is also stressed that social stability in rural areas cannot be completely guaranteed until the problems in the .文章还强调 ,只有解决好村民自治实践中存在的问题 ,农村社会稳定才能有充分的保障。

1.The Two Influences about Self-governance among Villagers to Social Stability in Countryside;村民自治对农村社会稳定的双面效应
2.Institutional Change of Rural Stability and Development;保障农村社会稳定和发展的制度建设
3.Maintain Stability of Villages and Push forward Construction of Socialist New Village;维护农村社会稳定 推进我区社会主义新农村建设
4.A Study of the Social Stability in the West Countryside by Raising the Organization Degree;基于提高组织化程度的西部农村社会稳定探讨
5.Pondering the Social Stability in the Countryside in the New Period;对新时期做好农村社会稳定工作的思考
6.The Elite Lacking and Social Control s Weakening in Today s Rural Society--On the meanings of rational social stratification in the rural social stability;农村精英缺失与社会控制弱化——论合理社会分层对于当前我国农村社会稳定的意义
7.The Political Basis of Social Stability in Rural China --A Case-study of Dongbian Village in the West of Jiangxi Province;农村社会稳定的政治基础——以赣西东边村为个案的分析
8.Factor Analysis and Trend Prediction of Rural Society Stability--Empirical Investigation and Some Thoughts on City Q in Eastern China;影响农村社会稳定的因素分析和形势预测——对东部Q市的实证调查与有关思考
9.The Analysis about the Construction of the Socialist New Countryside in Xinjiang from the Stability in the Rural Areas;从农村稳定看新疆社会主义新农村建设
10.Adjustment of Law of Population Registration in Ming Dynasty and Rural Social Stabilization;明代户籍法的调整与农村社会的稳定
11.The Construction of Political Civilization and Social Stability in Rural Areas of the Well-off Society;小康社会的农村政治文明建设与农村的社会稳定
12.Political Expression about Rural Reform,Social Stability and Farmer Benefit农村改革、社会稳定与农民利益的政治表达
13.The Adjustment of Census Law in Qing Dynasty and the Stability of the Basic Rural Society清代户籍法的调整与农村基层社会的稳定
14.Reflections on Strengthening the Countryside Primary Organization Construction to Realize the Countryside Society Long-Term Stability;加强农村基层组织建设与社会稳定的若干思考
15.6. Rural women have participated in the construction of spiritual civilization and furthered the stability of rural families and the advancement of society.农村妇女参与精神文明建设,推动了农村家庭稳定和社会进步
16.Adjustment of Civil Law Legislation and Stability of Rural Skeleton Society during Ming and Qing Dynasties;明清时期民事诉讼立法的调整与农村基层社会的稳定
17.It is obvious that peasants' participation by force not only influences rural social stability, but also brings inestimable damages for peasants themselves.农民暴力式参与不仅影响了农村社会的稳定,也给农民自身带来了不可估量的损失。
18.The first priority in developing a new socialist countryside is to develop modern agriculture and promote steady expansion of grain production and sustained increase in rural incomes.建设社会主义新农村,首先要发展现代农业,促进粮食生产稳定发展和农民持续增收。

country society农村社会
1.Around the relationship between national power and country society during the period of post commune, scholars have carried out studies on country outstanding person, country grass-roots form as well as state and rural society.围绕后公社时期的国家权力与农村社会,学界在乡村精英研究、农村基层组织研究、国家与农村社会研究三个方面进行了探索。
3)rural society农村社会
1.Discussion on the program of converting cropland to forestland and rural society development:Positive analysis on Guyuan County,Hebei Province;退耕还林工程与农村社会发展探讨——基于河北省沽源县的实证分析
2.The Way of Disputes—settling and Legal Service Institutions in Rural Society ──Investigation Report of the Program "Rural Legal Aid Group";农村社会的纠纷解决途径和法律服务机构──“农村法律援助小组”项目调查报告
3.It’s well know that comrade DENG Xiaoping started his thinking about advancing Chinese reform and the policy of opening from how to promote the development of rural society.在改革开放的新时期如何推动农村社会发展 ,成为邓小平同志推动中国改革开放思考的起点。
4)countryside society农村社会
1.According to the characteristics of countryside society and the need of the agriculture legal affair,we should extend and transform the present judicial organization,cancel the law service organizations of villages and towns in the rural area progressively and establish the organs .根据农村社会特点和涉农法律事务需要,对现行司法组织进行延伸和改造,在农村地区逐步取消乡镇法律服务机构,设置律师、公证、仲裁机构,进一步完善人民调解制度,建构相应的农村法律服务体系,既是我国法律服务体系自身完善的内在要求,也是促进农村社会和谐,建设社会主义新农村的迫切要求。
1.Countryside differs from cities,and rules being applied in resolving disputes in cities cannot be taken to settle those of countryside.农村社会异于城市社会,对于农村社会的纠纷解决,不能完全套用基于城市社会而建立的法则。
2.development,this paper studied the stabilization problems of the countryside at present and the important function of stabilizing the countryside to the country s long term management and stability and the economic development.本文从中国处于社会主义初级阶段的现实出发,探讨了目前农村社会的稳定问题及稳定农村社会,对于中国实现长治久安及经济发展的重要作用。
6)rural community农村社会
1.In the Chinese rural community,law wants of subject identification,defensiveness,indispensability in the process of functioning.在中国农村社会,法律在运行的过程中缺乏主体认同性、维权性和必行性。

社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)社会存在(见社会存在决定社会意识)social being  定社s卜ehui eunzoi社会存在(soeial being)会意识。见社会存在决