1.Spurning to Three Dogmatisms: Fundamental Advance of Contemporary Philosophy;三大独断论的摒弃:当代哲学根本性的理论进展
2.Kant criticized the metaphysical dogmatism both in synchronic and diachronic way.康德从历时和共时两方面理性批判了形而上学独断论

1.Dogmatism is a malady in the academic research nowadays.“独断论”是当今学术研究的弊病。
2.Spurning to Three Dogmatisms: Fundamental Advance of Contemporary Philosophy;三大独断论的摒弃:当代哲学根本性的理论进展
3.An Attack at Both Mysterious Necromancy and Metaphysical Dogmatism刺向神秘主义和形而上学独断论的双刃剑
4.Independent Writing and Poetic Judgment--A Brief Comment of Li Yuansheng s Poetry;独立写作与诗性判断——李元胜诗歌简论
5.On the Significance of "Speciality judgment" in lndependent Audit;试论“专业判断”在独立审计中的重要性
6.None of this was discussed with or communicated to me. He went his own way.此事根本没有讨论过,也没有通知过我,是他独断独行。
7.No matter how high one's position, he must never be a law unto himself.无论一个人的职位有多高, 都绝对不能独断专行。
8.Dancing Alone in Front of Mirror After Midnight--The Subculture in Brokeback Mountain;午夜过后对镜独舞——论《断背山》中的亚文化
9.None of this was discussed or communicated to me. He went his own way.此事根本没有讨论过,也没有通知过我,是他独断专行。
10.The Assumption of "the principal stresses Acting Independently" and Some Modified Forms for the Statistical Theory of Fracture统计断裂理论的“应力独立作用”假设及几种修正形式
11.Conclusion: Thermograph has an unmeasurable singularity in early diagnosis of breast cancer.结论:红外热像图对乳腺癌的早期诊断有独到之处。
12.Conclusion? Spiral CT has unique advantage in the diagnosis of negative bronchial foreign body.结论:螺旋CT扫描在阴性支气管异物的诊断中具有独特优势。
13.Members of the press are commendable for their independent thinking, sensible judgment on the basis of factual evidence and initiative in voicing out their views.报界独立思考,根据事实去判断是非和发表言论,最为可贵。
14.monopolistic capital垄断资本,独占资本
15.Exclusive Listing垄断上市券,独占交易权
16.Buy out the exclusive right to live telecast独家买断电视转播权
17.I resent his dictatorial manner.我痛恨他的独断作风。
18.on one's own judg(e)ment按照自己的意见, 独断

Dogmatism of Morality and Justice道义独断论
1.The origin of the decision misplay is that the decision-makers are self-assumed and unrestricted,and their purposeless expansion,diversification development and opportunism in attempting to be a upstart as well.造成决策失误的原因是决策者的独断和无制约;盲目的扩张与多元化;妄图暴富的投机心理。
4)the decisive criticism of Absolutism对独断论的决定性批判
5)assertiveness n.断言;独断
6)assertively ad.断然;独断地
