存在与时间,being and time
1)being and time存在与时间
1.The Visual Concept in Being and Time;《存在与时间》中的视觉概念
2.The "Death" in Being and Time;《存在与时间》中的死亡问题
3.From "Being and Time" to "Dwelling and Space"——The Spatial Turn and Its Eco-Aesthetic Significance of Heidegger's Philosophy in His Later Years从“存在与时间”到“栖居与空间”——海德格尔后期哲学的空间化转向及其生态美学意义

1.《Existence and Time》To《Time and Existence》--On the Change of Heidegger s View of Time;从《存在与时间》到《时间与存在》——比较海德格尔前后期时间观的转变
2.On the View of Space in Heidegger s Being and Time;论海德格尔《存在与时间》中的空间观念
3.Candid and Disassimilation: A Paradox in "Being and Time";本真与异化:《存在与时间》中的一个悖论
4.Recent understanding of Being and Time--Viewed from "fate";《存在与时间》新解——以“命运”为视角
5.The Internal Shortcomings of Heidegger s SEIN and ZEIT;海德格尔《存在与时间》的三重困境
6.Postmodernism Consciousness in Heidegger s Time and Being;《存在与时间》中的后现代主义意识
7.Discuss the Connection between Dasein and World in Being and Time;论《存在与时间》一书中的此在与世界之关系
8.Heidegger and the Turn of Ontology of Hermeneutics--On the Hermeneutical Questions in Being and Time;海德格尔与诠释学的存在论转向——《存在与时间》中的诠释学问题
9.On the Critique of the Customary Views of Time from Heidegger in "Being and Time"论海德格尔在《存在与时间》中对流俗时间观的批判
10.A temporary interpretation of Practice and Sorge: an argument of being and time by Heidegger and Marx;“实践”与“操心”的时间性阐释——海德格尔、马克思论“存在与时间
11.Presence is the link between time and existence and the common meaning.在场是存在与时间的纽带和共同的意义。
12.On the Comprehension of Innertime State--The Third Reading Notes on Existence and Time;关于“时间内状态”的领悟——《存在与时间》学习札记之三
13.Exploration on the "entirety of premise" analyzed by the theory of existence --the fifty reading notes on existence and time;试析生存论分析的“前提的整体”——《存在与时间》学习札记
14.Being-there and the Other in the Life-world--Heidegger s Being and Time as the axis;生活世界中的自我与他人——以海德格尔的《存在与时间》为轴心
15.The world exists in space and time.世界存在于空间与时间之中.
16.Time and Existence--Heidegger s Theory of Temporality on the later stage;时间与存在——后期海德格尔的时间性疏论
17.There is no“ right” time to have sex with someone.关于与某人做爱,并不存在“正确”时间。
18.Time,Imagination and Heidegger′s Approach to Being;时间、想象力与海德格尔的存在之路

Existence time存在时间
3)lifetime of solutions解的存在时间
1.This paper deal with the necessary conditions for the existence of global solution of the higher-order nonlinear ordinary differential inequalities and obtain an priori estimate of the lifetime of solutions for such inequlities.讨论了一类高阶的非线性常微分不等式,得到了该问题的全局解存在的必要条件以及解的存在时间的先验估计,推广了文献[1]的结果。
4)Maximal existence time最大存在时间
5)short time existence短时间存在性
6)long time existence长时间存在性
