1.According to Hussel s initial plan,the knowledge sphere is the chief field of phenomenology research and it′s a kind of field which possesses evidence.而知识领域只能是一种具有明见性的领域。
2.As all else phenomenologist, the evidence principle is the most ultimate credendum of Heidegger phenomenology.正像其他所有现象学家们一样,现象学的明见性原则是海德格尔现象学的最根本的信条。

1.On the Spheres and Realizing Patterns of the Concept of Evidence in Hussel′s Phenomenology;论胡塞尔现象学明见性领域及其实现方式
2.Evidence: Adequate Perception and Ego;明见性:相即感知与自我——再论胡塞尔的“直观”理论
3.As a result of sanyama comes the shining forth of the light.依此体性而观见到智性之光明照。
4.He is clever enough to have some original ideas.他很聪明,常有些独创性的见解。
5.It be sexist to say that women be less intelligent than men所谓女性没有男性聪明的说法是对性别的偏见
6.It is sexist to say that women is less intelligent than men.所谓女性没有男性聪明的说法是对性别的偏见。
7.It is sexist to say that women are less intelligent than men.所谓女性没有男性聪明的说法是对性别的偏见.
8.Rule of Transparency: Design for visibilty to make inspection and debug going easier.透明性准则:设计的可见性使检查和除错更容易。
9.A Discussion on the Enlightenment of Zen,the Language Relativity and Self-transcendence;禅宗明心见性与语言相对性及其自我超越
10.Skin biopsy findings indicated a drug-induced pustular dermatitis.皮肤病理所见表明是药物引起的脓疱性皮炎。
11.No clear associations were observed between intake of citrus fruits, vegetables, and dairy products and asthma end points.而水果、菜、制品和哮喘终点的则未见明显相关性。
12.The visibility of the lunar formations depends on their illumination by the sun.月球结构的可见性取决于太阳对它们的照明。
13.Seen here is the anus and perianal region with prominent prolapsed true (internal) hemorrhoids.可见肛门和肛周有明显的真性痔脱垂(内痔)。
14.Primary Discussion on Determination of Basic Attributes and Practical Function of Prima facie Beweis .;试论表见证明的基本属性与应用功能之界定
15.Noumenon Perception via Pious Industriousness:An Analysis of the Practicality Nature of WANG Yang-ming s Philosophy;由工夫以见本体——阳明心学的实践性品格分析
16.Seeing Tempermament from Remoteness;细微之处见性情——关于叠词在陶渊明诗中的运用
17.See you later/tomorrow/next week/next month!稍后见!明天见!下周见!下月见!
18.Hi, Zhang Ming. Long time no see.嗨,张明,好久不见。

1.A Discussion on the Enlightenment of Zen,the Language Relativity and Self-transcendence;禅宗明心见性与语言相对性及其自我超越
3)self-directed epiphany见心明性
4)authentic evidentness确然明见性
1.Based on the discussion of evidetness of transcendental ego,this paper points out the dilemma between authentic evidentness and transcendental evidentness,and raises doubt about possibility of transcendental ego in Husserl s phenomenology.本文通过对其先验自我明见性的剖析,指出确然明见性与相应明见性的两难处境,从而对胡塞尔现象学先验自我的可能性提出了质疑。
5)transcendental evidentness先验明见性
6)non-obviousness of an invention发明的非显而易见性

见性法师(1915~2004年)【见性法师(1915~2004年)】  见性法师,号传志,俗名陈玉林,一九一五年七月廿九日出生于福建省仙游县。一九四五年于福建省鼓山涌泉寺出家为僧,翌年受具足戒,一九四七年于江苏省扬州高旻寺礼来果禅师座下修学,一九五一年一月弘化于福建省厦门市南普陀寺。  一九五四年到山西省五台山参学,一九五六年重归南普陀寺,担任堂主之职。一九五七年至一九八〇年任出纳,一九八一年至一九九三年大开法筵,曾数次外出讲经说法,宏扬戒律。  “文革”结束后,佛教处于百废待兴的时期,见性法师为恢复宗教活动场所,培养人才,整顿寺院,恢复道风,宏扬佛法,曾担任过闽南佛学院副院长、监学等职,为厦门佛教的恢复发挥了重要的作用。  法师一生,解行并重,爱护常住,淡薄名利,尤其在“文革”期间能面对考验,坚持梵行,保持僧相,为维护南普陀寺免遭“文革”严重破坏做出了很大的功德,生前立下遗嘱,扡全部遗产交给常住,是一位深受四众弟子爱戴的佛门大德。  见性法师曾担任厦门佛教会第三、四届副会长,第五届名誉会长,第六届咨议委员会副主任,南普陀寺首座。  法师于二〇〇四年五月二日十四时在厦门南普陀寺舍报西归,俗寿八十九岁,僧腊六十九夏,戒腊六十八夏。  (无心 编著)(根据网上资料编辑)