哲学创新,philosophical innovation
1)philosophical innovation哲学创新
1.Ai Siqi s philosophical innovation has its origin in his timely and correctly grasping the epochal themes,his arduous theoretical exploration and his satisfying the people s needs both in content and in form.艾思奇实现哲学创新的缘由主要是:及时准确地抓住时代课题;进行艰苦的理论创造;在内容和形式两个方面满足人民的需要。

1.The Development of Marxism Philosophy and the Innovation of China s Present Philosophy;马克思主义哲学发展与当代中国哲学创新
2.Strengthening the Study of Management Philosophy--Concurrently Discussing Branch Philosophy Study:the Way to Philosophic Innovation;加强管理哲学研究——兼论部门哲学研究是哲学创新的必由之路
3.Problem Paradigm Research on the Innovation of Marxism Philosophy;马克思主义哲学创新的问题范式研究
4.The Concreteness of Times and the Creation of Marxist Philosophy;时代的具体性与马克思主义哲学创新
5.Three Problems of the Times For Innovating the Marxism Philosophy;马克思主义哲学创新的三个时代问题
6.On the Critical Thinking and Educational Innovation of Philosophy论哲学的批判性思维与哲学教育创新
7.Probe of Teaching Innovation in Marxist Philosophy From Philosophical Reflection;从哲学反思中探析马克思主义哲学教学创新
8.Scientific Innovation of Philosophic Vision -the concept interpretation of scientific innovation;哲学视域中的科学创新——科学创新的概念释义
9.Philosophy of Technology Should First Deal with the Philosophical Problem of Technological Innovations;技术哲学应首先关注技术创新的哲学问题
10.Philosophy of Medicine Is the Endless Power of Innovation of Clinical Medicine;医学哲学是临床医学创新的不竭动力
11.Integrated Innovation: the New Road Of China s Philosophy Development in the 21st Century;综合创新:21世纪中国哲学的新生之路
12.The Life of Philosophy is the Life of Innovation: on Gao Qing-hai’s Philosophical Thought and Theoretical Innovation;哲学的生命在于创新——论高清海教授的哲学思想及其理论创新
13.philosophers fabricating new theories of the universe创造新宇宙学说的哲学家们
14.Scepticism and Cultivation of College Students Innovative Thinking;怀疑论哲学与大学生创新思维的培养
15.The Process Philosophy of Modern Academic Methodology and Quality of Practical Innovation;现代学术的过程哲学与实践创新品格
16.On Innovative Education in Teaching Marxist Philosophy;论马克思主义哲学教学中的创新教育
17.A Tentative Discussion on Cultivation of Students Creativity through Philosophy;浅谈哲学课对大学生创新精神的培养
18.The Essence Feature and the Basic Law of the Philosophy Society Science Innovation;哲学社会科学创新的本质及规律探讨

innovation philosophy创新哲学
3)Philosophy and Creation哲学与创新
4)Innovation and Philosophy创新与哲学
5)philosophy of technological innovation技术创新哲学
1.Some reflections are made on the dynamics of the philosophy of technological innovation as well as some general questions concerning the above studies.对技术创新哲学研究的动力及其所关注的带有普遍性的问题作了初步反思。
2.He should mainly make a philosophical study of technological innovation and make great effort to found philosophy of technological innovation.自然辩证法学者要特别着力进行技术创新的哲学研究 ,为发展一门技术创新哲学而努力。
6)On Philosophical Creativity哲学创新漫议

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀