地契,landowning contract
1)landowning contract地契

1.HDB Titles Registration建屋发展局地契注册组
2.The Historical Value of the Title Deed Sold by Li Ziqi and Another One Bought by Li Zhong;清代博爱李自奇卖地契李仲买地契的史料价值
3.We burned the deeds of the landlords and divided the land.我们烧了地主的地契,分了地。
4.I can't give anybody a clear title.我不可能给人家一张没有瓜葛的地契
5.Due to his having the deed, the whole village was the land- owner's, regardless.由于地主有地契,毫无疑问整个村庄都归他所有。
6.lease enforcement unit [Lands Department]契约执行小组〔地政总署〕
7.deed of covenant(经签字并盖章,通常为有关房地产的)契据;契约书
8.appalachia: a region of the eastern United States including the appalachian Mountains.阿巴拉契亚: 美国东部包括阿巴拉契亚山脉在内的地区。
9.A document sealed as an instrument of bond, contract, or conveyance, especially relating to property.契约,证书加封盖印的文件,尤指与地产有关的契约、合同或转让证书
10.Research on Economic Law in Western Minority Region;西部民族地区经济法制研究之——贵州锦屏苗、侗林业契约之佃契初探
11.A collection of deeds or charters, especially a register of titles to all the property of an estate or a monastery.契据登记簿契约或契据集,尤指一处地产或一所修道院所有财产的所有权登记簿
12.Land Management and Lease Enforcement土地管理及执行契约条款。
13.He successfully negotiate a new contract with the union.他成功地与工会商定了一项新契约。
14.land or property held under a lease.通过契约持有的土地或财产。
15.What are freedom's chances in those areas.这些地区获得自由的契机是什么?
16.To react or interact harmoniously.投合,契合合谐地做出反应或回应
17.He managed to disengage himself from the contract.他成功地为自己解除了契约义务。
18.Concept Research on Local Consuetudes in Ancient Chinese Contracts;中国古代契约中地方惯例的概念研究

file of landowning contract地契档案
3)real estate title deeds房地契
4)chilim carpet契林地毯
5)land contract土地契约
6)real estate title deeds房地产契
