三七五减租,375 rent reduction
1)375 rent reduction三七五减租
2)the 25% rent-reduce二五减租

1.If rent cannot be reduced by 25 percent and interest rates by 15 percent, they can be reduced by an even lower percentage.减租减息,不能是二五减租、分半减息,可以少减一些。
2.Abstract of Research on the Movement of "a Quarter Deduction of Landrent" in Guomindang Regime in Sichuan;民国四川“二五减租”运动研究(1946-1949)
3.On the Flash in the Pan of the “25% Rent Reduce” in Some Districts of Zhejiang Province in the Late 1920s of the Republic of China;民国20年代后期浙江等地“二五减租”的昙花一现
4.Survival and Justice:Probing into the Tenancy Relationship in the Countryside of Sichuan in the "25% Reduction of Rent" Movement生存与公正:“二五减租”运动中四川农村租佃关系探讨
5.On Economic Reasons for the Failure of the Kuomindang s Rural Conformity Policy--Case Analysis of "the Landlord Discounted at 25% in Zhejiang;论国民党乡村整合举措失败的经济原因——浙江“二五减租”的个案分析
6.Two from five is a simple subtraction.五减二是简单的减法.
7.Article 245 Warranty by Lessor The lessor shall give warranty in respect of the lessee's possession and use of the lease item.第二百四十五条出租人应当保证承租人对租赁物的占有和使用。
8.A: The rental fee is two hundred and fifty Hong Kong dollars per square foot.租金是每平方英尺港币二百五十元。
9.The lessor and the lessee may agree on the ownership of the lease item at the end of the lease term.第二百五十条出租人和承租人可以约定租赁期间届满租赁物的归属。
10.Article152 The charterer shall pay the hire as stipulated in the charter.第一百五十二条承租人应当按照合同约定支付租金。
11.The rent is $45,000 a month and the contract is for 12 months.租金是每个月四万五千元,合约为期十二个月。
12.His punishment was commuted from life imprisonment to twenty-five years' imprisonment.他的无期徒刑减轻为二十五年徒刑。
13.Prohibition on increasing rents and deposits;agitation for reduced rents and deposits.不准加租加押,宣传减租减押。
14.A further level of remission at 75 per cent, on top of the existing 50 per cent and 100 per cent remission levels, will be introduced with effect from the 2002-03 school year.由二零零二至零三学年起,除了现行的五成和全数减免额外,当局会增订七成五的减免额水平。
15.Analysis SO_2 Emission Reduction Capacity on Thermal Power During The 11th Five Years Plan“十一五”新疆火电行业二氧化硫减排潜力分析
16.Monthly rents range from $175 to $275, depending on the size and variable supply-and-demand situation in different localities of the United States.月租一百七十五至二百七十五美元,要看房子大小和美国各地的供求情况而定。
17.In the second quarter of this century, enthusiasm for the observational approach began to wane.在本世纪的第二个二十五年中,对观察法的热衷开始减弱。
18.He had to lower the rent of his house.他不得不减低房租。

the 25% rent-reduce二五减租
3)Two from seven leaves five.七减二为五。
4)Five from seven leaves two.七减五得二。
5)Subtract 3 from 7 and you have 4.七减三得四。
6)If you take 3 from 10 you have 7十减三剩七。

减租减息  中国新民主主义革命时期,中国共产党实行的调节农民和地主富农之间利益的、革命统一战线的土地政策。中国共产党在第一次和第二次国内革命战争时期,就领导过许多地方的农民起来减租减息;在抗日战争时期和1946年5月以前,在各抗日根据地和解放区全面实行了减租减息;第三次国内革命战争时期和中华人民共和国建国之初,在新解放区进行土地改革前也实行过一段时间的减租减息。      1942年1月,中共中央颁布的《关于?谷崭莸赝恋卣叩木龆ā罚枪赜诩踝饧跸⒌母倭煨晕募K岢隽丝谷彰褡逋骋徽较叩耐恋卣叩娜趸驹颍孩俪腥吓┟袷强谷沼肷幕玖α?,故应实行减租减息,借以改善农民的生活,提高农民抗日与生产的积极性。②承认地主的大多数是有抗日要求的,故于实行减租减息之后,又须实行交租交息,以便联合地主阶级一致抗日。③承认富农的生产方式带有现时中国比较进步的资本主义性质,故应奖励富农生产与联合富农。但对其一部分封建性质的剥削,则须照减租息,同时实行交租交息。文件的附件规定了具体政策。①减租:不论何种形式的地租,其租额一般照抗战前减低25%,即"二五减租"(但在游击区及敌占点线附近可少减一点)。②减息:凡抗战前建立的借贷关系,应以一分半为计息标准,即"分半减息"(如付息已超过原本一倍者,停利还本,超过原本二倍者,本利停付);抗战后的息额,则应以当地社会经济关系所许可的范围为限,听任民间自行处理。      减租减息在一定程度上改善了农民的生活,既调动了他们的革命和生产的积极性,又照顾了地主、富农的利益。特别在抗日战争时期,它推动了国民党参加抗日,使解放区的地主减少了对于中国共产党发动农民抗日的阻力,是赢得抗日战争胜利的基本因素。同时,减租减息也削弱了封建剥削制度,为土地制度的改革准备了条件。