城乡建设用地增减挂钩,increase and decrease connection of urban and rural construction land
1)increase and decrease connection of urban and rural construction land城乡建设用地增减挂钩

1.Study on Pothook of City Construction Land Increase and Rural Residential Land Decrease;城乡建设用地增减挂钩分析——以重庆市沙坪坝区为例
2.Empirical Analysis of the Farmers' Willingness to Participate in the Program of Plus and Minus Hook between Urban and Rural Construction Land农户参与城乡建设用地增减挂钩意愿的实证分析
3.Discussion on the Connecting the Increase of Urban Construction Land with the Decrease of Rural Residential Area--A Case Study of Dinnan County in Jiang-xi Province;城镇建设用地增加与农村建设用地减少挂钩的探讨——以江西省定南县为例
4.Discussion on the Appraisal of Connecting the Increase of Urban Construction Land to the Decrease of Rural Residential Area--Taking Jinan as an Example;城镇建设用地增加与农村居民点减少挂钩的动态评价初探——以济南市为例
5.Real Options Approach in Connecting Plan of Urban and Rural Construction Land实物期权方法在建设用地“增减挂钩”规划中的应用
6.Feasibility Study on "Pothook" of Urban and Rural Construction Land Projects in Hilly Regions--A Case Study of Beibei Jingguan Project Area in Chongqing City丘陵地区城乡建设用地挂钩项目的可行性研究——以重庆市北碚区静观项目区为例
7.A policy of linking the appropriation of land for non-agricultural construction purposes to land development and reclamation will be implemented.实行非农建设占用耕地同开发、复垦挂钩。
8.Plan the Urban and Rural Construction Land under the Guidance of Urban and Rural Planning Act;切实以《城乡规划法》统筹城乡建设用地
9.Efficiency of Rural Construction Land Consolidation Base on Increase and Decrease Connection of Urban and Rural Construction Land--For Example of Taicang Jiangsu Province;基于“挂钩”下的农村建设用地整理效益分析——以江苏省太仓市为例
10.Rural Construction Land Consolidation and Its Ecological Environment Effect under the Connecting Policy挂钩政策下的农村建设用地整理及其生态环境效应
11.Discussion on Establishment of Construction Land Market with Development of Urban-Rural Integration构建城乡一体化的建设用地市场探讨
12.The frist research on constructive land suitability evaluation in connective location between town and country;城乡结合部建设用地适宜性评价初探
13.Study on Structure and Distribution of City and Rural Constructed Land Resource in Long Hui County隆回县城乡建设用地结构与布局研究
14.Inspiration of Energy-saving and Emission-mitigating Measures in Urban and Rural Construction from Fujian Traditional Vernacular Architecture福建传统民居对南方地区城乡建设中节能减排措施的启发
15.Urban & Rural Overall Planning Development: Layouts Adjust and Research of Urban & Rural Construction Lands of Lanzhou基于城乡统筹发展的兰州市城乡建设用地布局调整研究
16.The path selection of the economical use of urban and rural construction land;城乡建设用地节约集约利用的路径选择
17.hanger [skirt hanger, pants hanger]钩环[挂裙、裤等用
18.Study on the Control of Non-agricultural Construction Land s Expansion in Urban-Rural-Integration-Area of Liuzhou;柳州城乡结合部非农建设用地扩张控制研究

policy of "pothook of city construction land increase and rural residential land decrease""城乡建设用地增减挂钩"政策
3)Urban and rural construction land城乡建设用地
1.This paper discusses the feasibility,scientificalness and ways and means of increase and decrease connection of urban and rural construction land use,analyzes the problems in that connection and offers corresponding proposals,which are of actual importance for accelerating the de.通过对城乡建设用地增减挂钩的科学性、可行性以及方法和意义进行论述,提出了挂钩规划工作中存在的问题及相关的建议。
2.What\'s more, the unreasonable structure of urban and rural construction land aggravated the human land conflict and land resource scarcity.加之,我国城乡建设用地结构不合理,更凸显了人地矛盾和土地资源稀缺问题。
4)Connecting model增减挂钩
5)economic density of urban and rural construction land城乡建设用地经济密度
6)the unified construction land market of urban and rural城乡统一建设用地市场
