1.Kant s thoughts of "thing-in-itself" and "transcendental synthesis"set up the cognition principle of subjectivity.康德的“自在之物”和“先天综合判断”的思想 ,确立认识的主体性原则。
2.Only comprehending "thing-in-itself can we understand Kant s philosophy deeper.“自在之物”在康德哲学中起着至关重要的作用,它作为康德哲学的许多论点的基础,贯穿于整个康德哲学的始终。
3."thing-in-itself" is independent of the natural law of causality,which visualizes freedom.庄子通过"体道"的过程最终实现人生的绝对自由的精神境界,"道"是实现人生自由的最终途径;而康德则通过道德主体的实践达到自由的必然性,"自在之物"独立于自然因果律之外,是自由的显现。

1."The Unknown Thing-in-itself" and the Loss of the Homeland of Spirit--Reflections on the Inner Contradictions of the Western Philosophy from the Perspective of Kant s Philosophy;“自在之物不可知”与精神家园的失落——从康德哲学反思西方哲学之内在矛盾
2.The Tendency of Treating Nature as Utensils--The Roots of Abuses Deriving from Dominant Thinking Model;自然器物化——主导思维范式之流弊所在
3.BEAUTY OF NATURE--Talking About Natural Objects In Interior Design Application自然之美——论自然物在室内设计中的应用
4.Animals in a zoo are not living in their natural surroundings.动物园里的动物不是生活在自然环境之中。
5.Please check to be sure you have your belongings before you getting off.请在下车之前检查自己的行李物品有无遗忘。
6.The humanity that cares for nature itself contains the moral demands for kind treatments to natural objects.关爱自然界之人性本身就蕴涵着人要善待自然存在物的道德要求。
7.Self s Being--On the "self" in Milan Kundera s Novels;“自我”之在——关于米兰·昆德拉小说人物“自我”设定的思考
8.Observing With Natural Eyes and Describing With Natural Tongue--On Nalan Words;自然之眼观物 自然之舌言情——论纳兰词
9.During this, the astral body drifts free, slightly out phase with the physical body.在这期间,星体躯体自由飘浮,稍稍在物质身体之上。
10.Under the IUCN Red List of threatened species, they are categorised as" vulnerable" to extinction.在国际自然与自然资源保护联合会的濒危物种名单上,鲸鲨已被划入"濒临灭绝物种"之列。
11.I found she was an eminent lady in her way, in short, I agreed to put myself in her hands.我看出在她这行里她是个出色的人物,总之,我答应把自己交托给她。
12.The struggle will often be severe between beings remote in the scale of nature.在自然等级上相差很远的生物之间的斗争也常常是剧烈的。
13.relating to or characteristic of the motion of objects moving under their own momentum and the force of gravity.具有在自身动力和地球引力影响下飞行物体特征的或与之有关。
14.Lesser Mindlink. You forge a limited mental bond with another creature.次级连心术:你在自己和另一个生物之间创造出有限的精神链接。
15.Of the species on this planet, man alone has inflicted upon himself most of his own suffering.在这一星球的万物之中,人类的大部分痛苦是自己制造的。
16.Of the species on this planet, man alone has inflincted upon himself most of his own suffering.在这一星球的万物之中,只有人类的大部分痛苦是自己制造的。
17.In nature, the rights of each species are cast in a broad ecological framework.在自然界,所有物种的权利都熔铸于一个宽广的生态结构之中。
18.Between Autonomy of the Parties and Statutory Compulsion:on Numerus Clausus Prinzip;在意思自治与法律强制之间——关于物权法定原则的思考

1.The article points out that the “I-in-myself" has a close relation with the “I" in autobiography, but does not equal another original subject.本论文指出,“自在之我”是与自传中的“我”有着千丝万缕的联系,却又绝非完全等同的另一个“本源之我”。
3)lex sitae物之所在地
4)things of the nature自然之物
5)lex situs物之所在地法
1.The real law of the peoples republic of China adopted on March 16,2007 adopt separate principle on the problem of transfer of real law,which will change lex situs and make some effect on the applicable law of the real law in private international law.2007年3月16日通过的《中华人民共和国物权法》在物权变动问题上明确采纳了区分原则,这一区分原则必然会突破传统物权法律适用中的物之所在地法原则,对国际私法上的涉外物权法律适用问题产生影响。
2.A general principle lex situs is applied to determine the ownership of transnational stolen art.在被盗艺术品跨国争议中,物之所在地法是被盗艺术品的所有权判定的主要依据。
6)lex rei sitae物之所在地法
1.Lex rei sitae is one of the most important principle of international private law.物之所在地法原则是国际私法中的一项重要法律适用原则,该原则自十三世纪形成至今,始终被用来解决涉外物权领域的绝大多数法律冲突问题,如物为动产不动产的识别问题、物权客体的范围、物权的种类及内容方面的法律冲突问题等等。
2.lex rei sitae, as the main conflict rule of law applicable to property right, has won widest recognition and is looked as one of the most stable mles.在国际私法领域,作为物权法律适用中主要的冲突法规则,“物之所在地法”一直被认为最具稳定性并得到最广泛认可。

五种自在──菩萨五种自在【五种自在──菩萨五种自在】  ﹝出大宝积经﹞  菩萨悲智并运,万行满足,其于寿命受生等事,故得自在无碍也。  [一、寿命自在],谓菩萨成就法身慧命,了无生死寿夭,延万劫不为长,促一念不为短。但为度脱有情,以诸方便,而随机示现长短寿命之相,其心无所挂碍,是为寿命自在。  [二、生自在],谓菩萨为度脱有情,以大悲心随类受生,饶益一切,处天宫不为乐,入地狱不为苦,去住无碍,是名生自在。  [三、业自在],谓菩萨万行具足,悲智双运,或现神通,或说妙法,或入禅定,或修苦行,所作行业,但为利他,纵任无碍,是为业自在。  [四、觉观自在],初心曰觉,细心曰观,谓菩萨或修禅观之行,或起利生之心,虽有思惟,离诸散乱,随愿度生,平等无碍,是为觉观自在。  [五、众具果报自在],谓菩萨因行深广,果报殊胜,于一切所须之具,不假营为,自然周足,心无染碍,是为众具果报自在。