1.Void and Attempt——Looking at Isabel s Marriage in the Portrait of a Lady from the perspective of micro-psychoaralysis;虚空与尝试——从微精神分析学的角度看待《贵妇画像》中伊莎贝尔的婚姻
2.In this paper, we reveal that how the vacuum develop from the "withoutanything "void to the space with very complicatedd strcture.本文深刻揭示了真空概念是如何从“一无所有”的绝对虚空演化成当今内部结构极其复杂的真空的;我们还进一步给出在现化物理学各前沿领域中,人们对真空概念内涵的新探索。
3.In his novel Chapaev and Void,the role of the antihero is to subvert the grand narration by rewriting the original.在其长篇小说《夏伯阳与虚空》中,反英雄的作用体现在作家利用源文本中的某些资源来完成对宏大叙事的颠覆。

1.Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.传道者说,虚空虚空虚空虚空。凡事都是虚空
2.Vanity of vanities, says the Teacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.传道者说:虚空虚空虚空虚空,凡事都是虚空
3."all things are to no purpose, says the Preacher, all is to no purpose."传道者说,虚空虚空,凡事都是虚空
4.Vanity of vanity, says the Preacher; all is vanity.8传道者说,虚空虚空,凡事都是虚空
5."Vanity of vanities," says the Preacher, "all is vanity!"传12:8传道者说、虚空虚空、凡事都是虚空
6.Hurrah for Zero which leaves me in peace!虚空万岁,虚空才能叫人安心。
7."Climbing, we seem to have left the world behind us, With the steps we look down on hung from space."登临出世界, 磴道盘虚空
8.He spreads out the northern skies over empty space; he suspends the earth over nothing.神将北极铺在空中,将大地悬在虚空
9.a vain and frivolous way of life especially in large cities (after a fair held in the town of Vanity in Pilgrim's Progress).空虚且虚伪的生活方式。
10.He felt empty and beaten.他觉得空虚、委顿。
11.A feeling or state of emptiness, loneliness, or loss.空虚感空虚、孤独或失落的感觉
12.Q: But since the void is void, it is of little use to us.但空虚既是空虚,对咱们没什么用。
13.If I am empty, then all I can give you is my emptiness.如果我空虚,那么我能给你的只有空虚。
14.The condition or quality of being inane.空虚,空洞空的情况或状态
15.Master of Shuwa: That is nihilism!! Nothingness!!修瓦之主:那是虚无主义!!完全的空虚!!
16.Poverty of speech is the outward evidence of poverty of mind语言贫乏说明头脑空虚
17.valid user virtual address space有效用户虚拟地址空间
18.he conceives the "false" space and time of the apartment;他构思公寓的“虚拟”时空;

1.By anatomizing the two conception of “Se” and “Jie” in the title, the authors think that “hollowness” and “isolation” are the theme of the novel 《SE·JIE》, which is the best one among Zhang Ai ling s later works.本文通过对《色·戒》一题中“色”、“戒”的分析解读 ,指出该小说的主题是“虚空”与“隔离”。
1.Beginning with the analysis of the theme of Heimingway s short story, A Clean Well-Lighted Place the article penetrates the post War writers concern with Eliot s Waste Land consiousness that is ideal disillusion, and moral deterioration spititual hollowness.本文通过对海明威短篇小说《一个干净明亮的地方》的主题分析,来透视第一次世界大战后美国作家对艾略特的现代社会荒原意识的提示,即理想幻灭、精神空虚、道德沦丧。
4)Empty space;a void.空寂;虚空

虚空【虚空】 (术语)虚与空者,无之别称也。虚无形质,空无障碍,故名虚空。此虚空有体有相,体者平等周遍,相者随于他之物质而彼此别异也。依有部之宗义分之为虚空与空界之色,以其体为虚空,以其相为空界之色。以此虚空为一无为法,数于三无为之一而摄于法处之中,空界之色者,为眼所见之色法而摄于色处之中,即有为法也。世人以此空界之色为虚空,故世人所谓虚空者为妄法,而不免生灭。楞严经六曰:“空生大觉中,如海一沤发,有漏微尘国,皆依空所生。”同九曰:“当知虚空生汝心内,犹如片云点太清里,况诸世界在虚空耶?”同十曰:“乃至虚空皆因妄想之所生起。”起信论曰:“虚空相是其妄法,体无不实,以对色故有,是可见相,令心生灭。以一切色法,本来是心,实无外色。若无色则无虚空之相。”大乘义章二曰:“虚空有体有相,体则周遍,相则随色,彼此别异。”此体之虚空无为,有部立为有法,大乘立为无法。(参见:虚空无为)