1.Their argument led to a debate between mathematical realism and nominalism for it.他们的辩护引发了数学实在论与唯名论对此问题的争论,由此产生了许多有价值的成果,并暴露出许多深层次的哲学问题,这对数学与科学的关系的探讨有重要的意义。
2.The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。
3.Although the schol asticism philosophy of the Middle Ages was controlled and supervised strictly by the Feudal church, the struggle of legitimacy against heterodoxy had existed s ince its origin, namely the controversy between nominalism and realism.中世纪的经院哲学虽然在封建教会的严格控制和监管之下,但从其产生之日起就存在着正统派和非正统派的斗争,即唯名论和实在论的论战,其论战的实质是唯物主义和唯心主义相互斗争的特殊表现形式。

1.Enchantment of "Mind"--On Rorty's Psychological Nominalism“心”的祛魅——论罗蒂的心理学唯名论
2.Nominalism:Philosophical Base of Hobbes Law Concept;唯名论:霍布斯的法律概念的哲学基础
3.The realism and nominalism of middle ages affected the traditional taxonomy with different modes.唯实论与唯名论以不同方式影响传统的生物分类原则。
4.Try to Barclays Discusses the Extreme Nominalism Thought and Affect Future Generations试论巴克莱极端唯名论思想及其后世影响
5.The medieval nominalists denied the reality of universals.中世纪唯名论者否定一般概念的实在性。
6.The doctrine, intermediate between nominalism and realism, that universals exist only within the mind and have no external or substantial reality.概念论介于唯名论与唯实论之间的一种理论,认为宇宙只存在于内心并没有外在或客观现实
7.The scholastic doctrine, opposed to nominalism, that universals exist independently of their being thought.唯实论与唯名论相对的一种哲学信条,认为宇宙是以其被认为的看法而独立地存在的
8.Nominalism vs. Realism: Conflict and Drive Innate to Sociology唯名论与唯实论之争:社会学内部的对立与动力——有关经典社会学发展的一项考察
9.One, akin to nominalism and idealism, finds its expression today in finitism and intuitionism.一种类似于唯名论和观念说,现在称为有穷论和直觉主义。
10.The doctrine holding that abstract concepts, general terms, or universals have no objective reference but exist only as names.唯名论坚持抽象的观念,一般的词条或普通的概念没有客观所指而仅以名字存在的信条
11.the doctrine that the application of a general term to various objects indicates the existence of a mental entity that mediates the application.经院哲学中非正统派唯名论的一种具体形式认为一般、共相作为名词概念都是有意义有内容的。
12.The word you are trying to think of is solipsism.你在想的一个名词叫唯我论。
13.of or relating to nominalism.属于或关于唯命论、名义主义。
14.Returns to Marx: Reconsidering "the promoted application theory"--"Rectifies names" for the historical materialism;回到马克思:反思“推广应用论”——为唯物史观“正名”
15.The exclusivity attribute matters only for whatever named device object is the target of an open request.无论如何命名设备对象,唯一的属性问题就是一个开放请求的指标。
16.of or relating to or connected with spiritualism.唯心论的,涉及唯心论的,或和唯心论有关的。
17.subjective [ objective ] idealism主观[客观]唯心论
18.System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》

3)social nominalism社会唯名论
1.Marxist philosophic theory on social history has developed beyond the traditional framework of social nominalism and social realism,insinsting on interpreting the nature of the society in the light of "practice".马克思的社会历史哲学理论超越了“社会唯名论”和“社会唯实论”的传统框架 ,坚持对社会本质的“实践论”掌握 ,认为“社会价值”遵循着自身固有的“超合逻辑” ,绝非单个个体价值的简单加和 ;就内在特质而言 ,社会价值决非既定的、本体论式的抽象观念预设 ,而是关系质的、生成性的 ;社会价值的内涵层次可划分为社会主体价值和社会客体价值两大类 ,是两类价值的有机统一。
2.In the over 160 years of western sociology, two conflicting trends have existed; social nominalism and social realism.在西方社会学160多年的发展中,一直存在着社会唯实论和社会唯名论两种对立倾向:前者认为,社会是由个体组成的,但是社会一旦形成,作为一个整体它具有先前的个体所不具备的突生性质;后者则认为,个体是最为重要的实体,而社会不过是一个虚幻的存在物,其基本的性质是由个体的性质所决定的。
4)Psychological Nominalism心理唯名论
5)extreme nominalism极端唯名论
1.And his extreme nominalism is his idea of philosophy and a concentrated expression of thought, the idea in the whole philosophy at Barclays co-ordinate position, because it covers the philosophy and system of Barclays various points, and the abstract concept of anti - theory as the core to the external radiation.第一部分就巴克莱极端唯名论的思想渊源做了一下粗略回顾。
6)nominalism and realism唯名论与实在论

名论1.名望。 2.指高明的或有名的言论。