征地冲突,land expropriation conflicts
1)land expropriation conflicts征地冲突
1.The purpose of this paper is to discover the causes on frequent land expropriation conflicts in China in order to provide scientific proofs whereby governments can make policies involving in land conflict management.研究目的:弄清中国频繁暴发征地冲突的原因,以期为政府制定土地冲突管理的政策提供依据。

1.The Game Theory Analysis on the Stakeholders Involved in Farmland-acquisition Conflicts: Taking the Local Government and Land-lost Peasants as an Example征地冲突中利益相关者的博弈分析——以地方政府与失地农民为例
2.How to resolve the internal conflicts of China s land expropriation laws;土地征收法的内部冲突及其化解路径
3.The Land Confiscation Conflict in the Perspective of Social Conflict Theory;社会冲突理论视野里的农村征地纠纷
4.Interest Conflicts and Modulation in Land-Acquisition and House-Demolishment of Domestic Urbanization Constructions;我国城市建设征地拆迁利益冲突及调整
5.Research on Concept,Characters and Trigger Factors of Land Conflicts in China;中国土地冲突的概念、特征与触发因素研究
6.Conflicts of interests in land acquisition and house demolition in urban construction of China;我国城市建设征地拆迁中的利益冲突研究
7.Problems Arising from Conflicts among Existing Laws and Regulations about Land Levy and their Potential Solutions;关于中国征地法律冲突引起的问题及对策探讨
8.Study on Conflicts between Rural Strata in Process of Land Expropriation: A Case of Land Dispute in Longquan City;农村征地过程中的阶层冲突研究——以龙泉市土地纠纷为例
9.Interest Conflicts,Compensation System and Policy Adjustment of Land Expropriation in the Rural Area农村土地征收中的利益冲突及补偿机制和政策调适
10.On Rural Land System Civilization Conflicts in China我国农村土地制度文明冲突的症结、表征及解决设想
11.regional conflicts rise one after another;地区冲突此起彼伏,
12.To cause(someone)to lunge.使…突刺,冲使某人突然地刺或向前扑
13.To make a sudden, quick advance, as through obstruction or opposition.突破,穿过冲破障碍突然、迅速地前进
14.She came up against her husband, and angrily left home她与丈夫发生了冲突(矛盾),怒气冲冲地离开了家。
15.Was this clash the symptom of disintegrating authority?这次冲突是否是权威瓦解的征兆呢?
16.The Discussion about "the Internalization" Character of Chekhov's Dramatic Conflict试论契诃夫戏剧冲突的“内化”特征
17.Text Conflict of Female Media:Representation of Role Conflict--A Case Study of The Women Today Weekly女性媒介的文本冲突:角色冲突的表征——以《今日女报》为例

Study on Land Conflict in the Process of Expropriation征地冲突研究
3)Feature interaction特征冲突
1.With the development of software technology,the feature interaction problem emerges in more and more soft-ware systems.随着软件技术的发展,越来越多的软件系统出现了业务特征冲突问题,如何在新的环境下解决该问题成为人们研究的重点。
4)Conflicts between tax collecting & paying征纳冲突
5)land conflicts土地冲突
1.The purpose of this paper is to bring forward the concept of land conflicts in China,sum up their characters and analyze their trigger factors.研究目的:界定中国土地冲突的概念,归纳中国土地冲突的基本特征,剖析中国土地冲突的触发因素。
2.This paper aims to fully grasp the research fruits about land conflicts and their administration in foreign academe.研究目的:全面掌握国外有关土地冲突及其管理的研究成果。
3.The purpose of this paper is to comprehensively analyze the causes of the frequent land conflicts in China from the perspectives of economy,society,population,public administration,and legal environment etc.研究目的:对中国频繁暴发土地冲突的经济原因、社会经济原因、人口原因、行政原因和法律原因做全面分析。
6)land ownership conflict地权冲突
1.At present,one of the reasons for rural land ownership conflict is the lack of science legal basis in farmers collective member rights.当前农村地权冲突的部分原因在于农民集体成员权制度缺乏科学的法理基础。

拟定征地方案拟定征地方案 代欲处地单位群众的生产和生活g理邵门为解址月召片书~,关政策,在进行项目用地选择以及建设项目初步设计正式批准和总平布置图完成之后,组织建设单位和被征地单位及有关部门共同拟定征地费用包干方案。土地管理部门在受理建设单位的用地申请及选址后,一般需作如下工作:(l)及时向被征地单位群众说明征地理由、征地范围以及有关政策法规。禁止用地单位与被征地单位直接商定征地条件。(2)通过对土地的综合评价、分等定级,提出符合当地实际情况的补助、补偿、安置及其他各项费用和补偿安置方案。(3)主持建设单位和被征地单位以及有关部门协商取得一致意见之后,签订征地初步协议,报同级政府审批。国家和省的重点建设项目,按国家有关规定,·由省、市人民政府(或征地咨询服务机构)与建设单位签订征地协议。有条件的,可按国家有关规定,实行征地费用包干。