1.Remarkable view of plain materialism of natural philosophy ——On achievements of Chinese classic ontology,cosmology and the human evolution;卓越的朴素唯物主义自然哲学观——论中国古代本体论、宇宙论与人类进化史观的成就
2.At first,the various fractals of different levels in astronomy and cosmology are introduced.在引入天文学和宇宙论中不同层次的分形后,把它推广到任意直线型的泛分形理论和一般化的分形天文学。

1.From Cosmogonies to Cosmology: An Essay on the Logic of Early Greek Thought of Cosmos;从宇宙起源论到宇宙生成过程论——早期希腊宇宙论的逻辑发展
2.matter-antimatter cosmology物质-反物质宇宙论
3.continuous creation theoryph.1. 【天】稳恒态宇宙论;物质不断创生论
4."Relativity, Granvitation and World-Structure"相对论、引力和宇宙结构
5.big bang theoryph.1. 宇宙"大爆炸"论
6.fermi theory of cosmic ray acceleration费米宇宙射线加速理论
7.General Theory on the Evolution of Universe宇宙演化总论——二十一世纪广义宇宙学新探索(下)
8.The Universe,Life and Poetry: A Review of Zong Baihua s New-Poetry Theory;宇宙·生命·诗歌——论宗白华的诗歌理论
9.On the Ditferences and Similarities of the Cosmic Generation Theory between Lao Zi and Yi Da Zhuan;论《老子》与《易大传》宇宙生成论的异同
10.The multiverse theory of quantum physics deposits the existence of parallel universes.量子物理学的多元宇宙理论证明了平行的宇宙的存在
11.The so called "Standard Cosmological Model" means the relativistic Hot Big, Bang theory, in which our expanding universe has been evolving from an extremely hot and dense state.标准宇宙模型是指宇宙始于极端温高密状态的热大爆炸理论。
12.Based on the interpretation of the cosmic constitution through harmony in numbers, Pythagorean School established cosmic aesthetics.他们用数的和谐解释宇宙的构成,创立了宇宙美学理论。
13.Homogeneous But Anisotropic Cosmology Model Within the Framework of Stachel String Cosmology Model;基于Stachel弦宇宙理论的均匀但各向异性BianchiⅠ型宇宙精确解
14.The Mathematical Theory Of the Universe --A probe into the course of the universes structuring,generating and operating;自然宇宙之数学原理——自然宇宙设计、制造、运行的过程(理论浅述)
15.The Error-Area in Modern Universe Theory Research--Probe the Mysteries of the Universe(one);现代宇宙理论研究中可能存在的误区——宇宙探秘之一
16.( It is completely different from the“ repulsive” gravity that occurs in theories of the expanding universe.(种「力」膨胀宇宙理论中的「斥重力」然不同。
17.The limit of the theoretically possible universe.理论上可能的宇宙之界限
18.Do you know Einstein's theory about the universe?你知道爱因斯坦关于宇宙的理论吗?

cosmic theory宇宙理论
6)microcosm theory微宇宙理论

宇宙膨胀理论(见大爆炸宇宙学)宇宙膨胀理论(见大爆炸宇宙学)theory of universal expansion  ‘n~黔拼髦{您一。勺n又一rsaleXp