农转非,agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status
1)agricultural people to be given non-agricultural status农转非

1.Study on Properties and Utilization in Building Materials of Bottom Ashes from Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion城市化中的农转非社区转型问题研究
2.A Study on the Employment and Management of Land-lost Personnel in Non-agriculture Economic Sectors征地农转非人员非农就业促进及其管理研究
3.Empirical Study of the Unemployment of the Land-expropriated Farmers in the Urbanization Process;城市化进程农转非人员就业问题初探
4.Increment income rent-seeking of non-agricultural land and land intensive utility;农转非土地增值寻租与土地集约利用
6.Study on the Rural Collective Non-farming Constructionland Transference;农村集体非农建设用地流转创新研究
7.Transformation of Farmers into “Non”-farmers in the Process of Urbanization;城镇化进程中农民向“非”农的转化
8.A Study on Harmonization of Rural Labour Force Transfer and Farmland Conversion;农村劳动力转移与农地非农化协调研究
9.In the rural economic structure, priority has been shifted from agriculture to the coordinated development of agriculture and nonagricultural sectors.农村经济结构由以农业为主转变为农业与非农产业协调发展。
10.Non-Agricultural Income,Agricultural Efficiency and Investments--the Reflection of China's Rural Labor Migration非农收入、农业效率与农业投资——对我国农村劳动力转移格局的反思
11.A Research about Collective Non-Agricultural Land Transfer Regulation System;集体非农建设用地流转管制制度研究
12.On the other hand, 100 million farmers will change there agricultural household register to unagricultural from then on.另外,今后将有一亿农民转为非农业户口。
13.The Study on the Mechanism of Land Income Distribution in the Process of Farmland Conversion;农地非农化流转中土地收益分配机制研究
14.The Village Study on the Non-farm Transferring of the Suburb Farmers in Chang Chun;长春市城郊农民非农化转移的村级研究
15.Study on Rural Collective Non-farming Construction Land Conversion in Shenzhen;深圳市农村集体非农建设用地流转研究
16.Model Conception for Macroscopic Decision-Making Theory of Rural Land Conversion Circulation;农地非农化流转宏观决策理论模型构建
17.On Labor Shift,Non-Agricultural Investment and Increase of Farmer Incomes;劳动力转移、非农产业投入与农民收入增加
18.Deficiencies in the Compensation Mechanism of Farmland Conversion and Measures;农地非农流转补偿机制的缺陷及优化对策

farmland ownership conversion非农流转
3)non-agricultural transformation非农转移
1.Patriarchy on female peasants non-agricultural transformation and social mobility;农村女性非农转移和流动的父权制因素探究
4)Nonagricultural Use of Land农地转非
5)farmland non-agricultural conversion农地非农流转
1.Under the influence of regional conditions,land comparative interests,differential land benefit,and urban economy radiation,the rural-urban fringes have become the main areas of farmland non-agricultural conversion and cultivated land loss.受区位条件、比较利益、土地级差收益和城市经济辐射的影响,城市边缘区是我国农地非农流转最集中的地区和耕地流失最主要的区域。
6)Non-agricultural circulation of farmland农地非农化流转
1.Non-agricultural circulation of farmland, namely the agricultural land is to the circulating of construction land, is the course reconfigured as the land resource of the factor of production, it is the inevitable phenomenon in the modern social development.农地非农化流转,即农业用地向建设用地的流转,是作为生产要素的土地资源进行重新配置的过程,是现代社会发展中的必然现象。
