1.Heidegger argues that the original significance of Greek thinkings is the Aletheia of Being.从现象学的诠释学出发,海德格尔通过对早期希腊思想的诠释,认为希腊思想的源始性意义是存在的无蔽,这种源始性意义在其后的形而上学哲学中已被遗忘和背离。
2.Heidegger questions the traditional correspondence theory of truth, devotes himself to questioning and revealing the thing itself which is prior to the object, and treats the truth as the present Being, that is, the Aletheia developsitself naturally.海德格尔对传统的符合论真理观提出诘问,致力于追问和揭示在事物成为对象之前的事情本身,视真理为存在的在场,即“无蔽”的源始演历。

1.Between Concealing and Uncovering--An Interpretation of Heidegger s Phenomenology;在遮蔽与无蔽之间——海德格尔现象学的一种理解
2.On Heidegger s Thought of Aesthetics;“存在”与“无蔽”——论海德格尔的美学思想
3.The Analysis of Hedgel s Discussion about "Thinking" and "Exposure;“思”与“无蔽”——试析海德格尔关于思的问题
4.extra-fast no-screen film特高速感光无屏蔽胶片
5.They had been exposed to radiation.他们毫无遮蔽地受到辐射的危害。
6.The cottage is in a very exposed position at the top of the hill.那小屋位于山顶毫无遮蔽之处.
7.The cottage be In a very exposed position at the top of the hill那小屋位於山顶毫无遮蔽之处
8.This has the effect of blocking EMFs( elecromagnetic fields) and shielding radio frequency waves.这就有阻断电磁场、蔽无线电波的效应。
9.Confucius said: "The verses of the Book of Odes can be summed up in a single phrase: 'Don't think in an evil way.'"子曰:「诗三百,一言以蔽之,曰:思无邪。」
10.A temporary or permanent dimming or cutting off of light.遮蔽,晦暗暂时或永久的昏暗或无光
11.The land was flat and treeless and provided no cover for the troops.该地平坦而又没有树木,军队无法隐蔽。
12.Across an endless sea of sand, under an obscured sun, is a corpse-strewn battlefield.茫茫沙海,一望无际,乌云蔽日,尸横遍地。
13.A simple, bare corridor leads to a plain black door.一个很简陋,无遮蔽的走廊通向一个纯黑色的门。
14.Harmful radiations do not reach the earth because the atmosphere screens them out.有害的辐射由于得到大气屏蔽无法到达地球。
15.devoid of elaboration or diminution or concealment; bare and pure.缺少掩饰,克制或隐藏的;无遮蔽的和纯粹的。
16."and the man whose desire is for the wife of another is waiting for the evening, saying, No eye will see me; and he puts a cover on his face. and in the night the thief goes about;"奸夫等候黄昏,说,必无眼能见我,就把脸蒙蔽。
17.The land was flat and treeless and gave no cover to the troops.该处地势平坦又没有树木, 部队无处隐蔽.
18.The land is flat and treeless and gives no cover to the troops该处地势平坦又没有树木,部队无处隐蔽

3)exposure; unmask无屏蔽
4)bare source无屏蔽源
5)unmasked region无掩蔽区

闇蔽1.愚昧蔽塞。 2.掩饰,欺蒙。