普遍有效性,universal validity
1)universal validity普遍有效性
1.Western epistemology insists that the essence of truth is universal validity, thus regards the pursuit of u-niversal validity of knowledge as the basic task, which leads to the reject and rebellion of the follower of postmodernism epistemology.由于坚持真理的本质的特征是普遍有效性,现代西方认识论把对真理的“普遍有效性”的追求看成了认识的根本任务,从而引发了后现代主义对其全面的拒斥和反叛。
2.According to Kant s exposition of human “common sense (sensus communis)”,human beings share a “consensus” in judgment and cognition, judgment and cognition are of “universal communicability” and human common sense is of “universal validity”.根据康德人类“共通感”的原理 ,人类在判断、认识上具有“一致性” ,判断、认识具有“普遍可传达性” ,人类共通感具有“普遍有效性”。

1.The Pursuit and Refusal of Universal Validity--Comparative Study in Modern Western Epistemology and Modern Postmodernism Epistemology;普遍有效性的追求和拒斥——现代西方认识论和后现代主义认识论比较研究
2.sentence of a universal character具有普遍特性的语句
3.The theory that ethical principles are known to be valid and universal through intuition.直觉主义通过直觉知道道德原则有效性和普遍性的理论
4.This method is also can be used to build the simulation system of multi-evaporator.该方法对于建立多效蒸发器液位的仿真系统具有普遍适用性。
5.The government's handling of the case was widely portrayed as a crucial test of the new law's effectiveness.政府对该案的处理被普遍描绘成对新法有效性的重要检验。
6.This method has the characteristics of generality, less calculation, high velocity, high efficiency and etc.该方法具有普遍性、计算量小,速度快,执行效率高等特点。
7.The Validity of Language and Communicative Action──A Analysis of Habermas Universal Pragmatics;语言的有效性与交往行动──对哈贝马斯普遍语用学的解读
8.There were small telltale signs which suggested that the commune was not just average.有些迹象说明该公社并不具有普遍性。
9.Deteriorating terms of trade has universality and relativity;贸易条件恶化具有普遍性和相对性 ;
10.Some stereotypes about women and men are fairly universal.有些关于两性的刻板印象相当地普遍。
11.When a problem crops up, you should be able to see what is universal in a particular case.如果有问题,就要从个别中看出普遍性。
12.One might question the universality of this method.有人会怀疑这个方法的普遍性。
13.Any principle derived from the categories are universally valid.从各种范畴推出的任何原则都是普遍有效的。
14.The contents of soil microelements-available boron, zinc and molybdenum generally increased in upland and paddy fields.土壤微量元素中,有效态硼、锌、钼普遍增加。
15.China is willing, together with all other parties concerned, to continue to explore measures along this line on the basis of the universal participation of all countries and within a multilateral framework.中国愿与各方一道,继续探讨在各国普遍参与及多边框架内加强公约有效性的措施。
16.Only two classes of books are of universal appeal: the very best and the very worst.只有两类书具有普遍性的魅力:最好的与最坏的。
17.universality and particularity of contradiction矛盾的普遍性和特殊性
18.objectivity and universality of connections联系的客观性和普遍性

universal effect普遍有效
1.Dilthey in the "history" part concluded that prevailing education systems of universal effect were impossible through anatomizing western education history, especially the developing locus and important questions of German education history.其中,狄尔泰在历史部分通过对漫长西方教育史,尤其是德国教育史的发展轨迹与重大问题的解剖,得出了当时流行的普遍有效教育体系不可能的结论。
3)universal and effective knowledge普遍有效的知识
4)universally valid formula普遍有效公式
5)leisure for all普遍有闲
6)the valid formulas of logic inference逻辑推理的普遍有效式
1.Meanwhile, logical truth is consistent with the valid formulas of logic inference.我们认为,逻辑真理不应看作是真理,而只是一类逻辑有效式,它们与逻辑推理的普遍有效式是一致的。

普遍有效性普遍有效性general TaMty 普遍有效性[罗蹬”,词汤灯;06川。3oa吸.MoeT‘] 逻辑公式(ki颐份1 formula)的一种性质,对一个公式所含的非逻辑符号,即谓词变元和命题变元,作任意一种解释时,这个公式的取值都为真.具有这一性质的公式称为普澳亨琴的(罗ne阎词记),俘寡的(汕助石司ytrUe)或事亨水(tautologi留).每个普遍有效的公式都代表一条逻辑定律(logiCal hw).“A是普遍有效的”常写作“卜A”.逻辑公式中最重要的形式要数命题公式和谓词公式.对经典逻辑运算(1091司。伴mdon)而言,命题公式的覃穆亨巷件(罗优司诫-dity)可以用构造真假值表(tnjtll table)的方法来验证:一个公式普遍有效当且仅当对命题变元所取的任何真假值,这个公式的取值总是T(“真”).谓词公式的普穆亨攀件(g泊emlVa犯ity)是指这个公式在任何一个模型(逻辑中的)(m团el(in 10户c))中都真.所有普遍有效的谓词公式组成的集合是不可判定的,这就是说,不存在一种算法可以用来判断任意一个谓词公式是否普遍有效.G间日完全性定理(C往无Ico几LP-贻忱n已粥t坛”~)说明,在经典谓词演算中,所有普遍有效的谓词公式都是可推演的,而且只有这些公式是可推演的.,盏认井、了也币匕”J。‘..一沉反苏茸