土地保障功能,the security function of the land
1)the security function of the land土地保障功能
1.However while the rural social economy developing,the security function of the land continues to weakening,the rural social security situation is stern.但随着城市化进程的加快,土地保障功能持续弱化。

1.Rural land guarantee function and rural social guarantee system农村土地保障功能与农村社会保障制度
2.How Does the Security Function of the Land Continue after the Rural Land was Transacted;农村土地流转后土地保障功能如何存续
3.Providing for the aged after soil security weakening in the development country district;发达地区土地保障功能弱化后的农村养老——以浙江为例
4.Discussions on Social Security Measures for Landless Farmers from the Support Functions of Land;从土地的保障功能探讨失地农民社会保障对策
5.The Security Function of Land and the Social Security System Innovation in Rural Areas;土地的保障功能与农村社会保障制度创新
6.Research Review on the Retirement Security Function of Rural Land in China;中国农村土地养老保障功能研究综述
7.Instructs the countryside land social security legal framework by 17 reports the consummation;浅谈我国农村土地社会保障功能的法律制度
8.Land Development Rights and Its Impact on the Construction of Principal Function Regions土地发展权及其对主体功能区建设保障研究
9.Promoting the Transfer of Rural Land s Function from Security to Capital;适时促进农村土地由保障功能向资本功能的转变
10.Against the Privatization of Tract--In terms of the social ensuring function of the country s tract;对土地私有化之批判——兼论农村土地的社会保障功能
11.Rural Share-holding Cooperative System and Land Security--A case study on Nanhai,Guangdong Province;农地股份合作制与土地社会保障功能的实现——以广东南海为例
12.Study on Social Benefit Evaluation of Regional Land Consolidation Based on Social Security Function of Land基于土地社会保障功能的区域土地整理社会效益测算研究——以南京市为例
13.Study on Soil Properties and Soil Conservation Functions of Young Forested Land of the Pearl River Shelterbelt Construction Project珠防工程幼林地土壤性状及其保土功能研究
14.Eco-functional District Planning and Guarantee Measures of Baiyun Lake s Wetland;白云湖湿地生态功能区规划及保障措施
15.Calculation of Cultivated Land Reservation Based on Social Security--Take Fangshan District in Beijing as an Example;基于社会保障功能的耕地保有量测算——以北京市房山区为例
16.The Relations between Functional Integration of National Security, Unit Security and Community Security;国家保障、单位保障、社区保障三者的关系变迁及功能整合
17.How the Peasant Workers Realize the Change which from the land Guarantee to the System Guarantee;农民工如何实现从土地保障向制度保障转变
18.Reflection on Land Security and Innovation of Rural Social Security System;土地保障与农村社会保障制度创新研究

farmland security function农地保障功能
1.This paper has mainly elaborated on the important role and function of farmland security, displayed a series of new problems about promoting the farmland security function, and given the countermeasures about improving the farmland security functio.本文主要阐述了农地保障在我国现阶段城市化和现代化进程中的重要地位和作用,以及发挥农地保障功能所面临着一系列新的问题,提出了提升农地保障能力,加强农村社会保障体系建设的对策与措施。
3)guarantee the traffic fun-ction功能保障
4)security function保障功能
1.The land has capital and security function.分析了当前过分强调农村土地保障功能的种种弊端,并结合我国农村经济发展的需要,提出适时促进我国农村土地由保障功能向资本功能转变的迫切性。
2.Owing to the large population and insufficient land in the countryside and the gradual diminishing of relative revenue of land, the security function of land has become increasingly weak.由于我国农村人多地少及土地比较收益逐渐下降等原因,土地的保障功能日渐弱化。
5)land protection土地保障
1.However,today s land protection is facing some contradictions,which are between the functions of the land protection and the productive elements,between the main form of land as social security and the weakening of land protection function,between the function of social security and the readjustment of the national economy.我国土地保障仍然是农村社会保障的重要形式,但目前土地保障面临着土地的保障功能与生产要素功能、土地作为主要的社会保障方式与土地保障功能弱化、土地的社会保障功能与国民经济结构调整等方面的矛盾,只有通过提高农业的比较利益、创新土地流转制度、保障农民的土地利益、积极探索土地保障的创新等途径才能确保和增强土地的社会保障能力。
6)land guarantee土地保障
1.To suit this situation,the reasonable selection is to combine the provide for the aged in household,land guarantee with social endowment insurance.针对当前我国农村市场经济的发展和人口老龄化问题的日趋明显 ,传统的家庭养老方式面临诸多挑战 ,而社会养老保险尚难以单独满足农村居民的养老需求的实际情况 ,认为解决这一问题的理性选择应当是走家庭养老、土地保障与社会养老相结合之路。
2.This paper mainly explained the significance of the land guarantee and re-understood our land system and its reform.通过阐释土地保障这一基本事实的制度意义 ,重新理解我国的土地制度及其改革。

后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)后勤持续保障能力(见后勤保障能力)sustained logistic support capability  houqin chixu baozhQng nengli后勤持续保障能力(sus‘ained 10915‘ics叩port eaPability)见后勤保障能力。