提出,put forward
1)put forward提出
1.People being prosecuted (namely suspect , the accused ) right to learn the truth (claim right of knowing ) has been put forward following the establishment of the subject status of the procedure.刑事被追诉人(即犯罪嫌疑人、被告人)知情权(或称知悉权)是伴随程序主体地位的确立而提出来的。
2.In order to strive for independence and prosperity of the country, and for national liberation and equality, some Chinese people with advanced ideas put forward the slogan "the Chinese Republic" and carried out hard and bitter struggles. 帝国主义的侵略、封建主义的压迫造成了近代中国的贫穷落后,为争取国家的独立富强、民族的平等解放,先进的中国人提出"中华共和国"的口号,并为此进行了艰苦卓绝的斗争,至今整百年;其中有1912年的"中华民国",1931年的"中华苏维埃共和国",1933年的"中华共和国";1949年,终于在中国共产党的领导下建立了真正的"中华共和国"———中华人民共和国。
3.Not only,he put forward the concept,but also he stated the ba sic principle.毛泽东对这一制度和理论的形成与发展作出了重大贡献,他不仅最早提出了人民代表大会制度的概念和构想,阐明了其必须坚持的基本原则,而且还进行了最早的实践活动。

1.propose, put forward, reject, etc a motion提、 提出、 否决...一动议
2.The process of offering for consideration or display.提供,提出提出以供考虑或陈列展出的过程
3.That simple question, "And Cosette?"她提出“珂赛特呢?”
4.Annie: Who put it forward?安妮:谁提出来的?
5.to complain to somebody of something就……向……提出索赔
6.The prices or bids cited.报价提出的价格或出价
7.To propose as payment;bid.出价提出付给的价钱
8.To bring forward(a plan, for example)for consideration.提出提出(例如,计划)以供参考
9.So I propose a peace, a truce.因此,我提出讲和,提出休战。
10.Please address complains to the manager, not to me.请把申诉向经理提出,不要向我提出
11.To bring up(a subject) for discussion or debate.提出,引入提出(一个主题)供讨论或辩论
12.To present or proffer as something attainable.提供,提出提供或显示可得到的东西
13.A proposal offered to nullify or substitute for a previous one.反提案为取消或代替前一个提议而提出的提案
14.bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover.从容器中或从盖子中拿出取出或提出
15.They made a claim for higher pay.他提出更高报酬的要求。
16.The Ambassador's wife went on asking questions,大使夫人继续提出问题,
17.To suggest an amendment to an l/c提出更改信用证的建议
18.The following points are suggested for consideration.下列各点提出供考虑。

1.Starting with the introduction of the satellite cities planning theories proposal and intension,then analyzes the significance of the satellite cities planning theories to the urbanization process in China.通过对卫星城市规划理论的提出、内涵进行分析,说明在中国城市化发展过程中,需要卫星城市规划理论来指导实践,从而科学的控制和疏散城市人口,促进城市和小城镇的功能定位及空间分布方面关系的平衡。
4)come up with提出,提供
5)Bring forward提出,提议
6)put up提出(贴出)
