专项用地,specialized land
1)specialized land专项用地
1.The statistical survey of specialized land is an important part of the Second Investigation of Land-use Change.专项用地统计调查是第二次土地调查的重要组成部分,然而,专项用地和《土地利用现状分类》中的地类并不是一一对应的,也不是简单的包含关系,各专项用地内容之间也有重复和交叉。

1.The Practice and Exploration into the Investigation and Statistical Methods concerning Special-Purpose Land专项用地调查统计方法的实践与探索
2.Lim Haw Kuang, Executive Chairman of Shell Companies in China, said: “This project is intended to apply Shell′s proprietary oil shale in-situ conversion process and ”林浩光说:“此项目拟采用壳牌专有的油页岩地下转化技术.”
3.Whereas no correction is made within the time limit, a payment of land reclamation fees specially used for land reclamation by the violator shall be ordered and a fine may be imposed concurrently.逾期不改正的,责令缴纳复垦费,专项用于土地复垦,可以处以罚款。
4.A Study of Cross-cultural Pragmatic Failures by English Majors in Local Colleges;地方本科院校英语专业学生跨文化语用失误的一项调查
5.Application of SRM Training System in Track Sprint-Trained Cyclists Special Power Training;SRM训练系统在场地短距离自行车运动员专项力量训练中的应用
6.Discussion on Treatment Mode for Foundation of Subgrade Experimental Section in Some Special Line Project in Dalian大连某专用线项目路基试验段地基处理方式的探讨
7.Each request shall be limited for one patent for utility model.每项请求应当限于一项实用新型专利。
8.Beijing Subway Daily--A Project Analysis;北京《地铁专递日报》项目计划书——一项实地研究
9.New Universal Frame and imported wire ring ball bearing are adopted(2 patents of utility model and2 patents of invention).采用新型通用机架(项发明专利,二项实用专利)进口钢丝轴承。
10.New Universal Frame and imported wire ring ball bearing are adopted (2 patents of utility model and 2 patents of invention).采用新型通用机架(二项发明专利,二项实用专利)和进口钢丝轴承。
11.for lack of ability of reclamation or for failure to meet the required reclamation, land reclamation fees shall be paid, for use in land reclamation.没有条件复垦或者复垦不符合要求的,应当缴纳土地复垦费,专项用于土地复垦。
12.The technique of determining city land values has developed into a highly specialized and well-paid profession.确定城市用地地价的技术已成为一项高度专门化的、薪俸很高的职业。
13.Research on special legislation condition about protecting world cultural and natural heritage in Chinese locality;世界遗产保护地方专项立法情况研究
14.Explorations on the Practice of Project-based Real Estate Program;房地产专业项目教学法的探索与实践
15.Application of project management science to the fire safety administration项目管理科学在消防安全专项治理中的应用
16.The Reseach on Special-purpose Teaching Material of Colleges & Universities Football Special Lesson;普通高等学校足球专项课专用教材的研究
17.EPA has developed a special regulatory program to deal specifically with pesticide contamination of groundwater.环境保护局已经制定了一个特别管制项目,用以专门处理地下水中的杀虫剂污染。
18.In addition, the Central Government has appropriated an annual six million yuan and relevant provinces and municipalities have set aside a special fund from their budgets to cover the study and living expenses of the Tibetan students in inland regions.中央政府每年拨出600万元,有关省市财政列出专项经费,用于在内地的西藏学生的学习和生活。

land-use projects用地项目
3)the project land use项目用地
4)species garden plot,specified green space专用绿地
5)special purposes anchorage专用锚地
6)special use map专用地图

在什么情况下用地单位的有关用地收回 答:用地单位有下列情况之一者,该用地由城市规划行政主管部门收回另行处理: 1、不按批准的用途使用的; 2、用地单位民已经撤消或迁移的; 3、未经城市规划行政主管部门同意延期,连续两年未使用的; 4、建设用地规划许可证被吊销的; 5、市政设施、军事设施、铁路、公路、机场、抗场等用地经过核准不用的; 6、用地单位因建设计划变更不再使用或多余的; 7、用地单位闲置的土地; 8、未取得建设用地规划许可证而取得建设用地地批准文件、占用土地的; 城市规划行政主管部门有权根据城市规划建设需要,对城市规划区内的土地进行再按排。