1.The Ideology of Sex in Jane Eyre ——Men s oppression and women s resistance and destiny;《简·爱》中的性别意识——男性对女性的压迫以及女性的反抗与命运
2.Resistance and Obedience--Women Characters by Pearl S.Buck;顺从和反抗——赛珍珠笔下的女性人物
3.In this paper,"Tso" for the original text based on the image of women from the following two categories: consciously play the ruling class in society at that time and under their own image of the role of women,as well as more state or tragic situation,a different degree of resistance and show the social status of women survive.《左传》中有两类女性形象:一是自觉地扮演统治阶级及当时社会所赋予自身角色的女性形象,一是在更为不堪或悲惨的处境之下,有着不同程度反抗行为的女性形象,由此可以窥见当时社会的女性生存状态。

1.He did not fight back, he never thought of resisting.他不反抗,也想不到反抗
2.start [get up, raise] a riot (against)(反抗…而) 掀起暴动
3.The rebels rose against the ruler.反叛者起来反抗统治者。
4.uncompromising resistance不屈不挠的反抗,毫不妥协的反抗
5.A Brave and Lonely Rebel-A Review of Julien s Rebellion;勇敢而孤独的反抗者──于连反抗性小议
6.The act or an example of defying;bold resistance to an opposing force or authority.违抗,反抗违抗的行为或事例;公然对敌对力量或敌对政权的反抗
7.defiance:The act or an example of defying; bold resistance to an opposing force or authority."违抗,反抗:违抗的行为或事例;公然对敌对力量或敌对政权的反抗."
8.Tampa Bay Mutiny美国坦帕弯反抗队(足球)
9.He glared defiance at me.他对我怒视以示反抗
10.quell the rebellion, opposition,uprising, etc镇压叛乱、 反抗、 起义等
11.He's exhausted and has no kick left.他筋疲力尽,无力反抗了。
12.The people arose against the ruler.人们起来反抗统治者。
13.The slaves rebelled against their masters.奴隶们奋起反抗奴隶主。
14.The boy showed defiance by refusing to eat.这孩子以绝食来反抗
15.He defied his opponents.他公然反抗他的对手们。
16.The peasants rise against the tyrant.农民们起来反抗暴君。
17.My son is going through a contradictory stage.我儿子将进入反抗期。
18.All North Africa would flame into revolt.整个北非将激起反抗

1.Shouting Under the Harness——A thematical analysis about suppression and revolt of TV Series Younger Emperor;无处可逃——电视连续剧《少年天子》中压制与反抗主题分析秦海英
2.Discuss the Awakening and Revolt of Fanyi, Bailu Chen, Sufang;论繁漪、陈白露、愫方的觉醒和反抗
1.Between absurdity and rebellion——Interpreting The Plague;《鼠疫》:在荒诞与反抗之间
2.She not only has the spirit of rebellion and independence,but also shows the aspect of frailty and compromise.白兰具有多重性格:她既有可贵的反抗精神与独立自主精神,也有脆弱性与妥协性的一面。
3.From the faith of absurdity,Camus objected to the suicide which comes form the state of mentally giving up living in the world and the transcendental“jump”which means fleeing from the real world into God,and claimed the opinion of rebellion confronting with absurdity,which leaded to the art existing in absurdity.加缪从荒诞这一基本信念出发,反对消极厌世的自杀,反对脱离现实的飞跃,而主张直面荒诞的反抗,提供了在荒诞中生存的艺术。
1.To resist the repression,beauty economy should be dismantled so as to establish new gender culture.为此,应寻找反抗力量,破解对女性美的建构,形成对新的性别文化的认同。
2.So Camus proposed that we face up to the difficulties in reality and resist the absurd to protect human′s respect and value,thus to realize the psychological success over the.他主张正视现实中存在的困境,面对荒诞通过反抗去维护人的尊严和价值,给世界和人生赋予意义,在强烈的悲剧情景中实现对荒诞的精神上的超越。
3.Lu Xun s resist and Res- sentiment is not only on Chinese condition culture but also on modern wester culture.鲁迅不但反抗与怨恨中国传统弊端,同时也反抗与怨恨西方现代文化缺陷。
1.Charlotte Bronte drew a great deal from her own ilfe experience,the story strikes me and impresses me,especially Jane Eyre s character of rebelling,bravery,detesting money,pursuing her teaching career and pursuing love from inferiority to self confidence and gain her happiness at last.这部小说深深地打动了我,给我留下深刻印象,特别是简·爱敢于反抗勇于斗争的性格,蔑视金钱,追求教师事业,在爱情上从自卑到自信,最后获得属于她自己的幸福。
2.During the 20~(th) century s prevailing of existentialism, Camus thought was undoubtedly a kind of prudent and ethical reconsideration and rebelling of nihilism.以此为界,他先后构建出“荒谬”的概念和“反抗”的思想。
1.As both a woman poet and the wife of a poet, her poems are marked with distinctive female experiences -- "imitation", "protest", and "self-discovery".作为女诗人以及诗人的妻子,她的诗作有着独特的女性经验的印记——“模仿”、“反抗”“自我发现”。
2.Content: "Slavery" is a dark phenomena which has been existing in China for thousands of years and "slavishness" is a deep-rooted disease in the character of Chinese people, so" protest against slavery "became a vital literature subject during the enlightenment period of last century.因此,“反抗奴役”便成了上世纪启蒙时代的一个重要的文学命题。
3.The differences of life experience and that of life consciousnes are expressed in his works in the form of the hero s silent protest against fate and the tenacious rescue of his soul as well as his persistent pursuit of happiness.生命经历的不同,生命意识的差别,在史铁生的作品中转化为主人公对命运的无声反抗、对灵魂的顽强拯救,还有对幸福的执着追求。

反抗用行动反对;抵抗:~精神 ㄧ~侵略ㄧ哪里有压迫,哪里就有~。