爱的哲学,philosophy of love
1)philosophy of love爱的哲学
1.Erich Fromm s philosophy of love include the idea that love is the answer to human existence;love is giving rather than asking;love is an attitude;love is a practice.弗洛姆爱的哲学思想主要包含:爱是对人类存在问题的回答;爱是"给予"而不是"接受";爱是一种态度;爱是一种实践等等。
2.Philosophy of love is an important respect of the Tagore s thought.爱的哲学是泰戈尔思想的重要方面,它为“五四”人认同并接受,影响了五四诗歌爱的主题书写。
3.Bing Xin\'s philosophy of love experienced a process from rudiment,development and maturity.冰心的"爱的哲学"经历了一个从萌芽、发展到成熟的过程,文章通过对这一过程的分析,揭示了冰心早期散文"满蕴着温柔,微带着忧愁"创作风格形成与发展的深层原因。

1.A Spatial Life Fable:the Interpretation of the Narrative Skill of Wood House with Creeping Ivy ;试析冰心“爱的哲学”中爱情题材的缺席
2.Where there is love, there is everything"--An Interpretation of Bingxin′s "Philosophy of Love;有了爱便有了一切——冰心“爱的哲学”读解
3.On the practical significance of Bingxin s notion of "The philosophy of love";略论冰心“爱的哲学”及其现实意义
4.Tagore’s Philosophy of Love and the May Fourth Poetry;泰戈尔爱的哲学思想与“五四”新诗
5.Philosophy: Loves the wisdom, or loves the knowledge?--And on Validity of Chinese Philosophy;爱智慧的哲学思考——兼论中国哲学的合法性
6.Cognitive Comparison of"loving wisdom"and"loving life" -Fromtheetymologyof"philosophy"“爱智慧”与“爱生活”的认知关联——从“哲学”的词源说起
7.Philosophy of Death in A Rose for Emily;《献给爱米丽的一朵玫瑰》的死亡哲学
8.On Zhang AiLing s Philosophy of Existence;苍凉中的生存——试论张爱玲的生存哲学
9.My philosophy of life is work. -- Thomas Alve Edison我的人生哲学就是工作。——爱迪生
10.Reflection on Essence of Philosophy: from "Love of Wisdom" to "Truth-Seeking";哲学的本质之思——从“爱智”与“求道”说开去
11.A Comparison between Chinese and Western Love Ethics in the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy;文化哲学视野中的中西爱情伦理比较
12.Philosophical Thinking of CHI Li s Tragic Consciousness of Love and Marriage;池莉对婚姻爱情悲剧观念的哲学思考
13.Business and Kindness-On the challenge of Kazuo Inamori s Philosophy;经商与爱人——关于稻盛哲学的挑战性
14.Kazuo Inamori s Philosophies of Management --A Book Review of "Respect for Nature and love for Mankind;稻盛和夫的经营哲学——读《敬天爱人》所感
15.A Tentative Exploration of the Philosophical Thoughts of Edgar Allan Poe in Eureka从《我发现了》探析爱伦·坡的哲学思想
16.George Eliot's "Sympathy" and Its Philosophical Origin乔治·爱略特的“同情”观及其哲学渊源
17.In this dissertation I argued that the philosophy of Epictetus is a kind of moral philosophy which aims at the attainment of happiness.本文认为:爱比克泰德哲学是一种以人生幸福为其旨归的道德哲学。
18.A Talk on the Relationship between Marxist Philosophy and Traditional Philosophy of Ontology Again--A Reply to Wang Aidong;再谈马克思哲学与传统本体论哲学的关系——答王爱冬

Love Philosophy爱的哲学
1.Bingxin is the classic representative of love philosophy.冰心是爱的哲学的典范代表。
3)Philosophically Pondering on Love"爱"的哲学思考
4)Searching for the Philosophical Source of Bing Xin s Love冰心爱的哲学探源
5)philosophy of woman's love女性爱之哲学
6)Einstein and philosophy爱因斯坦与哲学

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀