虚假意识,false consciousness
1)false consciousness虚假意识
1.In light of Althusser s four principal theses,Hirst approves of Althusser s viewpoint that denying ideology is a false consciousness,and critically analyzes Althusser s theory of ideology from two perspectives.在解读阿尔都塞意识形态理论四个主要论点的基础上,赫斯特认可阿尔都塞否认意识形态是虚假意识的观点,并从两个方面对其意识形态理论展开分析批判。
2.There have been many changes in the history of ideology: Destutt de Tracy identifies ideology as the science of ideas; Marx treats it as either the false consciousness or ideological superstructure; Lenin’s begins to use the idea of scientific ideology while Mannheim claims it to be sociology of knowledge.历史地看,“意识形态”起源于培根的“假象说”,经历了托拉西的“观念科学”、马克思的“虚假意识”与“观念上层建筑”、列宁的“科学的意识形态”、曼海姆的“知识社会学”等四个发展阶段。
3.Instead of perishing and being suppressed by modern society in the West, the Utopia thought is on its way of rejuvenation, breaking through the barriers and developed into a kind of practice, method and strategy from a "false consciousness" and theory.现代社会压抑乌托邦精神 ,但乌托邦精神却挣脱了现实的罗网 ,它无处不在 ,已不再只是一种“虚假意识” ,它也是一种实践 ;不再只是一种理论 ,它也是一种方法和策

1.The Interpretations of Ideology in Many Contexts--Differentiation and Analysis of “False Ideology”;意识形态的多语境阐释——兼析“虚假意识”问题
2.This myth of destiny is the production of false ideology.这种命定神话是虚假意识形态的产物。
3.From Phoniness to Marcuse Culture Abnegation;从“虚假意识”到马尔库塞的“文化大拒绝”
4.False Consciousness and Fantastic Reality--A Comparative Study of Marx and Slavoj Zizek s Ideological Theory;虚假意识与幻像现实:马克思与齐泽克意识形态理论比较
5.“False Consciousness" and the Concept of Ideology of Marx and Engels“虚假的意识”与马克思、恩格斯的意识形态概念
6.Discusses the Ideology s Falsity Shallowly in the Context of Marxism;浅谈马克思语境中意识形态的虚假性
7.Prohibiting False News,Preventing Dishonest Reports Must Strengthen Journalists Sense of Responsibility;强化责任意识是制止虚假新闻的关键
8.Reality and Illusion: the Dichotomy of Marx's Ideology虚假和真实:马克思意识形态的两极张力
9.On Ideological Criticism of Marxism--The Falsity and Fetishism of Ideology论马克思的意识形态批判——意识形态的虚假性与拜物教
10.Philosophical Comment on Hypocrisy and Termination of Ideology;“虚假”与“终结”的哲学批判——意识形态概念的学理辩识
11.The man is never sincere, he is always pretending此人从不真心诚意,老是虚虚假假的。
12.the salesman's synthetic friendliness那男售货员的虚情假意
13.An unctuous, ingratiating manner.虚情假意的,逢迎的方式
14.ideological slogans that were a fa?ade for geopolitical power struggles.意识形态的口号是地缘政治力量斗争的虚假表面
15.To make maliciously or knowingly false statements about.诽谤,恶意中伤蓄意或明知虚假而作出虚假论断
16.Detection of Fraudulent Financial Statements Based on BP Neural Network基于BP神经网络的虚假财务报告识别
17.A deceptive action calculated to divert attention from one's real purpose.伪装,假象设计好的分散对方注意力的虚假行为
18./They that are rich in words, in words discover /That they are poor in that which makes a lover恋人如果甜言蜜语,实际内心虚情假意

false consciousness虚假的意识
1.Ideology is academically examined and made clear in terms of the implication of its beginning, equivalence to false consciousness, termination of ideology and the ideology of the end of ideology.从意识形态概念的缘起和含义、意识形态是否等同于"虚假的意识"、"意识形态的终结"及"意识形态终结"的意识形态等4个方面对意识形态进行了学理上的梳理和再认识,对一些错误的观点进行了理论清理并予以澄清,认为在社会主义意识形态建构中,既要反对"意识形态中心论",也要批判"意识形态泛化论"的倾向。
2.To define ideology as“false consciousness"was not an accidental error made by Engels as said by some scholars, but the consistent idea possessed by both Marx and Engels self.恩格斯把“意识形态”定义为“虚假的意识” ,代表了他和马克思的一贯思想。
3)false ideology虚假意识形态
1.This myth of destiny is the production of false ideology.这种命定神话是虚假意识形态的产物。
4)hypothesis awareness假设意识
5)fictitious awareness虚构意识
1.Fictitious elements manifested in narrative works in Han Wei and the six dynasties demonstrate that people of that time generally had a fictitious awareness.汉魏六朝时期出现的大量具有虚构成分的叙事作品,足以说明当时人们较普遍地具备了自觉的虚构意识。
6)with one's tongue in one's cheek虚情假意地
