1.The thinking process of artistic language embodies the aesthetic differences of the utterance subject.在艺术语言的运思过程中,体现了发话主体审美的差异性。
2.Language thinking refers to the mental process of expressing the process and results of thinking with a specific language.语言运思指用特定语言表述思维的过程和结果的心理活动过程。

1.formal operational stage形式运算阶段形式运思
2.concrete operational stage具体运算阶段 具体运思
3.formal operatory thought形式运作思考 形式运作思考
4.An Interview with Mr. Jiang Cuangxue;思学、思辨、思命运——蒋广学先生访谈录
5.band wagon technique运用流行思想的宣传术
6.counter-revolutionary movements, ideas, etc反革命运动、 思想等.
7.Thinking about seeking differences in teaching athletic anatomy;关于在运动解剖学教学中运用求异思维的思考
8.Our general idea is: opening the Fortune Gate and feeling the Olympic Games.整体构思为:打开好运门,看到奥运情!
9.Research on Industrializing Olympic Science and Technology;由“科技奥运”到“奥运科技”产业化的思考
10.Ponderation On 2008 Beijing Olympic Games "Humanities Olympic Games" Idea;2008北京奥运会“人文奥运”理念的思考
11.Discussion on the Concept Hi-tech Olympic of Beijing Olympic Game;北京奥运会科技奥运理念的理性思考
12.Applying the idea of mathematical modeling to the teaching of the course of operational research数学建模思想在“运筹学”教学中的运用
13.On the Consideration of"Green, Human, Science Olympic"in Respect of Theory;关于“绿色奥运、人文奥运、科技奥运”的理性思考
14.Reflection on the Relationship between Confucian Propagation Thought and Humanistic Olympics;儒家传播思想与人文奥运关系的思考
15.A Reflection on the Essence of the Philosophical Movement to “Return to Marx”;对“回到马克思”哲学运动本质的思考
16.On the Current Ideological and Political Work of the Professional Athletes;当前运动员思想政治建设的几点思考
17.Research on Mao Zedong s Thought of “Anti-corruption Relying on the Masses Movement”;对毛泽东“群众运动治腐”思想的思考
18.Thinking Mode and Fate of Marxism in China;思维方式与马克思主义在中国的命运

operational thought运思
1.Therefore,it became Heidegger\'s tact to interpret the poems of Hlderlin,from which we can comprehend the critical essence of Heidegger\'s "operational thought"."运思"作为德国民族所特有的一种哲性思维,经过海德格尔对荷尔德林诗的"阐释"转化为一种诗性思维。
3)O peratingi dea运作思路
4)thoughts on operation and maintenance运维思路
5)operational ideas运算思想
1.Discussed the operational ideas and rules of the simplex in the Goal-Program Model by putting my analysis into an economic context.以例证的形式对目标规划模型单纯形法的运算思想及规划 ,从经济学的角度进行了探讨 ,指出符合客观决策环境要求的最终解即为符合决策理论的最优解的观点 ,从而拓展了最优解的内
6)thinking characteristic运思特征
1.The thinking characteristic in Wushu culture;略论中国武术文化的运思特征

运思1.运用心思。 2.犹构思。