公地放领,Release from the commons
1)Release from the commons公地放领
2)A ducal estate.公爵领地

1.The territory over which an archduke or an archduchess has authority.公国,公爵领地大公爵或女大公统治的领地
2.archduchy: The territory over which an archduke or an archduchess has authority.公国,公爵领地: 大公爵或女大公统治的领地
3.Of or having to do with an archduke or an archduchy.大公爵的大公爵或大公爵领地的或与之有关的
4.5 barons per county, 3 counts per duchy, 3 dukes per kingdom, and one king.每个伯爵领地有5个男爵;每个公爵领地有3个伯爵,每个王国有3个公爵和一个国王.
5.a northern border fief of the duchy of Aquitaine阿基泰恩公爵领地中北部边界的一块封地
6.Events can occur in a county, a duchy or a kingdom, and make nobles lose or gain points.伯爵领地,公爵领地以及王国都会发生事变,导致贵族失去或者获得声望值.
7.Likewise, if enough counties and duchies are taken over by the enemy, the kingdom will change alignment.同样,如果很多郡和公爵领地被敌人攻占了,那么王国就会变换阵营。
8.Political positions are: Lord, Baron, Marquis, Viscount, Count, Duke, Great Duke, Arch Duke, Prince.政治地位有:领主、爵、爵、爵、爵、公爵、爵、子。
9.the domain controlled by an archduke or archduchess.大公爵或女大公统治的领地。
10.If enough baronies are taken, the counts and dukes above them will be cast out in favor of those from the opposite alignment.如果很多男爵领地被攻占了,那么该领地的伯爵和公爵的将会被敌人任意驱逐。
11.A nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count.侯爵位于公爵之下,子爵或男爵之上的贵族地位
12.The rank and office of a landgrave or landgravine.伯爵领主地位伯爵领主或女伯爵领主的头衔和官职
13.A woman holding the title to a landgraviate.女伯爵领主拥有伯爵领主地位头衔的女性
14.Marquis is a nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count.侯爵是位于公爵之下,子爵或男爵之上的贵族地位。
15.a count who had jurisdiction over a large territory in medieval Germany.在中世纪在领地上享有王权的伯爵。
16.a count palatine在领地内享有王权的伯爵
17.and established himself as the leader of the world of jazz.并且确立了他在爵士乐的领袖地位。
18.a duchess resplendent in ermine robes, a tiara, and a diamond dog collar.公爵夫人华丽的白鼬外袍、头冠和项圈式衣领

A ducal estate.公爵领地
3)the Milanese旧米兰公国领地
4)The territory ruled by a duke or duchess;a dukedom.公爵或女爵的领地;公国
5)public domain公有领域/产业/土地
6)opening park开放绿地公园
1.Thus, opening park, the main humanise body of urban green land, is paid attention.这促城市绿地中人性化的主体——城市开放绿地公园备受关注。

公爵1.谓朝廷的爵位。 2.中国古代五等爵位之第一等。 3.英国等国贵族的最高位号。由拉丁文DuxDucis而来。古东罗马帝国用以称镇辖一军区的将领﹐后渐变为世袭﹐因而出现公国。1337年﹐黑太子爱德华封康瓦尔公﹐是英国有公爵之始。