公益目的,public purposes
1)public purposes公益目的

1.Article63 The trust property of public trust and its proceeds must not be used for non-public purposes.第六十三条公益信托的信托财产及其收益,不得用于非公益目的
2.On the Purpose of Public Welfare in the Land Requisition--Based on the operation;土地征用公益目的性探讨——基于可操作性要求
3.A public trust is one that benefits some public purpose.公益信托是一有利公共目的的信托。
4.A calculating formulation of internal rate of return for constant returns of investment projects;等额收益投资项目内部收益率的一个计算公式
5.The Normal Purpose of the Government:Pursuit and Realization of Public Interest政府的规范目的:追求和实现公共利益
6.This project needs more public-spirited people.这个项目需要更多热心公益的人。
7.a grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public.政府拨给进行公益项目企业的款项。
8.Study on TOT Applied in Semi-commonweal Water Conservancy Project;TOT在准公益性水利项目中的应用研究
9.Probing into the Status Quo and the Future of Public Benefits TV Programs of China;中国电视公益节目的现状与进路探微
10.Educational structure adjustment with distributional justice as a goal;收益分配公平目标下的教育结构调整
11.Discussion on Performance Auditing of The Public Investment Project;对公共工程投资项目效益审计的探讨
12.Discussion on the Mesures to Restrict the Venture of Commonweal Constrcut Item;公益性建设项目的风险约束机制研究
13.On the Legal Protection to the Interests of the Small and Medium Shareholders in the Target Companies;论目标公司中小股东利益的法律保护
14.Application of Project Management for Nonprofit Maritime Communications Construction Projects;项目管理在公益性海上通信建设项目中的应用
15.An Empirical Analysis of Target Shareholder s Returns;公司收购与目标公司股东收益的实证分析
16.Application of "Benefit-cost Ratio Method" in Economic Assessment of Construction Projects of Forestry Public Benefit Undertaking;“效益—费用”法在林业公益事业建设项目经济评价中的应用
17.acceptance rate (By Beneficiaries of a project)(项目受益人的)受益率
18.Modern Revision of the End of Corporation;公司目的的现代修正——利益相关者理论评价

public interest goal公益目标
1.Regulation Abuse by the Regulated Firms——A historical review of the departure of American Antitrust Laws from public interest goal;被规制者对规制的滥用——对美国反垄断法偏离公益目标的历史考察
3)Commonweal project公益项目
1.Technology Assessment and Social Assessment Research for Commonweal Project;公益项目技术评价与社会评价研究
4)Public-benefits Programs公益节目
5)Commonweal Project公益性项目
1.Study of the Commonweal Project Social Evaluation;公益性项目是社会发展的重要组成部分,而项目评价则是衡量项目是否成功的唯一途径。
6)Purpose benefits目的利益

DEQ 目的港码头交货 (……指定目的港)  %26#8220;目的港码头交货%26#8221;是指卖方在指定的目的港码头将货物交给买方处置,不办理进口清关手续,即完成交货。卖方应承担将货物运至指定的目的港并卸至码头的一切风险和费用。  DEQ术语要求买方办理进口清关手续并在进口时支付一切办理海关手续的费用、关税、税款和其他费用。   这和以前版本相反,以前版本要求卖方办理进口清关手续。  如果当事方希望卖方负担全部或部分进口时交纳的费用,则应在销售合同中明确写明。  只有当货物经由海运、内河运输或多式联运且在目的港码头卸货时,才能使用该术语。但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。