永恒轮回,eternal recurrence
1)eternal recurrence永恒轮回
1.We can catch this idea from Nietzsche s aesthetics, perspectives as epistemology and methodology, ontology of eternal recurrence.对超越思想及其特征的理解主要是在尼采美学思想、透视主义的认识论和方法论、永恒轮回的本体世界思想中进行解读的。

1.Nietzsche's Eternal Recurrence of the Same相同者的永恒轮回——尼采轮回思想初论
2.In the view of Nietzsche, the world is a kingdom of forces and wills to power; in chaos state, the world is generating and transmigrating.尼采眼中的世界是权力意志和力的王国,它是混沌、成和永恒轮回的。
3.The second part of research of this text is metaphors that the knowledge isregarded as the body -eternal samsara, namely Nietzsche's knowledge view.本文第二部分研究的是知识作为身体的隐喻——永恒轮回,即尼采的知识观。
4.The Permanence of Love and Life--On Kawabata Yasunari s Metempsychosis Concept;爱与生的永恒——谈川端康成的“轮回转生”观
5.their time-wrinkled faces smiling at the memory of the years, caught and held forever in the scrapbooks.他们在回忆中笑着,脸上的皱纹是岁月的年轮,而他们在照片的瞬间里捕捉永恒。
7.It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.它变小了,小如一首歌,小如一回永恒的接吻。
8.Eternal Theme of the Capital Market: A Review and Outlook on Merger and Acquisition Reorganization资本市场的永恒主题:并购重组的回顾与展望
9.If the universe is eternal into the future, its contents thinning to a meager gruel, it is also eternal into the past.假如宇宙向未来永恒延伸,它的内容物就会日渐稀薄;往前永恒回溯的情况亦然。
10."The language of eternal silence."“是永恒的沉默。”
11."The language of eternal question."“是永恒的疑问。”
12.the diamond -- everlasting value钻石——价值永恒。
13.The work of art, commissioned by the city and local Rotarians, will be a permanent memento of the2003 RI Convention.这项由该市及当地扶轮社员委托制成的艺术品,将是2003年国际扶轮年会永恒的纪念品。
14.That is why Nietzsche called the idea of eternal return the heaviest of burdens (das schwerste Gewicht).这就是为什么尼采说永恒回归是最沉重的负担吧。
15.The precious particles on Stardust do not have all the answers to these eternal questions.星尘号上的珍宝并不能回答所有这些永恒的问题。
16.The Eternal Return of Myth:the Mythological Philosophy in Joseph Campbell s The Power of Myth;神话的永恒回归——从《神话的力量》看坎贝尔的神话哲学
17.The People: A Perpetual Theme of Literature and Art;人民是文艺永恒的主题─—建国以来党的文艺思想回顾
18.Eternal conflict and everlasting love--the appreciation of Finding Nemo;永恒的冲突,永恒的爱——《海底总动员》赏析

eternal return永恒轮回
1.It is concluded that as the speaker of Dionysus,Zarathustra sings the force of life in Dithyrambus,both denying the claims of all kinds of amoralists and affirming the brave actions of super-nihilists as "thinkers of the thought of eternal return".本文指出,作为狄奥尼索斯的"代言人",查拉图斯特拉以"酒神颂歌"的声音歌唱生命,既承担着"非道德论者"的否定,又以"永恒轮回思想的思想者"担当超越虚无主义的最高肯定。
3)enternal recurrent of the identity同一性永恒轮回
1.By contacting to the writing backgroud of Thus Spoke Zarathustra ,analyse the key of Niacin philophy,"Power mind""enternal recurrent of the identity",try to serch for the relation between "Zarathustra"and"Superman"and reaches the conclusion that "Zarathustra" is not a "superman ",and superman can be the conclusion of many images.通过联系《查拉图斯特拉如是说》的写作背景,解读该书的文本,分析尼采哲学的核心范畴"权力意志"和"同一性永恒轮回",试图寻找"查拉图斯特拉"与"超人"的关系,最后得出"查拉图斯特拉"不是"超人",超人可以是多种形象的结论。
4)The Melody of Eternal Re-echoing永恒回响的旋律
5)The Echoing of Eternal Melody永恒旋律的回响
1.He not only sees the universality of difficulty in the life,but also dares to walk forward in the misery,and melts himself into the changes of the whole eternal life.史铁生在《我与地坛》中不断地探寻生命的价值和意义,不仅看到生命中难以承受苦难的普遍性,也敢于在苦难中不吝前行,更把自己融入到生命整体的永恒流变中。
2.The Cosmos Spirit, regarded as a kind of eternal spirit, shown in the Poems of John Keats and Shelley (English Romantic Poets who passed away very young), especially in the poems Ode to a Nightingale, Bright Star (written by Keats) and Adonais (written by shelley).本文通过对济慈、雪莱这两位英年早逝的英国浪漫主义诗人的优美诗篇《夜莺颂》、《灿烂的星》、《阿多尼》的分析,探讨了他们认为精神永恒的“宇宙精神”生死观。
