社会保障法律制度,social security legal system
1)social security legal system社会保障法律制度
1.There is commonness among different models of social security legal system although they have great differences.不同模式的社会保障法律制度虽然存在很大差异,但也有其共性。

1.Set up a harmonious socialistic society make the legal system perfect;构建社会主义和谐社会 完善社会保障法律制度
2.The Study of Land-Lost Farmers Social Security Legal System;中国失地农民社会保障法律制度研究
3.Analysis and prospect of law system for social security in China;我国社会保障法律制度的反思与前瞻
4.Research on the Legal System for Athletes’ Social Security in China;我国运动员社会保障法律制度之研究
5.Improvement of Social Security Legal System Promotes Harmonious Development of Society;完善社会保障法律制度 促进社会和谐发展
6.The Reformation and Improvement of the Social Security Law in China;社会保障法主体的解析——我国社会保障法律制度的改革与完善
7.Thinking China s Current Legal System of Social Security from Features of the Social Security;从社会保障的特征看中国目前社会保障法律制度
8.The Way of China s Social Security Legal System Construction and Improve;我国社会保障法律制度的构建及完善方式
9.A Study on the Social Security Law System for Workers of Free Movement in the European Union;欧盟自由流动工人社会保障法律制度研究
10.The Thinking on Establishment and Improvement of China s Legal System of Social Security;建立和完善我国社会保障法律制度的思考
11.Constructing and Perfecting Social Security Legal System in the Rural Ethnic Minority Regions;建立健全民族地区农村社会保障法律制度
12.Study on the Legislation for China s Rural Social Security System;我国农村社会保障制度法律问题研究
13.Legal Research on Social Security System for Farmer-laborers in China;我国农民工社会保障制度的法律研究
14.Legal Thought of the Athlete Social Security;我国运动员社会保障制度的法律思索
15.On Harmony Liaoning Legal System of Farmers Pensions;辽宁农民社会养老保障法律制度研究
16.On legal system of social security funds;对完善社会保障基金法律制度的思考
17.Rural Social Security System and its Legislation Construction;农村社会保障制度发展中的法律构建
18.The Design of the Legal System of Chinese Social Security Tax我国开征社会保障税的法律制度设计

German legal system of social security德国社会保障法律制度
3)legal system of tax revenue of the social security社会保障税收法律制度
4)the legal system of social security on environmental hazards环境公害社会保障法律制度
5)Social Guarantee System社会保障制度
1.It is of important significance of attaching importance to and reasonably considering government s responsibility in the construction of social guarantee system under the background of the construction of new socialist countryside and the implementation of social construction goal based on people s livelihood proposed by the party s 17th session.在建设社会主义新农村、落实十七大提出的推进以民生为基础的社会建设目标的背景下,重视并理性看待政府在农村社会保障制度建设中的责任具有重要意义。
2.The perfection of the social guarantee system for the released people is very sig- nificant and urgent today.在我国,完善刑满释放人员社会保障制度尤为重要和迫切。
3.Minimum subsistence allowance is a social guarantee system,when anyone can not maintain minimum subsistence,government would supply them the minimum subsistence.最低生活保障制度是由政府按照法定的标准向那些不能维持最低生活水平的人,提供满足最低生活需要的社会保障制度。
6)social security社会保障制度
1.The Research on China Urban Neo-poverty Population s Social Security System;中国城市新贫困人口的社会保障制度研究
2.A brief account is given about the connotation of human resources development and the great significance of the social security system for promoting our human resources development.阐述了人力资源开发的内涵及社会保障制度对促进我国人力资源开发的重要意义,就进一步健全我国社会保障制度提出应扩大社会保障覆盖面、加强社会保障基金管理和健全相关法规,使其有效地促进我国人力资源开发和经济全面、健康、快速地增长。
3.The paper holds that the transition of the social security system from down payment to gradual accumulation requires the government to cover all the costs entailed.在社会保障制度转换过程中,所有国家都会面临制度转换成本的负担问题。

农村社会保障制度农村社会保障制度  农村社会保障制度为了保证农村人口在社会劳动和社会生活中维持正常的身心状态,促进整个社会经济正常发展,国家通过法律、公约、政令等手段所规定的一种基本权利。通常包括四个方面的内容:社会救济、社会保险、社会福利、社会优抚具体内容包括:①为家庭生活提供保障。对贫困地区和生活在贫困线以下的农民提供起码的生活条件,对受灾地区的农民及时予以救济,对中等以上发展水平的地区开展家庭财产、人身意外伤害等保险业务。②为农业生产提供保障。采取自办、代办、联办、互助合作等保险形式,以减少自然风险的损害。③为农村市场经济发展提供保障。大宗农产品建立专项储备和风险保障基金。④为农民提供医疗和养老保险。农村社会保障根据不同的内容,分别由国家、地方政府有关部门,乡村社区集体经济组织,乡村企业,社会团体以及保险企业承担。