施特劳斯,Leo Strauss
1)Leo Strauss施特劳斯
1.On Leo Strauss s Political Philosophy and His Doctrine of Esotericism;论施特劳斯的政治哲学及其隐微论

1.Study of Leo Strauss Thoughts in China;施特劳斯在中国:施特劳斯研究和论争综述
2.Harnoncourt is a passionate believer in Strauss.哈农考特是施特劳斯的狂热崇拜者。
3.Leo Strauss and Enlightenment Philosophy施特劳斯与启蒙哲学(上)——读施特劳斯早期文稿《柯亨与迈蒙尼德》
4.Why and How Did Leo Strauss Criticize Carl Schmitt?列奥·施特劳斯为什么以及怎样批评卡尔·施米特
5.Levi Strauss is one of these people.利瓦伊?施特劳斯也是其中的一个。
6.the lighthouse, which can be descried from a distance(Michael Strauss.很远就能看见那座灯塔(迈克 施特劳斯)。
7."Leedle Yawcob Strauss, and Other Poems"黑德勒·亚科布·施特劳斯及其他诗篇
8.A Study of Richard Strauss s Opera Der Rosenkavalier;理查·施特劳斯的歌剧《玫瑰骑士》研究
9.Leo Strauss - the Godfather of Neoconservatives;列奥·施特劳斯——美国新保守派之父
10.Appreciation and Analysis of R. Strauss s Vler Letzte Lieder;里·施特劳斯《最后四首歌曲》的赏析
11.Harmonic Study of Richard Strauss Art Songs;理查·施特劳斯艺术歌曲和声进行的艺术特征
12.On the Artistic Styles and Vocal Characteristics of "Four Last Songs" by Strauss;施特劳斯《最后四首歌》的创作特征及演唱处理
13.In 1867 Strauss wrote his famous Blue Danube waltz.施特劳斯在1867年写下他的著名的《蓝色多瑙河》。
14.The music of Strauss is as different from Bach's as chalk from cheese.施特劳斯的乐曲同巴赫的乐曲是截然不同的。
15.Leo Strauss and Historical Materialism列奥·施特劳斯:政治哲学与历史唯物主义
16.The Viennese ushered in the New Year with a concert of music by Strauss.维也纳人举行施特劳斯音乐会迎来了新年。
17.Structural linguistics gave rise to Levi-Strauss' s structural anthropology.结构语言学催生了施特劳斯的结构人类学。
18."Strauss in German followed Wagner and composed the symphonic poem "Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks". "德国的施特劳斯沿袭瓦格纳之风,谱写了交响诗

Johann Strauβ (1804~1849)施特劳斯,J.
3)Richard Strauss (1864~1949)施特劳斯,R.
4)Leo Strauss列奥·施特劳斯
1.Leo Strauss - the Godfather of Neoconservatives;列奥·施特劳斯——美国新保守派之父
2.Leo Strauss and Historical Materialism;列奥·施特劳斯:政治哲学与历史唯物主义
3.Natural Right Theory is the core of the Leo Strauss’s philosophy.自然权利理论是列奥·施特劳斯哲学思想的核心内容。
5)the Straussian School施特劳斯学派
1.As the father of structuralistic esthetics, Lévi_Strauss holds a unique status in the "linguistic turn" of the twentieth_century esthetics thanks to the "neorationalism"-a thinking way which combines rational and irrational factors created by him while conducting researches on structural anthropology.列维·施特劳斯在神话人类学分析中所建构的“拟语言结构”思想 ,界乎弗洛伊德和拉康的语言理论之间 ,又对二者有所补益。
